von BK-Herr Kemper | 28.07.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Historisch

Kickstarter: The Pirates of Treasure Island

„Everything is better with Pirates“ – auch ein Kickstarter.

Pirates Of Treasure Island KS


Squire Olsen, Dr. Edwards, and the rest of the EOE gentlemen having asked me to help promote the whole particulars about this Treasure Island Kickstarter, from the beginning to the end, keeping nothing back but the bearings of the Casting Room, and that, only because there is still castings not yet purchased, I take up my pen in the hope of being paid by John in the year of grace 2018, and go back to the time when John first presented his plan for this Kickstarter and the stained old Salesman with the sabre cut first took up his lodging in the EOE Office. I remember him looking over his desk and whistling to himself, then breaking out in that old Casting Room Pirate Song:

“Fifteen men of a dead man’s chest, Yo ho ho and a Pirate Kickstarter, Drink and the devil had done for the rest, Yo ho ho and a Pirate Kickstarter”

Pirates Of Treasure Island KS2 Pirates Of Treasure Island KS3

The first 4 sets include all the named Characters from the book.


The 5th Set includes the Characters in the book that were not named. I have taken the liberty of calling them The Toughest Old Salts.

„We got together in a few days a company of the toughest old salts imaginable–not pretty to look at, but fellows, by their faces, of the most indomitable spirit.”

Pirates Of Treasure Island KS4 Pirates Of Treasure Island KS5


„…But what is the Black Spot Deal, John?“, I asked.

„It’s a Rare Deal, Mate. People keep their weather eye open for such deals, then buy them on their honor.

People who is smart as paint is likely to lose their dead lights if they don’t see how good this deal be. A collection of the finest Pirate’s Pewter. 30 Dirty Scoundrels, Monkeys, Artillery, Barrels & Treasure Chests and even Captain Flint himself“

Why are you talking like this John? „Yarrr, I dunno“ he replied

Pirates Of Treasure Island KS6 Pirates Of Treasure Island KS7

 All miniatures 28mm scale and are cast in fine Pewter. Miniatures are supplied unpainted and a few require a little assembly.

Pledge Level:

Powder Monkey – 5,00 USD

Long John Silver? The Captain or the Squire? Maybe Mr Arrow? Which character floats your boat? Choose your favorite.

Gunner – 10,00 USD

Choose any pack from The Toughest Old Salts TI022-TI026 or 2 characters from TISet1 – TISet4

Quartermaster – 25,00 USD

Your choice of one set from TISet1 – TISet4

First Mate – 50,00 USD

All five sets of The Toughest Old Salts.

Captain – 150,oo USD

The Black Spot

“But what is the black spot, captain?”

The entire collection of Pirates of Treasure Island.


Ziel: 5.000,00 USD

Stand: knapp 2.900,00 USD

Backer: mehr als 30

Ende: 18. August 2018 17:45 CEST

Link: Pirates of Treasure Island KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ich bin bei einem Kickstarter der 5.000 € braucht und mir Figuren für 150€ verkaufen will etwas skeptisch über die professionelle Umsetzung.

  • Das ganze wurde auch über den Newsletter von Black Tree Desgin beworben.
    Wenn da eine Zusammenarbeit besteht dann haben die ganz sicher die Erfahrung und Fähigkeit das auszuliefern.
    Und BTD ist in den letzten Jahren viel zuverlässiger gewesen als sie es mal waren.
    Persönlich gefallen mit die Figuren leider nicht genug für den doch recht stolzen Stückpreis und den wahrscheinlich hohen Versand.

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