von BK-Marcel | 05.03.2018 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines, Science-Fiction

Ironwatch: Kurzgeschichten und die Zukunft

Das Team des Ironwatch haben eine Kurzgeschichtensammlung veröffentlicht, in der Kurzgeschichten aus knapp sechs Jahren Ironwatch magazine zusammengestellt wurden.

IW Shortstory

For over half a decade, Ironwatch has been one of the best sources for stunning battles and intriguing mysteries in the universe of Warpath. Now, for the first time, the collection of Ironwatch short stories is now available in collected form, and within you can find tales of treasonous traps and utter despair, stories of defiant stands and triumphant discoveries, and planet-shattering tales of strife and warfare among the stars.
Learn of Rylor Ings and his secret, follow Enforcers into the Deadzones, cheer for your favorite Dreadball MVP on the pitch, root for humanity standing against the Martians in the Mars Attacks universe, and many more.

Und hier die Links zur Sammlung:

Gleichzeitig gibt es zudem traurige Nachrichten, denn Ironwatch magazine wird diese Jahr eingestellt:

Hey everyone,
I wanted to give an update, as many of you probably noticed we’ve published our (awesome, IMHO) Ironwatch: Tales of the Stars short story collection, rather than Issue 63. Unfortunately, the reason’s not a great one.
While the reception for Ironwatch has consistently been enthusiastic and supportive, we’re simply not receiving enough content to continue posting the magazine at this point. I believe there are a variety of factors that lead into the reduced content stream, but the long and the short of it is that even publishing on an every-other-month cycle hasn’t helped to alleviate the issue. In addition, a variety of changes in my own life have made it difficult to continue putting the time into Ironwatch and the Mantic community that it needs to be a success.
In short, the next and final issue of Ironwatch Magazine I have planned will be Issue 63: The Finale, releasing on August 1st  to celebrate 6 full years of publication.
In the meantime, we’ll still be accepting content for the Finale, and if it means the final issue goes out with a bang as a coffee-table-suitable tome, all the better! We’re setting the publication out 6 months because, in the interim, we have 3 more Ironwatch Games we wanted to make sure get published: The Deluxe version of Quarantine (more on that in a sec), the Tetra Firma expansion for Kings of War by Christopher Binetti, and a newly-submitted Dungeon Saga expansion, Tomb Delvers Tales, by Glenn Allan.

IW Logo

A slight request: For Quarantine, we would like to include a section on how to make spaceships using remaining bits and ends of Mantic kits, as well as odds and ends commonly found at the house or dollar/pound store. Submissions of these, preferably painted if possible, would be hugely appreciated and really help accelerate the Deluxe edition publication timetable significantly.
Finally, thank you all for this opportunity. Ironwatch has been more successful than I could have imagined, and together we’ve seen the amazing changes and new worlds from Mantic and from the imaginations of readers and writers like you. Thank you again, and best of luck wherever your gaming future takes you.

Link: Ironwatch Magazine


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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