von BK-Herr Kemper | 29.01.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Kensei: Kickstarter Ankündigung

Zenit Miniatures kündigt den Kickstarter für neue Kensei-Fraktionen an.

Zenit Kensei Wako KS1 Zenit Kensei Wako KS2 Zenit Kensei Wako KS3 Zenit Kensei Wako KS4 Zenit Kensei Wako KS5 Zenit Kensei Wako KS6 Zenit Kensei Wako KS7 Zenit Kensei Wako KS8 Zenit Kensei Wako KS9

Kensei Kickstarter: Namban vs. Wako – ab 16.02.2018

We need you!

It is official now. Our now kickstarter campaign will start on the 16th of February 2018.
It is not a secret that in this ks we seek your help to produce these two new factions: Namban and Wako.

Namban are the conquerors from the Old continent, foreigners to the people from Hymukai, that have just arrived to the island. They are inspired by the Spanish Tercios from the european 30 and 80 years war. Historically tercios and samurai fought in the battle of Cagayan. In kensei they will change forever the history of Hymukai.

Wako are a fierce army of Japanese pirates. They have been part of Hymukai since the begining, devastating the island coasts and other countries overseas. Surely these are the most adventurers warriors that populate Kensei. Now their power is rising and they want to expand their empire from the sea and the minor island to the main island of Hymukai.

Alongside the new range of miniatures, this kickstarter will help us to release a printed book with these factions rules as well as a continuation of the background existing in the current rulebook: kensei the awakening.

As usual, other many surprises will pop over during the campaign and the whole kensei and torii miniature range will be available with great deals. Stay tuned!

Hope you like these miniatures, we will show you more during next days.


Quelle: Kensei auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Puh das wird spannend.
    Piraten gemischt mit Samurai, was will man mehr :-O
    Auch wenn ich erstmal auf die Piraten aus bin – die „Spanier“ sind auch klasse!
    Der 16. Feb ist vorgemerkt.

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