von BK-Christian | 15.12.2018 | eingestellt unter: Kings of War

Kings of War: Vanguard Neuheiten

Mantic Games haben diverse Neuheiten für KoW: Vanguard online gestellt.


MG Kings Of War Giant 1

Kings of War Giant –  €34.99

A giant is a huge humanoid, a veritable mountain of bone, sinew, and flesh with a massive appetite. The brain of a giant is way too small to properly control the creature’s huge body. However, when goaded in the right direction, these dumb brutes are a terrible threat to any foe.


This immense PVC plastic model measures almost 19cm tall and includes a range options for customising your giant – perfect if you want to field two or more! You can take this as a unit in either an Orc, Goblin, or Ogre army in your games of Kings of War. Plus additional armies will be boosted with the option of a Giant in the upcoming Clash of Kings supplement.

This set contains:

  • 1 PVC Plastic Giant
  • 2 Heads
  • 2 sets of arms
  • Optional fur
  • 75mm Square Base


MG Dwarf Support Pack Shieldbreaker

Dwarf Support Pack: Shieldbreaker €12.49

Shieldbreakers are aggressive fighters, with little to no thought of self-defence. Often encountered on the front lines of an army, these belligerent warriors can also be found joining an advance party; to clash with the enemy all the faster.


This set contains reinforcements for your Dwarfs Faction for Kings of War Vanguard, including:

  • 1 Resin Shieldbreaker
  • 1 20mm Square Base
  • 1 Shieldbreaker Stat Card
  • Mantic Points

MG Dwarf Support Pack Steel Juggernaut

Dwarf Support Pack: Steel Juggernaut – €14.99

Knorri Ironheart’s personal battle armour, his Juggernaut, has divided opinion amongst the clan lords. Some have placed orders for their own personalised versions, or have their own engineers scrambling to copy the design. Others see it as an affront to warfare and the armour of a coward.


This set contains reinforcements for your Dwarfs Faction for Kings of War Vanguard, including:

  • 1 Resin Steel Juggernaut
  • 1 40mm Square Base
  • 1 Steel Juggernaut Stat Card
  • Mantic Points

Dwarf Support Pack: Mastiff Packmaster – €12.49

Younger dwarfs often mock packmasters for work they consider to be beneath a warrior. Such mockery lasts only until the packmaster sets his charges loose – a pack of purebred war dogs with sharp teeth and a taste for ankles.


This set contains reinforcements for your Dwarfs Faction for Kings of War Vanguard, including:

  • 1 Resin Mastiff Packmaster and Mastiff
  • Choice of arms holding whip or meat, plus mastiff
  • 1 25mm x 50mm Square Base
  • 1 Mastiff Packmaster Stat Card
  • Mantic Points

MG Dwarf Reinforcement Pack 1 MG Dwarf Reinforcement Pack 2 MG Dwarf Reinforcement Pack 3 MG Dwarf Reinforcement Pack 4 MG Dwarf Reinforcement Pack 5

Dwarf Reinforcement Pack – €14.99

Induction into a dwarf hold’s military is a long and difficult process, for their masters are nothing if not strict and stubborn. Civilian aspirants must each serve years as a Levy – under the stern watch of Ironclad warriors – fighting in small skirmishes until they are deemed ready for true war.


This set contains reinforcements for your Dwarfs Faction for Kings of War Vanguard, including:

  • 1 Metal Levy
  • Choice of Hammer or Spear
  • 2 Metal Ironclad
  • 3 20mm Square Bases
  • 2 Ironclad Stat Cards
  • 1 Levy Stat Card
  • 1 Battle Driller Stat Card
  • 2 Brock Rider Stat Cards
  • Mantic Points

MG Dwarf Support Pack Ironwatch

Dwarf Support Pack: Ironwatch – €12.49

Veteran marksmen, the Ironwatch spend years mastering their weapons. Having fought in wars for many decades, their experience and skill are invaluable tools to any warband, although the black powder rifles they sometimes bear are appreciated, too.


This set contains reinforcements for your Dwarfs Faction for Kings of War Vanguard, including:

  • 1 Resin Ironwatch
  • 1 20mm Square Base
  • 1 Ironwatch Stat Card
  • Mantic Points

MG Dwarf Warband Set 1 MG Dwarf Warband Set 2 MG Dwarf Warband Set 3 MG Dwarf Warband Set 4

Dwarf Warband Set – €39.99

Short in stature but as unyielding as the mountains themselves, the Dwarfs are a proud and noble people who attach a great deal of importance to heritage and custom. It is a naïve opponent indeed who does not acknowledge the Dwarf talents for war – when the Dwarfs go to war, they do so to win.


This set contains everything you need to start building your Dwarf Faction for Kings of War Vanguard, including:

  • 1 Resin Sergeant
  • 1 Resin Ranger
  • 1 Resin Ironguard
  • 5 Hard Plastic Ironclad
  • Optional Two-Handed Hammer
  • 2 Hard Plastic Ironwatch
  • Optional Rifles or Crossbows
  • 10 20mm Square Bases
  • Mantic Points

MG Firebrand Mercenary Booster

Firebrand Mercenary Booster – €12.49

Firebrand is a legendary corsair, renowned for breath-taking feats of bravery, swashbuckling action, and daring escapades. Her fantastically exciting life and phenomenal skills are what all other salamander corsairs aspire to.


This set contains a skilled Mercenary for your Faction for Kings of War Vanguard, including:

  • 1 Resin Firebrand
  • 1 25mm Square Base
  • 1 Firebrand Stat Card
  • Mantic Points

MG Kuzlo & Madfall Mercenary Booster

Kuzlo & Madfall Mercenary Booster – €14.99

On the battlefield the combination of Kuzlo’s unpredictable magic and Madfall’s even more unpredictable tendency to eat anyone that gets too close is a dangerous one… to foes and allies alike.


This set contains a skilled Mercenary for your Faction for Kings of War Vanguard, including:

  • 1 Resin Kuzlo, riding his giant lizard, Madfall
  • 1 50mm Square Base
  • 1 Kuzlo & Madfall Stat Card
  • Mantic Points

MG Northern Alliance Support Pack Ice Elemental

Northern Alliance Support Pack: Ice Elemental – €14.99

Ice Elementals are a rarity in Mantica, able to be summoned only in the frozen northern realms. Sustained by the magic of the Ice Kin, they can be led to war in any environment.


This set contains reinforcements for your Northern Alliance Faction for Kings of War Vanguard, including:

  • 1 Resin Ice Elemental
  • 1 40mm Square Base
  • 1 Ice Elemental Stat Card
  • Mantic Points

Quelle: Mantic Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Nicht schlecht, aber bei der Präsentation der Zwerge fällt Mantic in schlechte Gewohnheitn zurück. Und schade dass es (noch?) keine neuen Hartplastik-Zwerge gibt. Nebenbei, seit einigen Tagen sind auf Easy Army alle Profile der bisher erhältlichen vier Warbands hochgeladen worden, die Zwerge sollen sofort beim Release im Januar folgen.

  • Jupp das stört mich auch. Der Riese von Giraldez bemalt und dann der Rest… das passt einfach nicht. Dabei haben die Minis doch Potenzial, leiden aber unter der nicht-professionellen Bemalung.

  • Ich hoffe, Mantic nutzen ihre gewonnene Erfahrung, um ihre „Jugendsünden“ mal zu überarbeiten, dann könnte das eine wirklich schöne Range werden!
    Ihre neueren Modelle zeigen, dass sie auch Zwerge modellieren können 🙂

    • Bei den Men at Arms haben sie das ja gemacht, aber ich schätze, dass sie eher Plastik für ihre eigenständigen Sachen rausbringen werden, als noch einmal Elfen und Zwerge zu bringen, bei denen jeder eine ganz genaue VOrstellung davon hat, wie sie sein sollen und wo es am Ende doch 100 Konkurrenzanbieter gibt…

  • Boah sind die Zwerge asi. Gefällt mir wirklich so gar nicht. Vor allem, weil der Rise soo unfassbar geil ist.

    Jedem das seine.


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