von BK-Marcus | 13.01.2018 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Gale Force 9: D&D Neuheiten und Preorder

Bei Gale Force 9 gibt es einige Neuheiten zu bestellen und vorzubestellen, darunter auch endlich Minsc & Boo! Und natürlich ein untoter Tyrannosaurus Rex denn warum nicht ein untoter Tyrannosaurus Rex, ne?

GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 1 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 2 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 3 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 4 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 5 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 6 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 7 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 8 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 9 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 10

„Neverwinter“ Valindra Shadowmantle & Wight – 25,00 USD

Valindra was once a beautiful moon elf wizard. After her death, the loss of her beauty drove her partially insane. Returning as a lich, she is the greatest threat facing Neverwinter, with the power to command Thayan necromancers, raise an army of the dead and control a Dracolich, an undead dragon of great destructive capabilities.

Based on characters from the Neverwinter® MMO.

Contains 2 unpainted, unassembled resin figures.


GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 11 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 12 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 13 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 14 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 15 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 16 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 17

„Tomb of Annihiliation“ – Acererak the Lich – 15,00 USD

Acererak is an archlich who travels between worlds and is known to take sick pleasure in devouring the souls of adventurers, whom he lures into trap-ridden dungeons where they suffer horrible deaths.

Sculpted by Albert Yu

Contains 6 resin pieces.


GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 30 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 31 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 32 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 33 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 34 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 35 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 36

„Tomb of Annihiliation“ – Chultan Dinosaur Warrior – 20,00 USD

The dinosaurs of Chult are dangerous and unpredictable, however, some brave souls have found a way to tame and domesticate these creatures through magic or a strange, unexplainable affinity. Dinosaurs are a part of Chultan culture and are used as everything from guardians to pack beasts to mounts.

Sculpted by Russell Barton.

Contains 7 resin pieces.


GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 22 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 23 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 24 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 25 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 26 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 27 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 28 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 29

„Tomb of Annihilation“ – Batiri Goblin Totem – 15,00 USD

The Batiri are goblins. Nasty, thieving, squabbling, sneaking, and bloodthirsty, the Batiri exist in separate tribes that are all ruled by a single goblin queen. In order to rule such a motley mob, the goblin queen must defeat any challenges to her throne, and because of this, she’s a ruthless and dangerous adversary.

Each Batiri tribe worships some jungle creature that the goblins fear – usually an evil spirit of toothy dinosaur – and they adorn themselves to look as fierce and as large as possible.

Sculpted by Grég Clavilier.

Contains 6 resin pieces.


GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 18 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 19 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 20 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 21

„Tomb of Annihilation“ – Ras Nsi – 15,00 USD

Once a Chultan paladin, Ras Nsi was a Chosen of Ubtao and sworn protector of the city of Mezro. He later betrayed his oaths and was banished from the city. Becoming a vengeful warlord, Ras Nsi attempted to conquer Mezro with an undead army but was defeated. Rather than seek redemption, he sought revenge and was stripped of his god-given powers. The undead horde, no longer under his control, spread throughout the jungles of Chult.

Sculpted by Matt Bickley.
Contains 3 resin pieces.

„Classic“ Froghemoth – 30,00 USD



GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 37 GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 38

„Tomb of Annihiliation“ – Tyransaurus Zombie – 40,00 USD

Pre-Order – January


GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 40

„Storm Kings Thunder“ Frost Giant Ravager – 40,00 USD

Pre-Order – February


GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 39

„Storm Kings Thunder“ Fire Giant Dreadnought – 40,00 USD

Pre-Order – February


„Classic“ Froghemoth – 30,00 USD

Pre-Order – March


Und das Beste zum Schluss, obwohl ich kaum glauben kann, dass ich das in einem Artikel schreibe, der auch einen untoten Tyrannosaurus Rex beinhaltet. Aber es ist halt kein Miniature Giant Space Tyrannosaurus Rex…

GF9 Gale Force 9 DandD Collectors Series Zombie Tyrannosaurus Minsc And Boo 41

„Classic“ Minsc and Boo – 10,00 USD

Pre-Order – March


Quelle: Beasts of War

Link: Gale Force 9 Dungeons & Dragons


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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  • Das Totem ist wirklich klase!

    Weiß wer, wie man hierzulande an die Minis kommt, also wer die führt?

    • In Berlin führt man GF9 und noch mind 1 anderer deutscher Händler (google:’gale force 9 kaufen‘). Ansonsten gibt’s die auch auf der Insel. Sind ja durch die Brettspiele und das Gelände recht weit verbreitet.

  • Ich hoffe, die wird es auch in einem Shop hier bei uns geben.

    Minsc brauche ich unbedingt als Geschenk!

  • Im Düsseldorfer Drachental habe ich in der Vergangenheit schon Gale Force 9 Produkte gekauft. Die haben auch nen Online-Shop, ist also nicht nur für Düsseldorfer relevant. 😉

    Ich weiß nicht, ob Karsten alles von GF9 bestellen kann, oder ob er die überhaupt noch führt, aber in der Vergangenheit definitiv. Einfach mal ne Email schicken und fragen.

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