von BK-Martin | 25.06.2018 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Hasslefree Miniatures: Neue Greens

Hasslefree zeigen neue, in der Produktion befindliche Miniaturen.

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Unarmoured Rhinotaur (yes, that’s officially what he’s called now), finished. And now I have to summon the courage to cut him up for casting 🙁 You might as well get your requests in for alternate heads, armour options and weaponry now. Just to get it out of your systems.

Hasslfree 7

Another dressed body blank…. this time turned in to a female Elf archer 🙂
I am really happy with how she turned out, but I’m aware that her right hand looks big. However she’s wearing and archer’s glove (you know, one of those things that straps around your wrist and goes over the fingers that draw the bowstring?) so it’s something of an optical illusion.

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Made using Beesputty, the two tools I showed you in this morning’s post, a paint brush and some white spirit.

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New skyclad/bodyblank woman.
I think she’s destined to be an evil sorceress of some kind, but it really depends on what track my mind is working on when I get resin castings back to sculpt over 🙂 Edit: 31mm tall, from tippety toes to the very top of her hair.

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Dynamic Queen Conenne, finished body blank. 29.5mm tall as posed.

Someone asked me previously about why I use castings of heads that I’ve already made. Sometimes it’s because I’m lazy, or maybe I’m pushed for time, other occasions it’s because I like the head and want to use it again or it is because I am doing multiple variants of the same character and the faces really need to match.

In this case it’s all four:

1 and 2. I wanted to make a new „named“ character miniature that could be used multiple times in different poses and costumes, however I know how my works and I was feeling lethargic and I knew that if I made a face and waited for castings of it to use that the character would never get done because I’d forget or find an excuse to do something else. So I was recognised the signs of my impending laziness and was pushed for time before its onset.

3. This is the head of „Niska“ from last year’s Kickstarter. I’ve always liked it.

4. Multiple variants.

Außerdem gibt Kev White einen kleinen Einblick, in sein Portfolio an verschiedenen Werkzeugen, mit welchem er die Miniaturen modelliert.

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Lots of people ask me what tools I use for sculpting. They’re usually unimpressed when I tell them „bits of wire and pins stuck in old paint brushes“ 🙂

The original body blanks (yellow) of these two ladies have been cast and I am now working on dressing castings (grey). These are still very much WIPs, obviously, however all of the work so far has been achieved with the tools in the bottom of the picture.

After applying my usual liquid Beesputty to the casting, tool #4 was used to pack the fresh clay on to the resin. Tools #1 and #2 were then used to alternately scrape excess away and dig folds in to the clay to form the drapery of the outfits.

Quelle: Hasslefree Miniatures auf Facebook

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  • Die Bogenschützin gefällt mir ebenfalls super!

    Weiß den jemand was aus dem großen Jotun/Ogre geworden ist, von dem es vor knapp einem Jahr eine Vorschau gab? Dachte der müsste schon lange zu kaufen sein und find gar nichts mehr dazu.

  • Schön mal zu sehen, welche Tools der gute Kev denn so benutzt. Noch schöner finde ich, dass ich mir ähnliche Tools gebastelt hab (zumindest zwei von den vieren :D) und die Erklärung mit den Köpfen kann ich sehr gut nachvollziehen, vor allem wenn man nicht so talentiert/geübt ist ist wie Kev, ist man vor allem extrem froh, wenn man überhaupt mal einen guten Kopf hat und den verwendet man immer und immer wieder (ich spreche aus kläglicher Erfahrung)

    Der Rhinotaur wird auf jeden Fall bestellt, sobald er da ist, da führt kein Weg dran vorbei, ich weis nicht wofür, aber irgendein Nutzen wird sich finden.

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