von BK-Martin | 10.06.2018 | eingestellt unter: Zubehör

Guild Ball: Neue Lizenzprodukte

Steamforged Games zeigen neue Lizenzprodukte für Guild Ball.Wer passend zu seiner bevorzugten Gilde, noch ein schickes, faltbares „Dice Tray“ sucht, der könnte mit den neuen Lizemzprodukten von Steamforged Games fündig werden.


Following on from the release of All Rolled Up’s Ratcatcher foldable dice trays in April, we’re happy to announce the release of an incredible 8 more trays for your viewing and rolling pleasure. Every Captain and Master from the across the Free Cities should be rejoicing as 2 dice trays are now available for each of the Blacksmith’s, Farmer’s, Hunter’s and Mortician’s Guilds! Featuring key players from the Guilds, the artwork for each of these new products can be seen pictured below.

These very pretty looking trays are available now from our webstore:

Expect more of these extremely attractive products to come from All Rolled Up soon.

GB Dicetray 8 GB Dicetray 7 GB Dicetray 6 GB Dicetray 5 GB Dicetray 4 GB Dicetray 3 GB Dicetray 2 GB Dicetray 1

Quelle: Guild Ball auf Facebook

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