von BK-Nils | 29.01.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Human Interface: Update und Previews

Es gibt ein Update zum Human Interface Kickstarter und zwei neue Previews auf Facebook zu sehen.

Sorting things out

Hello everybody! It’s time for another update.

Today some more of organizational stuff. There were quite a few questions about the BackerKit and different options.

What is the Blood on the floor’ supplement?
This is an addition to the core game, which contains new elements and enhances the play. It also allows to complete the bomber girls gang to its full 5 person state. Content below:

When the last ray of hope dies, loyal friends are worth their weight in gold. Help from the outside is in!

With a brief transmission, miraculously smuggled out via a black site commsys, a new team joins the fray, determined to provide support to the trapped heroes.

Karo and Andrea, Bomber Girls, and Hyena from the Borg Squad join forces to fight their way into the illegal prison and aid their friends in the uneven struggle.

  • 3 new hero miniatures with a complete character, weapon, and gear card
  • set 8 miniatures of superbly-armed corporate agents
  • 4 new tiles to expand the board
  • 4 dashboards to organize the game

To top it off, included is a set of extra scenarios.

Are the additional models and components necessary to play the game?

No, they are not. These are the enlargement for core game and give you more of a free hand in choosing heros for your play as well as access to specific abilities and equipment

Why not every model is available in PVC?

As you know the technology of making PVC models require high financial expenditures at the beginning. The quantity of models and their availability was optimised according to HI:BaBH production. We will see what the future brings.

What’s the Combat Buzz and how to play with it? 

Combat Buzz will be used mainly in the Skirmish mode as additional model and it’s fully playable on its own. It also perfectly suits the Pacification supplement where the RAID44 squad begins its missions on landing pad. Watch out for their sniper!

Post Industrial Games Human Interface Nakamura Tower Kickster Update January 2018

What are the resin elements of the terrain such as objectives and console markers? 

All those elements are only for giving the board more dimensions and attractiveness, and they are used instead of cardboard tokens, they don’t bring any additional advantage to the game’s mechanics.


We have to ask for your patience. We are waiting for confirmation and update of the deadlines from the co-producers.

HINT Revised Rulebook 

All HINT games available in the BackerKit will have revised rulebook. Please let us know in the basket comments field that you want one, and it will be included in your order.

That’s it for today

The HINT team

Post Industrial Games Human Interface Nakamura Tower Kickster Update January 2018 2

Hello everybody! It’s time for another update.

We’ll start with some organizational stuff. Here are some of your questions.

How long the backerKit will be open?
BackerKit will be available for around 2 months. During that period you can freely change your basket. We will let you know at least 2 weeks before the closure day. The closure of BackerKit will lead to freezing your baskets and debiting your credit cards. You can also pay via PayPal.

How I can use the Human Interface Nakamura Tower models?
As you know in BackerKit there are HINT models available. What does that mean? It means that if you want to have supercool cyberpunk models in your collection and use it in Skirmish mode you cannot miss this opportunity. In the future we will publish new scenarios for Human Interface world. But we have still a lot of other work to do so please be patient

What about different language versions of the game?
The language packs are additional elements of the game. The basic version will be in English and cards and rules will be in selected language versions as additional elements.

What else? Now we are working on Kamakiri, Ronin and Morgan the Black models. We hope that we will be able to show you some new stuff in the next update.

There were also questions about Combat Buzz – how big it is and how it looks from different angles. Below you can find some details. Its length will be around 18-19 cm.

That’s it for today
The HINT team

Post Industrial Games Human Interface Nakamura Tower Kickster Update January 2018 3

Hello everybody! It’s time for another update.

Today comes, the highly awaited, new model one of the last ones from the campaign. But no worries, we will have something new for you very soon.

The old world, world of traditional values had transformed. In fact, it had changed totally. But no matter how unstoppable the changes were there were still people who didn’t accept the new direction. They adopted the new measures but their values remained the same. Those values became their fortress. Those values became the sense of their existence. After the corporate wars the street Ronins’ ideology gained more and more popularity and the Ronins filled the streets of districts only rarely patrolled by the police forces. They might work for whoever pays but some of them choose their principals in more thoughtful way. Hayate Bakin is one of those who finds the information on who is paying and for what, very important.

Unfortunately in our last update there was a mistake. We wrote that you can leave us comments in your baskets. Unluckily it occurs that such option existed only in the trial version of BackerKit. So please let us know by email hint@postindustrialgames.com with Revised rulebook in the subject. BTW we’ve added the Revised Rulebook to the Full Upgrade option.

There are only two model to be finished Kamakiri i Father The Black so we will focus now on the rules and technical aspects of the game.

That’s it for today
The HINT team

Quelle: Human Interface – Nakamura Tower auf Facebook


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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      • 😀 Meiner ist das lustigerweise total egal. Aber du kennst das bestimmt auch, dass manches unangetastet monatelang in der Schublade liegt. Das nervt mich immer etwas…

    • Du musst das nur positiv verkaufen; Ich mach da jetzt fürs Brettspiel mit, und wenn die Tabletop und evtl. Rollenspiel regeln kommen bin ich schon mal ausgestattet und brauch nix mehr kaufen… oder so 😛

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