von BK-Herr Kemper | 04.06.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Immortal Kings Kickstarter

Immortal Kings KS

Die Kampagne:

Our campaign is geared towards producing two opposing factions for the initial launch of the game.  The Lords faction fight for mineral resources which sustain their immortality; the Omrath faction fight to protect lands deemed sacred in a religious war.  We have designed 5 boxed sets for each factions.  If you are seeking to play the game, and not just collect the miniatures, it is recommended to buy all 5 boxed sets for one of the factions.  The reward structure is setup so that backers can spend in $50 increments, since all boxed sets have been designed to retail for $50 each.  Below are the specifications for each boxed set, across the 2 starter factions:

Pledge Level:

Pledge level gibt es in 50,00 USD-Schritten von 50,00USD  (eine Box) bis 250,00USD  (5x Boxen = komplette Fraktion) und 500,00 USD (zwei Fraktionen).

Immortal Kings KS2 Immortal Kings KS3 Immortal Kings KS4 Immortal Kings KS5 Immortal Kings KS6 Immortal Kings KS7 Immortal Kings KS8 Immortal Kings KS9 Immortal Kings KS10 Immortal Kings KS11

Der Hintergrund:

To defeat death, you need only take the heart of a planet.

In the 2100’s, climate crises made nations cede illusions of right and law. Earth’s hyper-rich, granted the serfdom of expendable billions, defeated gene science  Humanity’s vampiric attachment to oil was inefficient: biomass became the masters‘ fuel. Lifespans lasted as long as bodies burned.

After millennia of mechanized cannibalism, Earth’s masters established life off-planet. Drilling again for buried lifeblood, the cosmic lords struck new energies. Titan’s core bestowed a renewable deathlessness to the hungriest force in the galaxy.

Yet unmapped hungers lurched among unseen stars. Earth’s intelligences and their killing machines met other masters. Familiar and alien desires fight now in endless conflict.

To conquer life, you need only take the cosmos.

Das Spiel:

Immortal Kings is a tabletop miniature skirmish wargame. Designed for two or more players, each person commands a set of highly-detailed miniatures representing a unique faction.

Immortal Kings is designed for hobbyists who enjoy collecting / painting miniatures and building realistic battlefield terrain, as well as for gamers seeking a high-quality, modular wargame. Each miniature comes with a character card detailing its statistics and abilities. The only other supplies needed to play are 6-sided dice and a tape measure.

A game of Immortal Kings can be played in 1 hour, on a 4′ x 4′ tabletop surface, by both novices and experienced players. More serious wargamers can use advanced rules, making Immortal Kings richly competitive.

The core rule set will be available for free, for the life of this game. We believe in community-driven rule development and will be taking feedback before, and long after, the launch of this game. Rules will be released when we open our online store to backers.

Rules are still under development and a portion of the funding will go towards their completion.  For this reason we are holding back from showing any game play videos or scenarios.  If you are familiar with other leading tabletop skirmish wargames, the core rule set will be easy to follow and use.

Die Miniaturen:

Our miniatures are at the core of Immortal Kings development. The initial launch of the game will include two factions: an army of mechanized war machines under the control of mankind, and ferocious monsters serving an ancient alien race fighting for a cosmic secret.

The Lords (Armies of Humanity)

Immortal Kings KS12 Immortal Kings KS13 Immortal Kings KS14 Immortal Kings KS15 Immortal Kings KS16

Hunger: the burning problem of life. Until the 21st century, Earth’s history recorded only the failure to solve it. How to transcend when the body needs so much blood?

Granted by a paroxysmal climate a permanent class of slaves, Earth’s rich became humanity’s final engineers. Bodies burned to fuel an indefinite empire. The rich moved their experiments off-world; other planets proved more powerful than serfdom’s engine. Death defeated and Earth spent, humanity’s visionaries now saw the entire cosmos as their bounty. The problem of hunger resurfaced—with new heat.

The Lords wield subjugation from afar, enjoying the endless leisures of deathlessness. Machines—some sentient, all enslaved—move planet to planet, eradicating superficial life to suck the nectar of energetic cores.  Bombs yielding nega-tons of subatomic rupture; rifles shredding biomass and constituent DNA; pistols producing the heat of suns: the Lords‘ soldiers are well-armed. When bored, though, an Immortal will enter combat. What is hunger without the hunt’s thrill?

Yet the cosmos breeds many appetites…

Omrath Empire

It is profane to abandon the flesh. Amid hidden nebulae, shaman-warriors wield empires. Bathed in strange starlight, these monsters cultivated vast devotions: trillions of beings serve them. This slave class props up a vicious and enigmatic warfare. Endless strife is proper only among Gods.

To their victims, they are the nightmare-bringers. To their slaves, they are the Fanged Ones, a warring pantheon. To the Lords, the Omrath are a powerful accident, using the crude excuse of sacrality to further build biomass.

Yet among each other, Omrath Priests churn around a shared secret, untranslatable to the dimensionally-imprisoned minds of Those Who Crave Machines. Yet every secret has a violent exegesis: the Omrath kill each other to serve private understandings of the many-faced mystery.

Priests, Vanquishers, Stalkers, Sentinels: the Omrath use those who love them. Embracing the thresher of natural evolution, the Omrath fight beside beasts who shred, poison, and consume. They needn’t speak or use machines to control the enraptured: given cosmic millennia and a holy respect, flesh found telekinesis. Omrath Priests seek the heart of all, fighting and dying for planets given an unknowable significance in an undying scripture.

They will not stop until the cosmos hums their praise.

Immortal Kings KS17 Immortal Kings KS18 Immortal Kings KS19 Immortal Kings KS20 Immortal Kings KS21


Zur Abwechslung mal kein Brettspiel mit Miniaturen – sondern ein echtes Tabletop. Allerdings scheint die Größe der Figuren eher ungewöhnlich gewählt zu sein – Figuren die zumindest menschenähnlich anmuten sind bei 62mm! Das erklärt den Preis von 50,00 USD/Box.

Aus welchem Material die Figuren sind, ist – zumindest mir – etwas unklar: die Rede ist von hochwertigen, recycelten Materialien…

Stretch-Goals werden bekannt gegeben, sobald die Finanzierung entsprechend ist – falls es dazu kommt.


Ziel: 15.000 USD

Stand: knapp 1.800 USD

Ende: 28. Juni 2018 21:25 CEST

Link: Immortal Kings KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Eigentlich ganz schick, den Maßstab finde ich allerdings komplett sinnfrei … ich denke, das wird sie viele potenzielle Backer kosten.

  • Wow, das Design ist sehr, sehr gelungen!

    Der Maßstab ist meh, aber man kann da evtl was rausholen, indem man sie als Mechs spielt. Problem ist das Preisschild…

    • Ja 50 USD pro Box ist nicht ohne.

      Auch wenn die Figuren etwas größer sind fühlt sich das nicht nicht gerechtfertigt an.

      • Das Problem sind da vor allem die schwammigen Angaben zum Material (wird wohl PVC…) und außerdem ist die Pledge-Struktur einfach dämlich. Keine Armeedeals, keine Rabattbundles…

        Das ist einfach alles nicht durchdacht… Wenn die das aus Resin anbieten würden, wäre es vermutlich billiger und besser…

  • Die Designs sind ganz schick, der Maßstab weniger, Und viele Passagen im Text lesen sich als ob Google Translate das übersetzt hätte – wobei ich ehrlich gesagt nicht weiß ob das nicht schon besser Ergebnisse liefert mittlerweile. Allerdings sieht es so aus als wäre das der erste Miniaturen Kickstarter von denen und die Angaben zum Material sind eher schwammig.

    • Ein ganz gutes Anime. Gibt es auf Netflix. Mecha-Krieger gegen Ausserirdische Superwesen… nichts umwerfend Neues aber grafisch sehr gut gemacht und das Spass ist, dass sie auf einem riesigen Raumschiff leben.

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