Human Interface Nakamura Tower – Updates
Das HINT-Team hält Backer und Interessierte durch ein neues Update auf dem Laufenden.
Human Interface Nakamura Tower – Be a better Human – Update 29.09.18
Hello everybody! It’s time for another update.
First of all please feel invited to the Essen spiel this year. We’ll be there together with other fans of board games. We are taking with us a prototype of Human Interface Be a Better Human, so you will be able to see the game in real life. And we will have also prototypes of plastic elements so you could check the quality. But above all you will have a chance to play and test the game. We hope you will like our stand. Feel invited!
The board components are ready for production and looking really good
. As well as the cards. We can’t wait for all the materials arriving at our warehouse. We just can’t wait to play the game in all it’s glory! Are you feeling the same way?
At the end a photo from the studio Giraldez.
That’s it for today
The HINT team
Human Interface Nakamura Tower – Be a better Human – Update 15.09.18
Hello everybody! It’s time for another update.
The first news we would like to share is that the preparations for mass production just started, and the plastic elements landed in technical department of our producer for tooling. So we can finally say that the time consuming and strenuous stage of pre-production is over! According to the schedule we should be able to show you some plastic samples at Essen in October. As well as the rest of components, that is the pre-production prototype. For you to take a look, fell the minis and to play! Take a look at one of our biggest model.
As we are finalizing another stages of the game production, we can proudly say that the product will be looking awesome as well as play. Take a look at some pictures to feel what we are talking about. And last but not least something that was long awaited – the eagle has landed! It’s looking Impressive! What do you think?
That’s it for today
The HINT team
Quelle: Human Interface auf Facebook
Da sind einige Modelle auf dem Weg zu mir. 🙂 Freue mich schon sehr!
Da sind alle Modelle auf dem Weg zu mir. 🙂 Freue mich sehr!
Mit die schönsten Cyberpunk Minis am Markt.
Kann es sein das vieles von dem, was für HINT in den letzten Monaten gezeigt wurde, noch gar nicht erhältlich ist ? Hab jetzt mal deren Shop angesurft, da waren aber nur Ältere Releases verfügbar.