Khurasan Miniatures: Neuheiten und Previews
Khurasan Miniatures präsentieren ihre Neuheiten und neue Previews auf Facebook.
We are very pleased to release the first wave of Mongols in 15mm, made as enemies of our huge Feudal European range, but the Mongols are ready first! The first wave has the mounted core of the Mongol army. There are light horse archers, heavier cavalry in leather armour, the guard cavalry (including a set shooting their bows), and high command (shown here).
Each set can be purchased with the short-legged Mongol ponies, or with somewhat larger steppe ponies which the Mongols acquired when they took over, well, virtually everything. The guards and command can also be purchased on armoured horses.
Available now:
Giant cyber tank. Latest iteration. I think he’s about done.
First look at a paintup of our 1670s range. This is the Duke of Monmouth, commander of the English forces sent by Charles II to assist Louis XIV in his war against the Amsterdam Dutch and the Rotterdam Dutch and all the other damn Dutch. 😄
Quelle: Khurasan Miniatures auf Facebook