von BK-Herr Kemper | 14.12.2018 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Science-Fiction

Hasslefree: Neue Previews

Hasslefree gib einen Einblick in aktuelle Projekte und WIPs.

Hasslefree 75mm

Artemis I – 75mm

75mm Artemis, updated WIP…..

Just the plume of her helmet, a couple of nipples, the base and the interfaces for all separate pieces to finish.

….. and then I might have a go at 75mm Gen or Kalee

Hasslefree Artemis

Artemis II – 75mm

75mm Artemis, updated WIP…..

Before you comment please consider these points.

1, yes I am aware that there is a mythical character called Artemis, however this is not that person.

2, will a smartarse comment about her missing right hand be met with applause of derision?

3, ditto regarding the supporting structure coming out of her sacrum.

4, no, I did not sculpt the pink stars.

5, no, Roy, she is not dancing.

Edit: 7 deletions so far.

Hassle Grumpy


„Grumpy“ WIP…..

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Unnamed Damsel

Unnamed Damsel, finished.

I reckon she could also find her way in to some kind of spell caster clothing when I get castings back from Grey Matter.

Hasslefree Dwarf SW:D

Dwarf SW & 7Ds I

I completely forgot!

That other Dwarf to go with my sci-fi SW and the 7D? It’s this guy.

Hasslefree Dwarf

Dwarf SW & 7Ds II

There has been an idea in my head for about the last fourteen years of doing a sci-fi version of Snow White and the seven Dwarves, featuring Libby in powered armour and a bunch of Grymn characters. This is a WIP of the second or third* of the Dwarves.

There’s a heavy weapons guy too, but I’ll show him in a different post

( * I’m not sure of the number because I don’t know which of the ones I’ve sculpted so far will make it in to the group)

Hasslefree Mariku

Mariku Yuri

Meet Mariku Yuri, my Van Saar gang leader. She’s getting her first outing tonight – wish her luck

She’s a personal project and not for sale….. I just wanted to show her off

Hasslefree Blaize


I’m calling her „Blaize“

Which means her counterpart (shown a couple of weeks ago) will be called „Blaine“




Link: Hasslefriesian FB

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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    • Ja, die 7Ds Grymn sind genial! Hat schon jemand den ersten (Go-trek) und weiß, ob die größer sind als die älteren Grymn-Modelle?

  • Hätten’se bei GW mal den guten Kev als Kneter für die neuen Necromunda-Figuren eingestellt!
    @Anton und BK-Christian: Meint ihr eigentlich den Squat mit schwerem Bolter? Ich hoffe schon, dass ich diesen gegen Bares kriege! Habe noch nie einen cooleren Squat gesehen! 😉

  • Nicht immer nur durch die Bilder klicken auch mal den Text lesen:

    Meet Mariku Yuri, my Van Saar gang leader. She’s getting her first outing tonight – wish her luck 😉

    She’s a personal project and not for sale….. I just wanted to show her off

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