von BK-Nils | 27.10.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Heresy Miniatures: Heresy Dragon – Wave II

The Heresy Miniatures haben aktuell einen Kickstarter am laufen, um den großen Drachen nochmal in limitierter Auflage produzieren zu können.

The Heresy Miniatures The Heresy Miniatures Dragon Production Wave II 1


[Note To Backers: „This is a micro-kickstarter, specifically aimed at  producing the Dragon one more time for those people who missed it first time around and as such there are no specific stretch goals planned other than me closing the main shop to speed things up or hiring reliable third party contract casters if funding goes high enough to cover the increased costs, as I need to keep the main goal (make dragons) focussed and achievable. No glittery promises of as yet un-sculpted giants or slug-butt demon queens this time around! Although you can add anything you want from the main shop as an add-on if you like“ ~Andy]

The Heresy Dragon.

What a beast!

Long story short, this model caused a lot of problems during it’s original production run; with ALL of those problems solved there’s nothing stopping Heresy from making a short second run of models for those people who missed out on the first run, other than the amount of money, time and intensive labour it takes to make a full set of moulds for the beast, and to cast them. it’s a glorious kit and will totally steal the show in your display cabinet!

The Heresy Miniatures The Heresy Miniatures Dragon Production Wave II 2 The Heresy Miniatures The Heresy Miniatures Dragon Production Wave II 3

Dragon painted and given a wonderful scenic base by Sean Powers

All 330+ Dragons of the original production run were finally completed in August 2015. Swearing never to even think of bringing it back into proper production after such a gargantuan effort, Andy gladly drew a line under it and plunged into the Return Of the Monsters Kickstarter production (that campaign is all but completed, the final model, the Light Vs Dark diorama should be finished over the Christmas break, for those last 8 backers waiting for it) but since then, email after email has come in from people who somehow missed their chance to buy a Dragon for themselves. They ask him about it at shows or on the telephone. Without fail.

And so, the tempting whispers have won. The Dragon’s Master model castings are all safely stored, ready for moulding again, and here in 2018, Andy has decided that enough time has passed to distance himself from the emotional attachments surrounding his fight to bring the original production run to fruition, to allow himself to face the Great Enemy one more time. This thing is totally ready to go!

The Heresy Miniatures The Heresy Miniatures Dragon Production Wave II 4 The Heresy Miniatures The Heresy Miniatures Dragon Production Wave II 5 The Heresy Miniatures The Heresy Miniatures Dragon Production Wave II 6 The Heresy Miniatures The Heresy Miniatures Dragon Production Wave II 7

The Heresy Miniatures The Heresy Miniatures Dragon Production Wave II 8

Dragon painted by Daemonslave


This is an Expert Kit. Do not buy this kit if you are not expecting to have to put some work in to assemble this beast. Although the joins are incredibly good (weeks of work went into making them as good as possible at the time), you will still have to do some gluing and a bit of gap filling with the putty of your choice, as you would with any multi-part resin model kit. The Dragon is supplied unpainted and unassembled. There is no painted option available, sorry.

The kit is produced using a paintable mould release spray but we still advise that, prior to assembly, you wash the parts in warm soapy water to remove any residue of release spray, rinse and dry throughly and prime with a paint suitable for plastic surfaces.  Any minor mould lines can be gently scraped away with a knife or fine file, etc. It would be an ideal model to use airbrushes and oil washes on, in Andy’s opinion. If any parts have bent or distorted during the casting process (quality control is extremely high but oversights can happen) simply immerse them in hot water for 20-40 seconds or so and carefully bend into desired position.

The Dragon uses a phenomenal amount of silicone and resin in it’s casting process, over 21kgs of silicone and the final model is around 750 grams of resin. It is double cast to ensure the best bubble free castings, parts being both vacuum and pressure cast. It takes an entire day to produce one casting and clean all the moulds ready for the next one.

The finished model is around 30cm from base of rock to extended wingtip, and approx 44cm wide and 34cm long, in the pose as pictured. It (carefully) fits into an Ikea display cabinet, although you might have to take a shelf out to allow for the height.

After this production wave is done, there will be a significant gap before the next one, if at all. So don’t miss out this time around!

If this project funds, the first ten dragons should be ready by the end of January 2019.


There will be no pledge manager for this campaign. It adds so much complication to things for a one-man business and Andy wants things to go smoothly and simply this time around. You will be able to add models to your pledge later via the regular Heresy Miniatures shop once your Dragon is ready, or, if you really do want to pay for them now via Kickstarter, you can add any model from the main shop to your pledge by increasing your pledge enough to cover the cost of the models you are adding. MAKE A NOTE OF WHAT YOU WANT. A lot of people immediately forget what they pledged for after a campaign finishes. Surveys will be sent out almost immediately after the campaign so that you can tell us if you want any extras.

If you want to make a separate order right away to be sent out with your Dragon, you can do so by visiting the shop, adding whichever models you like to your basket, and then choosing the shipping option ADD TO DRAGON KICKSTARTER. This will not charge you for shipping, but you will be asked to pay correct shipping once your Dragon is ready to be sent. (Do you see why this suddenly makes things get more complicated for a one-man business now?). If you want to add any items from the normal shop to your pledge, simply click ‚edit pledge‘ in the side menu, and add the total amount of add-ons to your existing pledge. Make a note of what you want, I repeat, for convenience. Kickstarter will charge your card during the payment process, which will be during the 14 day period after the campaign ends. You may receive a gentle reminder message from Andy if your card does not get charged sucessfully, as these things happen and often people don’t realise they haven’t paid for something. We all assume things will go smoothly, but banks are fickle creatures and, for example, can block payments for ’security reasons‘, especially if your card is used online at some site you haven’t used before, for example.

You will be emailed/messaged once your dragon is ready, so please keep your contact details up to date on Kickstarter.

The Heresy Miniatures The Heresy Miniatures Dragon Production Wave II 9

Add a Winged Netherlord II to your pledge for £140

The Heresy Miniatures The Heresy Miniatures Dragon Production Wave II 10

Or perhaps you would like the sensuous, sexy Madame? Add £99 to your pledge, or go to the main shop by clicking this link, make an order for her and anything else you want, and choose Add to Dragon Kickstarter Pledge as the shipping

The Heresy Miniatures The Heresy Miniatures Dragon Production Wave II 11

Andy really does love making ridiculously big models. Here’s Mucklegeet the Giant from the last kickstarter, add him to your pledge for £110.00

I will add some more Add-On examples during the campaign  just to keep things vaguely amusing for you all.


If you change your mind and want a refund, you must do so within 13 days of the end of the campaign, as Kickstarter deducts fees from your payment and does not return them to Heresy if you request a refund from the campaign after 13 days. Refunds will not be given lightly, as every pound of this money is needed to produce the Dragons, so if you’re the kind of person who buys things on a whim and then demands their money back two days later, DO NOT BUY THIS MODEL. It is not for you. This is for serious, patient, collectors only, who expect to wait months to get their Dragon, and are happy to do so. There will not be years of waiting like the first time around, but even so, be prepared to wait, because Expecting the Unexpected is an absolute requirement of the resin casting process. See the pledges for approximated dates for delivery (these have been exaggerated to allow for unforeseen delays) If you have a legitimate reason for requesting a refund after the 13 days period, and within 30 days of the campaign ending, any refund that can be made to you will be made, less the amount deducted by Kickstarter for their fees and payment processing.


Shipping will be worldwide, you will be contacted individually for the additional payment once your Dragon is ready to ship. As each dragon weighs around 1.4kgs packed, expect to pay around £22 for shipping to the USA (or Australia) via Royal Mail Tracked and Signed, or a courier can be arranged if preferred, although those services tend to be a little more expensive (faster too) and will incur a minimal fee at your end from the courier in your country. Royal Mail usually puts its prices up in April each year by a small amount. You will be responsible for paying any import duties and taxes.

Brexit may mean that import duties apply to the European Union countries that the UK is currently a member of, unless some miracle occurs and we manage to stay in the EU Customs Union. I will try to get as many dragons out before March as I can, just in case! Currently typical costs are around £16.00gbp for European shipping

UK parcels will be sent via Recorded Delivery or Special Delivery as each backer prefers, fortunately the costs are much lower for that here in the UK!


Recently there has been a sharp upturn in the number of recasters producing models from various one-man independent miniatures companies such as Heresy and our friends. By buying recasts, you are probably supporting much more nefarious industries and practices in the countries producing the pirated miniatures. We reserve the right to cancel the pledge of any backer who is a known recaster or associate of such or who lives in a country renowned for producing counterfeit miniatures. It’s simply not on. We also reserve the right to refuse service for any other reason.

Risks and challenges

Every possible problem that could happen, happened the first time around (there’s a whole depressing blog about it on Andy’s blog) and can now be dealt with through Andy’s hard won experience. You don’t cast 330+ of these beasts without learning everything there is to know about it.

The main thing that would affect this production run would be weather conditions – if it gets really cold in the workshop, it prevents the silicone moulds curing, and especially the resin wings from curing as quickly as desired, but the production schedule hopefully allows for this. The first set of production moulds would be completed just before the Christmas break, allowing production to begin in January after the holidays.

The Dragon will be being produced alongside other Heresy models, which also slows things down, but this is also allowed for in the production schedule. The time scale given is exaggerated because I always expect the unexpected these days, when it comes to resin casting.

If the campaign proves wildly successful, Andy will shut the main shop if necessary to concentrate on only producing Dragons until things have been calmed down, or will engage the services of one or more trusted casting companies to help produce the extra dragons if it looks like there will be too much work for him to handle alone.

Other than that, injury etc would be the main threats, as with any one-man business, but you can’t really plan for that.

Learn about accountability on Kickstarter

Questions about this project? Check out the FAQ

Die Kampagne hat ihr Ziel von 2.500,00 GBP erreicht, steht aktuell bei rund 6.361,00 GBP und hat noch eine Restlaufzeit von fünf Tagen.

Wer den Drachen sein Eigen nennen möchte, sollte 365,00 GBP und eine geplante Auslieferung frühestens im Mai 2019 einplanen.

Quelle: The Heresy Miniatures Dragon – Production Wave II Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ich bin soooo froh, dass ich den Drachen damals um 125 Pfund gekauft habe!

    Wirklich einer der schönsten großen Drachen die ich kenne.

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