von BK-Christian | 15.01.2018 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Highlander: The Board Game Kickstarter

Der neue Kickstarter von River Horse läuft!

With stories by famous novelist Graham McNeill, and games design by award-winning designer Alessio Cavatore and Jack Caesar, Highlander the Board game is a quick-playing game for up to 5 players in which you duel throughout the ages in order to be the last immortal standing and claim the prize.

You will choose an immortal from the timeless movie (and who knows, maybe even all new characters!). You will collect allies and live entire lives to give you the greatest chance at winning your duels – but you do not get to decide when exactly you will meet your foes on the battlefield – all you can do is prepare in the hope that you are the more powerful!

„Highlander” is a trademark of Studiocanal S.A.S. All Rights Reserved © 2017 Studiocanal S.A.S. ® All Rights Reserved.

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Join us on a journey as we take our game and expand it, adding card after card, miniature after miniature! At each stretch goal we will be adding new options into the game.

  • Unique cards which open up new possibilities. Each additional set of cards will increase the variance between your games as you cannot know for certain what lies within your deck.
  • Iconic immortals from the movie (as well as all new immortals?) to control. Each immortal has their own biography as well as a special power to aid them in claiming the prize. Will you fight the good fight or claim the prize for evil, and plunge the world into an age of darkness and despair?
  • New stretch goals. As stretch goals are unlocked, even more will be revealed, let’s make this game the best that it can be!

All stretch goals are in US DOLLARS.

Das sind die Stretch Goals:

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Und so spielt sich das Spiel:

Highlander is a game of elimination. It is short and furious, where the fate of your game relies on your wits as well as the whims of fate. Before the game you choose an immortal to play, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

An immortal has three important stats: Cunning, Power and Influence, each is represented by a die value, the lowest being a D4 and the highest being a D8.

Cunning represents an immortal’s ability to out think their opponents and gives you a better chance at going first in a turn or avoiding duels that are not favorable for you.

Influence represents the immortal’s social and economic capital and allows you to look at more cards whenever you are laying low or on the hunt.

Power. At some point you are going to need power to destroy your opponent, power wins duels and duels are how you defeat other immortals to become the one to claim the prize.

Finally each immortal has a unique special ability that gives them an edge over their opponents

Each turn immortals roll their cunning to see who goes first, if two immortals roll the same number a duel occurs! The immortals that are not dueling may then take actions, either delving into the era deck in search of upgrades or into the encounter deck to hunt their fellow immortals.

These actions will give you access to different cards which give them new abilities or upgrades (and downgrades!) to their three stats.

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Weapon and ally cards are slotted into your immortal card vertically and give you a special ability.

Life cards represent a life spent towards a single pursuit, be it justice, war or even indulgence. Life cards upgrade and downgrade your main stats and allow you to roll D10s or even D12s, giving you a better chance to defeat your enemies.

All things must come to an end however and when the era deck runs out the game enters the Gathering phase. Gone is the opportunity to hide from duels, gone is the orderly turn taking – each immortal must duel until only one remains.

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Each immortal in a duel must roll power, the immortal that rolls highest draws a fate card and activates it. Fate cards can be bonuses to the victor or penalties to the vanquished but hidden within the fate deck is the behead card which ends the game for your foe and brings you one step closer to victory. The behead card is always shuffled back into the fate deck so as the game goes on your chances of survival get lower and lower. If you are the last immortal standing, you claim the prize and win the game!

Die Kampagne läuft noch 18 Tage.

Quelle: Highlander: The Board Game


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Das ist aber schon sehr sehr speziell.

    Scheint aber ja zu laufen.

    Ich habe es nur überflogen. Aber haben die minis überhaupt einen spielerischen Sinn?

    • Vom Spielverlauf scheint es mir im Kern ein Kartenspiel, dass strenggenommen wohl kaum mehr Materialien benötigen würde als ein MtG-Starter, wenn die Designer das wollten (tun sie natürlich nicht).

  • Naja, es kostet aber auch nicht mehr als zwei MtG Starter.

    29 Pfund sind jetzt gar nicht sooo viel….damned, ichwollte es weglassen, aber für das Geld….

  • Wenn man zu fünft spielt, guckt der Erste, dem der Kopf vor die Füße gelegt wurde, den Rest des Abends zu.

    • Das hängt von der Spieldauer ab und da rechne ich nicht mit sonderlich viel. Bei Risiko mag das stimmen, aber bei King of Tokyo fliegt z.B. auch immer recht schnell einer raus, aber das Spiel dauert schlicht nicht lange genug, um daraus wirklich ein Problem entstehen zu lassen.

  • Da ich es zufällig gesehen hatte, kurz nachdem die Kampagne gestartet war, hab ich mir einen Early Bird gesichert, aber nachdem ich mir das Gameplay-Video angesehen habe, kann ich mir kaum vorstellen, meinen Beitrag für das Spiel nicht wieder zurückzuziehen, denn spielerisch sieht das echt erbärmlich aus. Und nur für die Minis von McLeod, Ramirez und Kurgan sind 29 Pfund viel Geld.

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