von BK-Nils | 09.12.2018 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Herr der Ringe, Necromunda

FW: Necromunda, Blood Bowl und Mittelerde

Von Forgeworld bekommen diese Woche die fanatischen Anhänger des Hauses Cawdor neue Waffenoptionen, die Orks einen Team Booster für Blood Bowl und  Denethor und Irolas für das Herr der Ringe Strategie-Spiel.

Forge World Necromuda Underhive Cawdor Weapons Set 1 1 Forge World Necromuda Underhive Cawdor Weapons Set 1 2

Cawdor Weapons Set 1 – 20,00 Euro

Given the poverty that grips House Cawdor, most of the House’s allied gangs favour simple and effective weaponry; the battered autogun, the trusty stub gun and the rusty knife are all good enough for a Cawdor ganger. In fact, Cawdor gangs have a special talent for restoring discarded guns and blades, scraping together a working weapon from the parts of several others or making a new weapon onto which they can painstakingly carve the scriptures of their faith.

This set contains 31 resin components that make up the following weapons to add to your plastic House Cawdor gangers:

– Long rifle x1
– Axe x2
– Shock baton x1
– Heavy flamer x1
– Two-handed hammer x1
– Flamer x1
– Reclaimed autopistol x1
– Fighting knife x2
– Hand flamer x1
– Chain glaive x1
– Stubgun x3
– Maul x1
– Sawn-off shotgun x1

Forge World Necromuda Underhive Cawdor Weapons Set 2 Forge World Necromuda Underhive Cawdor Weapons Set 1 2

Cawdor Weapons Set 2 – 20,00 Euro

Given the poverty that grips House Cawdor, most of the House’s allied gangs favour simple and effective weaponry; the battered autogun, the trusty stub gun and the rusty knife are all good enough for a Cawdor ganger. In fact, Cawdor gangs have a special talent for restoring discarded guns and blades, scraping together a working weapon from the parts of several others or making a new weapon onto which they can painstakingly carve the scriptures of their faith.

This set contains 27 resin components that make up the following weapons to add to your plastic House Cawdor gangers:

– Heavy stubber x1
– Two-handed axe x1
– Reclaimed autopistol x3
– Sawn-off shotgun x1
– Maul x3
– Hand flamer x2
– Chain glaive x1
– Axe x2
– Incendary charge x1
– Flamer x1
– Fighting knife x1
– Combi-autogun/flamer x1
– Flail x1

Forge World Necromuda Underhive Necromunda House Cawdor Fully Armed Gang

Necromunda House Cawdor: Fully Armed Gang – 72,50 Euro

Given the poverty that grips House Cawdor, most of the House’s allied gangs favour simple and effective weaponry – the battered autogun, the trusty stub gun and the rusty knife are all good enough for a Cawdor ganger. In fact, Cawdor gangs have a special talent for restoring discarded guns and blades, scraping together a working weapon from the parts of several others or making a new weapon onto which they can painstakingly carve the scriptures of their faith. Fire is a favoured tool of the gangs, for it is simple to use and, like the doom that devours the galaxy, consumes all in its path. Creating incendiary grenades, flamers and other fire-based weapons is a simple task within a hive, for the flammable fuel and waste lines that run through the great city’s walls are easily syphoned off. In combat, killing a foe in the white-hot furnace of a well-placed flamer burst, or in the blinding halo of a fire bomb, is an almost holy act for a Cawdor ganger, the piteous screams of the heretic as they burn a benediction to the Emperor, proclaiming for all to hear the true majesty of the Redemption.

This bundle contains a Cawdor gang and a host of additional weapons, allowing you to equip your ten plastic gangers with a wide variety of armaments perfect for taking on an enemies. In this bundle you will find:

– 1 House Cawdor Gang (contains 10 plastic miniatures)
– 1 Cawdor Weapons Set 1 (contains 17 resin weapons)
– 1 Cawdor Weapons Set 2 (contains 19 resin weapons)

Forge World Blood Bowl Blood Bowl Orc Team Booster 1 Forge World Blood Bowl Blood Bowl Orc Team Booster 2 Forge World Blood Bowl Blood Bowl Orc Team Booster 3 Forge World Blood Bowl Blood Bowl Orc Team Booster 4

Blood Bowl Orc Team Booster – 31,00 Euro

Orcs have been playing Blood Bowl since the game was discovered – indeed it was an Orc who discovered the shrine where the sacred book of Nuffle was hidden. Orc teams are very hard-hitting, concentrating on pounding an opponent into the turf to create gaps through which the excellent Orc Blitzers can run. Indeed, if any fault can be found with Orc teams in general, it is that they sometimes spend a little bit too much time pounding the opposition, and not enough time running the ball to score!

Expand your roster and add variation to your line-up with this booster pack! It contains 4 resin miniatures – 1 Blitzer, 1 Thrower and 2 hulking Black Orcs, each covered in detail and posed dynamically, as well as differently to the plastic models from the Blood Bowl boxed game. They’re the perfect way to add variety to your Orc Blood Bowl team.

These 4 resin miniatures are supplied with 4 32mm Blood Bowl bases. Up-to-date Orc team rules can be found in the Blood Bowl Almanac 2018.

Forge World Blood Bowl Blood Bowl Blood Bowl Gouged Eye Full Roster

Blood Bowl Gouged Eye: Full Roster – 56,00 Euro

Orcs have been playing Blood Bowl since the game was discovered – indeed it was an Orc who discovered the shrine where the sacred book of Nuffle was hidden. Orc teams are very hard-hitting, concentrating on pounding an opponent into the turf to create gaps through which the excellent Orc Blitzers can run. Indeed, if any fault can be found with Orc teams in general, it is that they sometimes spend a little bit too much time pounding the opposition, and not enough time running the ball to score!

This bundle contains a full team of 16 Blood Bowl players, with variant poses, along with balls and tokens. In this bundle you will find 6 Linemen, 4 Black Orcs, 3 Throwers and 3 Blitzers, from the following sets:

– 1 Gouged Eye Blood Bowl Orc Team (contains 12 plastic miniatures plus accessories)
– 1 Blood Bowl Orc Team Booster (contains 4 resin miniatures)

Forge World Middle Earth Denethor And Irolas 1 Forge World Middle Earth Denethor And Irolas 2 Forge World Middle Earth Denethor And Irolas 3

Denethor and Irolas – 25,00 Euro

Although he was once a great man and has ruled Gondor for many years, Denethor’s mind has been shattered by the loss of his beloved son Boromir. In the face of endless war, and with Sauron’s dread legions upon his own doorstep, Denethor abandons all reason and opts to join the heathen kings of old, attempting to burn himself and Faramir atop a pyre.

Irolas is a Captain of the Citadel Guard who defended the uppermost level of the White City and guarded the Warden himself. When Faramir was returned wounded to the city, Irolas was among those who watched over the Warden’s son.

This set contains two resin miniatures in three parts representing Denethor and Irolas. Denethor is draped in heavy, ornate robes and carries a flaming torch as he hurries to set his son’s pyre ablaze. Irolas is armoured as a Citadel Guard, with heavy plate and a long cloak. He is holding his helmet in one hand and the other grips the hilt of his sword.

The rules for Denethor can be found in The Armies of The Lord of the Rings™, and Irolas‘ rules can be downloaded as a PDF below.


For the rules you need to field these miniatures in The Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, download the free PDF at the link below.


Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Die beiden Charaktere für Herr der Ringe gefallen mir sehr gut. Der Booster für Orkteams ist leider sowohl von der Zusammenstellung als auch von der Bepreisung absurd. Zusammen mit dem Grundteam hat man dann 3 Thrower (nur 2 sind möglich und schon im Grundteam enthalten) und 3 Blitzer (4 darf man mitnehmen). Eine zweite Teambox zu kaufen und ein bißchen umzubauen ist in jedem Fall sinnvoller.

    • Das sind auch so die letzten Momente in denen ich mich richtig verarscht fühle, an den meisten anderen Scheiß hat man sich ja gewöhnt.
      Skaven und Menschen haben zum 3. Werfer wenigstens ihrer fehlenden 2 Spezialisten bekommen, außerdem kann man in den Teams auch mal 2 Werfer haben. Da machen die alternativen Modelle ja sinn, aber nen Ork Team mit zwei Werfern is halt schwachsinn.

      Ansonsten wie immer:
      Buuuh FW buuuuuhh!

  • Also ich würde ja wirklich wirklich mal gerne mit Blood Bowl (bzw. um einen noch einfacheren Einstieg zu haben mit Blitz Bowl) anfangen…aber jedes mal nehm ich doch wieder Abstand, weil ich diese Veröffentlichungspolitik nicht verstehen:

    Ich krieg ein Team für 25,00 Euro (was ich sehr preisgünstig halte).

    Kann dann aber nur die anderen Teammitglieder über Forge World bestellen, wo ich dann für 4 Spieler 31,00 Euro zahlen (ist schon klar ist bessere Material – brauch ich aber nicht).

    Wäre ja so, als wenn es für Shapespire Einzelfiguren zu Mondpreisen geben würde.

    • Davon solltest du dich nicht abhalten lassen.
      Gerade die FW Booster sind nicht gut durchdacht, aber die sind auch „luxus“. Da geht es halt darum weniger doppelte Minis zu haben. Ansonsten kauft man einfach 2x das Team und hat dann kram zum umbauen.

      Manche Teams kommen auch mit einer Box vollkommen aus, Chaos zb. . Auch die neue Untotenbox ist schon sehr gut spielbar, den 3. Ghoul kann man auch sehr gut proxen.

      Was wirklich schade ist, ist das es viele Starspieler nur bei FW gibt, aber einige (je nach können auch alle)kann man durch Umbauten anderer Minis gut darstellen.

      Blitz Bowl wollt ich mir auch noch zulegen, da reicht ja eh eine (halbe)Box.

      Blood Bowl ist auch optimal für Fremdhersteller, welche in der Spielerschaft mehr als akzeptiert sind. Da kannst du auch schöne Teams kaufen ohne die Geschäftsgebärden von GW mitmachen zu müssen. Für ~50-75€ bekommt man da meistens ein komplettes Team.

      GW versucht zwar ständig mit kleinigkeiten wie Spielfeldern mit Regeln usw. Geld zu machen, aber das braucht man alles wirklich nicht.

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