Konflikt ’47: Neuheiten
Neuheiten für Briten, Japaner und die US of A.
In a bid to utilise more Rift-technology in enhanced combat power, a relatively minor line of development inadvertently spawned the Meteor Rocket and subsequently its tank-mounted launcher. The discovery of a metal degrading enzyme that could rapidly degrade armour plate led Britain’s Rift-tech scientists to develop a ceramic-tipped rocket that could be launched from a multiple launcher against heavily armoured targets.
The rockets worked best when fired in a staggered wave, being able to strike the target with multiple rounds, as the enzymes quickly turned the armour brittle and fragile in preparation for the next incoming round. An armour-piercing core to the rounds would then penetrate the hull and disable the target’s crew.
The launcher system has been steadily improved; the gunner is able to use some or all of the payload dependant on the target, increasing the weapon’s effectiveness as a full reload of the launcher can take some considerable time. When the rocket payload is exhausted, the Churchill can fall back on its 75mm main armament and can continue to operate as a conventional heavy tank until able to reload its Rift-tech weaponry.
The Churchill Meteor in Konflikt ’47
With a large variety of weaponry and heavily armoured chassis, the Churchill meteor is certainly a threat to any army. As a result, the enemy will heavily target it, either through combined targeted fire or outflanking it. To keep this from happening ensure your Churchill is supported on the flanks with infantry or weapon teams and keep a solid firing line.
Churchill Meteor – 27,50 GBP
The Shibito Squads were relentless on the battlefields of 1947, immune to fear and programmed to fight until they collapse. US and Commonwealth troops found themselves under constant pressure in the remote battlefields of the Pacific Theatre. Without the need for food, water or even ammunition, the reanimated soldiers (note – not Zombies!) could range far behind enemy lines, sowing terror wherever they appear.
Carrying simple weapons, immune to pain and often bearing the faces of former comrades, the Shibito Squads are now spearheading the Imperial Japanese Army’s advances against the Allies across the Pacific Islands.
Japanese Shibito squad – 20,00 GBP
As the US Army fought the Germans in France, their reconnaissance forces had to rapidly refine their skills in the face of experienced German opposition. The demand for an agile walker led to the creation of the M3A2 Pondskater.
Designed with reconnaissance in mind, the Pondskater has a two-man crew, is amphibious with minor field modifications, has an extensive radio range and is both fast and agile.
Although capable of mounting an additional .50 cal machine gun or even replacing the machine guns with a recoilless rifle, the US Army has largely maintained the single .50 cal machine gun as adequate for the Pondskater’s recce role.
US M3A2 Pondskater scout walker – 25,00 GBP
Quelle: Warlord Games Warlord Games, Konflikt ’47, Pulp, Weird War II, USA, ´Großbritanien, Japan
Beim Meteor wuerde ich mir wuenschen,.d ass es den Turm auch separat gaebe. Ich hab 2 Churchill-Wannen, und brauche keine dritte, nur um ab und an mal Konflikt ’47 zu spielen…
Beim Meteor haben die aber mal so gar nicht nachgedacht, oder? Wie sollen Kommandant und Richtschütze denn jemals aus dem Tank raus kommen?
Stimmt jetzt wo du es sagst, dachte immer es ist ein Fantasy Setting, da frage ich mich immer noch wie die anderen die Zombies kontrollieren. Hmm total unrealistisch, Facepalm
Dafür fährste das Raketengeschütz hydraulisch nach hinten… hinter den Turm. Die Klappe öffnet sich dann ganz von alleine 😏
Wie beim sherman calliope auch kriechend.
Beim Calliope kamst du wenigstens noch irgendwie raus, dafür musstest du noch nicht mal wirklich kriechen, aber bei dem Ding ist das schier unmöglich, da du noch nicht mal die Turmluken aufkriegst.
Naja, der Arm sieht aus als könnte man Ihn ausfahren und dann einfach nach hinten wegklappen…