von BK-Herr Kemper | 05.12.2018 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Gamemat.eu: Previews

Gamemat.eu zeigt Previewbilder ihrer aktuellen Projekte.

Gamemat Eu Nov Preview Gamemat Eu Nov Preview2 Gamemat Eu Nov Preview3

Gamemat.eu – November Update & Previews

November update: Our first ever MDF terrain, Campaign works and Necropolis expansions.

Years ago, we were so sure we would never go the way of MDF terrain. But of course, never say never! With the growing attendance of our own Warhammer 40k event – Prague Open 2019 – we realized that we needed an effective solution to cover lots of tables with quality terrain and minimal costs.

We studied all the needs of competitive gaming, considered the functionality of the products and consulted with the London GT management (we were the other bidder for the official LGT terrains, but we came too late in the bid). Now, we are proud to present you our first Tournament Terrain MDF set, fully pre-printed with coloured textures for a no hassle, no paint solution to your tournament needs! This set is HUGE and covers all the needs of a 6×4 foot competitive Warhammer 40 000 table with ease. Please bear in mind we are currently upgrading the printed texture of the set, and within weeks we will reveal much appealing looks.

We promised in previous posts we would be running a detailed, narrative campaign in a Necropolis setting, with lots of custom rules and narrative written by professional writer Alex Simon. We are still working on that! The concept and ideas are taking shape. The main course, the fantastic miniatures which will be part of the campaign, are just being painted for us at very high standard at Den of Imagination. We would like to give a big thanks for the hard work of this amazing painting studio.

But to be honest – we will be ready with all the needed models no earlier than end of January.
We are 90% sure we’ll be using the Necromunda system for that, as it allows really deep and customizable rule sets. We plan to include many vehicles, custom miniatures and missions, and then wrap all up it for you as a bundled campaign guide at the end. That way, we hope to inspire you to start your own campaign using the framework we’ve provided, and take the battle to the Necropolis yourselves!

We thought for a while about using the Kill Team system, but it seems to be much harder to tailor the rules to fit our custom narrative. Of course, if our fans enjoy our Necropolis campaign then we might revisit it with Kill Team rules as well.

On a final note, have a look at the fantastic 3D sculpt master-model for our upcoming Necropolis Portal. It is a true centrepiece for your table, around 30cm in diameter and 15cm in height. The portal offers plenty of space for placing miniatures on top so it can serve as a fortification in 40k, and plenty of line of sight cover for all other skirmish games like Kill Team and Necromunda. We hope to have this lovely piece in stock by end of January as well, and to include it in our campaign. After all, this portal was the great and terrible success that saw the Necropolis project abandoned!.

Thank you very much for reading thru here! Most of all, have a great December full of family, love and peace. And bit of hobbying as well:)

Quelle: Gamemat.eu auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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