von BK-Thorsten | 23.07.2018 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

Games Workshop: Wochenvorschau

Kommende Woche dreht sich bei Games Workshop alles um Killteam und Age of Sigmar.

GW Weekteaser July 01

From the 41st Millennium to the Mortal Realms – next week brings some exciting new models and kits for your collection..

New Kill Team Expansions!

We meant it when we said that we’ll be giving Kill Team loads of support! Hot on the heels of the Start Set, Core Manual and other launch goodies (available for you to pre-order right now!) we’re bringing you a range of expansions for your game.

Firstly, kill teams themselves – next week, you’ll be able to pre-order Drop Force Imperator and The Writhing Shadow – Astra Militarum and Genestealer Kill Team Starter Sets full of models, terrain and unique Tactics and missions for you to get your teeth into. Packed with the ever-useful Munitorum Armoured Containers, these are a cracking way to expand your collection whether you’re diversifying an existing kill team or starting a brand new one.

GW Weekteaser July 02 GW Weekteaser July 03

Did someone say Munitorum Armoured Crates? For those of you that can’t get enough of these superb storage vessels, there’s a Killzone especially for you! Killzone: Sector Munitorum lets you take your battles to the docks, warehouses and ammo dumps of the 41st Millennium with six Armoured Containers and some Galvanic Servohaulers, plus a double-sided card gaming board as well as unique tactics, missions and an environment Card.

GW Weekteaser July 04

At the same price as a Start Collecting! Set, this box is worth it just for the terrain inside alone, costing almost half what you’d spend getting everything inside separately. Like all Killzones, this set can be combined with those from the Kill Team Starter Set and the Sector Mechanicus terrain to create bigger battlefields, allowing you to quickly build up a collection that you’ll be able to use for your games of Warhammer 40,000 as well as Kill Team.

There are also some Kill Team accessories on their way next week, with dice sets to match your chosen team and a tape measure to boot.

GW Weekteaser July 05 GW Weekteaser July 06

New Models for Warhammer Age of Sigmar

In the Mortal Realms, the armies of the Nighthaunt and Stormcast Eternals continue to grow with a brand new set of miniatures for both armies – including two of the most hotly anticipated kits of the entire release.

Aventis Firestrike, Grand Magister of Hammerhal is a massive set that lets you build both this new Hammers of Sigmar battle-mage as well as a Lord-Arcanum of your own making. This kit is packed with bits to make sure that, while both characters share the same basic structure, they’ll look distinct from one another on the tabletop, and there are components in the set that allow you to build a Lord-Arcanum on foot using your spares if you choose to build Aventis Firestrike. He’s even got a scenic base.

GW Weekteaser July 07

The Black Coach, meanwhile, is an incredible reimagining of a classic from Warhammer’s past. With the latest design technology, the team have finally been able to realise this spectral stagecoach in all its terrifying glory – and what an upgrade it is!

GW Weekteaser July 08 GW Weekteaser July 09

We’ll be taking a closer look at how the Black Coach was designed in an article on Warhammer Community next week, so stay tuned…

In addition to these big, centerpiece kits for your armies, you’ll be able to grab some basic infantry for your Nighthaunt and Stormcast Eternals as well – basic, in this case meaning “angry, immortal spirits of the dead whose very touch is death” and “storm-forged crusaders with the power to channel celestial lightning”.

The multi-part Sequitors kit allows you to customise your units with tempest blades as well as redemption caches – unique artefacts that deal mortal wounds to Chaos and Death units. In this 10-strong squad, you’ll find everything you need to build and customise a unit of Sequitors, with options for constructing them as two units of 5 or a single, larger unit. If you’re looking to bolster your forces from Soul Wars, this set is a great way to do it.

GW Weekteaser July 10

Finally, you’ll be able to grab the Chainrasps from Soul Wars separately in a new push fit set, ideal for increasing the sides of your hordes or just grabbing these models outside of the boxed sets.

GW Weekteaser July 11

Everything here will be available to pre-order next week – you can check out this week’s pre-orders in our roundup.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Was denn? Noch kein Kommentar hier?

    Also, die neue schwarze Kutsche finde ich sehr gelungen. Ein sehr gutes optisches Update der alten Modells der Yampirfürsten.

    Auch der Stormcast Held kann sich sehen lassen. Allerdings gefällt mir der Kopf des Nicht-Pegasus nicht.

    • Stimme dir in allen Punkten zu, der Nicht-Pegasus sieht ein bisschen aus, als hätte er sich den Kiefer ausgerenkt. Mal sehen, welche / ob es Kopfvarianten gibt, mit denen das besser klappt.
      Habe so wie so bei den Stormcasts das Gefühl, manche der Kreaturen passen von den Proportionen/der Anatomie nicht ganz… (siehe der Stardrake, speziell die Vorderpfoten/krallen/füße)

      Die Schwarze Kutsche ist einfach mal der Hammer, die gefällt mir fast auf ganzer Linie!

      • Beim Stardrake sieht das seltsam aus, weil die Panzergungen ästhetisch ungeschickt angebracht sind ^^

        Der Rest gefällt mir sehr gut, vor allem derTauralon mit seinem Schlangenkiefer

      • Beiden Sequitors bin hin und hergerissen:
        Helmlose Köpfe sind super, die Posen aber teils absoluter Schwachsinn: Oben Rechts – so schlägt man nicht, der linke Fuß müsste noch vorn sein.
        Oben Rechts: was genau soll das darstellen?

  • Mh… irgendwie schön, das man jetzt nicht alle Fraktionsboxen der Killteams kaufen muß,um die Geläderegelkarten und alles an Gelände zu bekommen, andererseits hatte ich auf neues Gelände (zu günstigen Preisen) gehoft…

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