von BK-Herr Kemper | 09.08.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Heresy Lab: Heresy Train

Heresy startet einen schnellen Kickstarter für ihren Zug.

The Heresy Train is a great success and we can’t keep up with the requests. And since several people asked either for the STL files, or for smaller scales we decided to launch a quick two week Kickstarter for it.
We added one wagon, and the roof can be used to mount various weapons, also 2 set of tracks were made, one straight and a curved one. This should be a quick and easy KS. More models may come based on funding.

Heresy Train KS

Das Projekt:

HeresyLab  was born in March 2018, and since then we have completed several projects and very close to deliver our first Kickstarter for the Heresy Girl campaign.

The train was a small mid project, and I can say it was quite successful, as we already have a waiting list for the resin version of it. Up to date 5 models were cast and sent. But several people asked for the STL files in order to print their own train, so here we are with this 2 week quick KS.

At the end of the KS as soon as we get the Stripe payment we will send all the backers the files to print their own train, and more based on funding.

These are 3D renders of the model and how is composed.

Heresy Train KS02 Heresy Train KS3 Heresy Train KS04


The files you will receive are to print the train with an overall length of 23cm once assembled. So each part should most 3D printers on the market with a plate of 20x20cm.

But it can be scaled at your own leisure using te printer software to make it any scale you want it.

We have already printed and started casting the model, due to high demand and being manufactured in house we have a waiting list that you can join to buy one when available.

The Resin Train will be 100€ + shipping.

Heresy Train KS05 Heresy Train KS6 Heresy Train KS07

 To get on the waiting list (currently 10 people already on it) pledge the 5€ perk, as soon as the trains are ready will contact you for the final payment and shipping agreement.

Pledge Level:

Resin Train Pre-Order – 5,00 EUR

Use this perk to be added to the waiting list for the resin cast train. Currently we have 10 on the waiting list. You will be placed on the list based on your backer number. Once the train is ready we will send you an invoice for the remaining 95€ + shipping. Estimated wait from the end of the KS is 20 to 30 days.

Heresy Tank Collection – 30,00 EUR

With this perk you get all the files shown in the Heresy Tank perk. STL files only. No stretch Goals or freebies included.

Heresy Scenery Pack Collection – 30,00 EUR

With this perk you get all the files shown in the Heresy Scenery Pack perk. STL files only. No stretch Goals or freebies included.

Train Only Files no Stretch Goals – 35,00 EUR

With this perk you get all the files to print the Heresy Train model but „NONE“ of the related FREEBIES unlocked during the Kickstarter. STL files

Heresy Train – 45,00 EUR

With this perk you get all the files to print the Heresy Train model and all related FREEBIES unlocked during the Kickstarter. STL files only.

Heresy Tank & Scenery Pack – 50,00 EUR

With this perk you get all the files shown in the Heresy Scenery and Tank Pack perk. STL files only. No stretch Goals or freebies included.

The King – 90,00 EUR

With this perk you will get it all.
Heresy Train files, Heresy Tank Files and the Scenery Pack STL files. Plus all FREEBIES unlocked during the KS

Stretch Goals & Add-Ons:

Heresy Train KS08 Heresy Train KS09 Heresy Train KS10 Heresy Train KS11 Heresy Train KS12 Heresy Train KS13 Heresy Train KS14 Heresy Train KS15 Heresy Train KS16 Heresy Train KS17


Finanzierung: mehr als 2.500 EUR (Ziel waren 200 EUR)

Backer: 57

Ende: 23. August 2018 21:00 CEST

Link: Heresy Train KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ist schon ziemlich dreißt, ein 3D Nachbau von einem alten GW Scratchbuild.

    Auch die Panzer im Addon kommen mir von verschiedenen 3rd Party Anbietern sehr bekannt vor.

    • Zudem passt das Scatter Terrain thematisch null zum Zug. (Moderne Gabelstapler, ohne jeden 40k-Schnitt.) Und, ja, die Panzer braucht es bestimmt nicht, die kriegt man von GW selber.

      • Ups, da lies ich mich mitreißen.
        Prinzipiell eine tolle Sache. Son Zug aufm Spielfeld, aber 1. 3d-Druck und 2. Kommen mir da einige Objekte sehr lieblos vor. (Schienen)

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