von BK-Herr Kemper | 01.06.2018 | eingestellt unter: Zubehör

Green Stuff World: Neuheiten

Es gibt neues Bastelmaterial bei Green Stuff World.

Green Stuff World News May:June Green Stuff World News May:June2 Green Stuff World News May:June3

Resin Crystals transparent colorables – 10,25 EUR

Decorate your bases, dioramas and terrain pieces with these amazing resin crystals to make them look unique, personalized and stand out. You can paint them with ink and there will be a translucent result. For a better finish, we recommend applying a layer of gloss varnish.

This set includes very small, small, medium and big crystals.
Widths: 2mm – 8mm
Lengths: 6mm – 12mm

Pack x100 crystals. Some pieces are double or triple crystals.

Made of premium quality resin.

Green Stuff World News May:June4 Green Stuff World News May:June5 Green Stuff World News May:June6

Seafoam trees mix – 3,64 EUR

With these seafoam trees you can add a natural touch to the landscape in your dioramas and railway models. It is a natural product and ready to use. You can use them as they come or paint them in colours with an airbrush or a paint brush. You can also add foliage with PVA glue.
It is valid for all scales, especially for the smallest kind.

Every set contains between 5 and 8 trees, between 10 cm and 30 cm length.

Green Stuff World News May:June7 Green Stuff World News May:June9 Green Stuff World News May:June10Green Stuff World News May:June8

Silicone molds – Grass Paver – 12,50 EUR

Made of high quality foodgrade silicone, easy to use and intricately cut for great impressions, these molds are heat resistant and durable. The molds are extra deep to give highly detailed beautiful results for both dimensional design and surface imprinting. Each mold has a large surface area measuring 2,5×5 inches (6x12cm), and is unmounted for optimal usability. The molds work great with and any sort of material including resin.

These flexible molds will allow you to create endless amounts of pavement stones valid for 1:35.

Heat resistant rubber up to 240ºC
Scale 1:35 (1:32-1:43)
We recommend using SCRAPERS (LINK) to remove the excess of putty/clay from the molds without cutting them.
Green Stuff World News May:June11 Green Stuff World News May:June12 Green Stuff World News May:June13 Green Stuff World News May:June14Green-Stuff-World-News-MayJune15.jpg Green-Stuff-World-News-MayJune16.jpg

Silicone molds – Paving stones – 12,50 EUR

Made of high quality foodgrade silicone, easy to use and intricately cut for great impressions, these molds are heat resistant and durable. The molds are extra deep to give highly detailed beautiful results for both dimensional design and surface imprinting. Each mold has a large surface area measuring 2,5×5 inches (6x12cm), and is unmounted for optimal usability. The molds work great with and any sort of material including resin.

These flexible molds will allow you to create endless amounts of pavement stones valid for 1:35.

Heat resistant rubber up to 240ºC
Scale 1:35 (1:32-1:43)

Green Stuff World News May:June17 Green Stuff World News May:June18 Green Stuff World News May:June19Green Stuff World News May:June20 Green Stuff World News May:June21

Silicone molds – Concrete Bricks – 12,50 EUR

Made of high quality foodgrade silicone, easy to use and intricately cut for great impressions, these molds are heat resistant and durable. The molds are extra deep to give highly detailed beautiful results for both dimensional design and surface imprinting. Each mold has a large surface area measuring 6x12cm, and is unmounted for optimal usability. The molds work great with any sort of resin.

These flexible mold will allow you to create endless amounts of concrete brick valid for 1:35 (1:32-1:43).

Heat resistant rubber up to 240ºC
Food-grade and Resin-Grade
We recommend to use liquid Resins. Other putties such as milliput, milliput mixed with plasteline, magic sculpt or similars may also work, but because of the depth of the bricks in the pattern, they will need bit of help when filling them in.
Green Stuff World News May:June22 Green Stuff World News May:June23 Green Stuff World News May:June24

Rolling Pin Herringbone – 12,00 EUR

Textured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on clay and putties. Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non-stick properties. Non-toxic. They come in several different textures that you can purchase based on your specific needs.

Length: 14’50 cm (5’5 inches)
Diameter: 2’5cm (1 inch)
Stone Size in the pattern: 6×2.5mm

Green Stuff World News May:June25 Green Stuff World News May:June26 Green Stuff World News May:June27

Rolling Pin Flagstone Pavement – 12,00 EUR

Textured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on clay and putties. Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non-stick properties. Non-toxic. They come in several different textures that you can purchase based on your specific needs.

Length: 14’50 cm (5’5 inches)
Diameter: 2’5cm (1 inch)
Stone Size in the pattern: 12×12 to 4×4 mm

Quelle: Green Stuff World

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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