von BK-Marcus | 20.01.2018 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Kensei: Januar-Neuheiten

Bei Kensei gibt es ein neues Regelbuch und einige neue Modelle!

ZM Zenit Miniatures Kensei Neues Regelbuch Kogen Yurei Geisha 1

Hello war masters!

The January releases are here and brings really cool new miniatures.

The new rule book is out!! It contains the core rulebook alike the free pdf that you can download from our website as well as the full background for this new starting point. What made us reach this point, how Kuroi-te (undead) leaved the Jigoku and what is to come.. all that stuff is here.

And who is the Kuroi-te commander? Kogen, which his only name produce fear. And he does not come alone, the awesome Yurei No-Dachi unit has been released. Powerful spectres capable of defeat any living warrior.

But not only undead are populating the reign of the living. An elegant and deadly Geisha will help you to success in the most undercover missions.

Hope you like it!


ZM Zenit Miniatures Kensei Neues Regelbuch Kogen Yurei Geisha 2


Contain one rules book of Kensei full color 180 pag – A5


ZM Zenit Miniatures Kensei Neues Regelbuch Kogen Yurei Geisha 3

KOGEN – 9,50 EUR

Contain one metal miniatures and one base


ZM Zenit Miniatures Kensei Neues Regelbuch Kogen Yurei Geisha 4 ZM Zenit Miniatures Kensei Neues Regelbuch Kogen Yurei Geisha 5


contains five metal miniatures and five bases


ZM Zenit Miniatures Kensei Neues Regelbuch Kogen Yurei Geisha 6


Contains one metal miniatures and one base


Link: Zenit Miniatures


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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