von BK-Herr Kemper | 05.02.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Lands of Arran: Kickstarter läuft

Ein Kickstarter für 54mm Fantasy Elfen und Zwerge.

Lands Of Arran KS1

Discover the 54mm exclusive miniature range from the universe of the Lands of Arran.

This project features exclusive and collectible miniatures based on outstanding illustrations from the Elves and Dwarves universe. This universe is taken directly from the eponymous comic books published at Éditions Soleil and taking place in the Lands of Arran.

The campaign will last 8 days.The miniatures will be only available during this campaign. And so, by „Exclusive“ and „Limited“ we mean we will cast the miniatures for Kickstarter backers only. Those KS exclusive miniatures will never be sold in stores after the campaign. 

Die Miniaturen:

Lands Of Arran KS3 Lands Of Arran KS4

Elves have become tied down to the Human race and their bastard offsprings, fruit of their forbidden unions, survive in the world of Human. Some gather into tribes. Many live from their art or from special abilities (gift of magic, of night vision, of clairvoyance, etc.) from the combination of human and elf genes. Some even have blood relation with other breeds…

Lands Of Arran KS5 Lands Of Arran KS6

Oösram was the greatest general of the Seven-Dragons Fortress. But he betrayed his oath. Since then, he is nothing anymore. His beard was cut off, his properties confiscated, his glory forgotten. He and his family became Wanderers, working the land for a pittance. Oösram accepts his destiny. Until the day he lost his daughter when a Venerable of the Order of the Forge refuses to look after the child of a pariah. The former General goes back to battle. Those he once defended have now become his enemies…

Lands Of Arran KS7 Lands Of Arran KS8Lands Of Arran KS9


Lands Of Arran KS10 Lands Of Arran KS11 Lands Of Arran KS12 Lands Of Arran KS13


Lands Of Arran KS14

Lands Of Arran KS15

Immortal spirits that populate the world of Arran. Arran is both God and Earth. The Elves are the second children of Arran. They came to the world soon after Dragons and before Men. White Elves are at the origin of all the other elven races that emerged during the Great Schism. 

Lands Of Arran KS16

While Elves are organized by race, Dwarves are organized by Orders; hierarchical and hereditary social groups within the same people. In ancient times, the Dwarves formed a powerful people united around one king. Their civilization then dominated the East lands with a complete supremacy. Until happened the Great Schism that led to the bursting of a millennial kingdom into a multitude of fortress-states entrenched in the heart of the highest inaccessible mountains of the world. Knowledge and power, up to then concentrated in the hands of a few powerful dwarves, were divided between four dominant Orders: the Forge, the Retaliation, the Temple and the Shield. Then, a fifth Order was created, including the pariahs and the underprivileged: the Order of the Wanderers. Thus, the dwarf society, despite its bursting and the loss of a powerful central power, persisted through the centuries and preserved its values and unity through the coexistence of the five orders. Although the Dwarves are not as numerous as they once were, they are still the most formidable warriors of the known world, unparalleled craftsmen and engineers of genius.

Lands Of Arran KS17


Die Kampagne hat mit 7.816 EUR ihr Ziel von 7.000 EUR erreicht und wird am 08.02.2018 enden.

Link: Lands of Arran Kickstarter

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Da bin sehr gerne dabei, da für mich hier viele gute Argumente zusammenkommen:
    -Mikh als Sculptor ist dabei
    -GRX Création als Gießer
    -und ich mag die Artworks der Comics sehr gerne und sie scheinen das auch gut in 3d wiedergeben zu können
    -Der Eisbär der in Update No3 gezeigt wird sieht mal richtig gut aus.

    Warum sie sich mit so einer kurzen Kampagnenlaufzeit sich das Leben etwas schwer machen verstehe ich zwar nicht, aber finanziert ist ja die Kampgane immerhin.
    Etwas befremdlich ist, das sie noch planen in der restlichen Zeit weitere Figuren freizuschalten, diese aber nicht anhand einer fixen Summe, sondern eher so nach eigenem Ermessen wie bereits bei der meditierenden Magiern geschehen. Der Eisbär-Reiter wird wohl auch noch irgendwann kommen

  • Im neuesten Update ist jetzt auch der Eisbär dazugekommen.
    Und der ist mal fast in einem eigenen Maßstab 😀

  • Finde die Artworks auch sehr schön. Mal sehen was noch kommt. Die kurze Dauer ist schon etwas komisch. Werden dann halt super limitiert die Figuren.

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