von BK-Nils | 06.02.2018 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda, Warhammer 40.000

Forge World: Rogal Dorn, Constantin Valdor und mehr

Neben dem großen Horus Heresy und Necromunda Weekender gab es auch bei Forge World noch einen Schwung an Neuheiten, darunter zwei weitere Charaktere für den Großen Bruderkrieg, Söldner für Necromunda und Ringgeister für den Hobbit.

Forge World The Horus Heresy Rogal Dorn, Primarch Of The Imperial Fists Legion 1 Forge World The Horus Heresy Rogal Dorn, Primarch Of The Imperial Fists Legion 2

Forge World The Horus Heresy Rogal Dorn, Primarch Of The Imperial Fists Legion 3 Forge World The Horus Heresy Rogal Dorn, Primarch Of The Imperial Fists Legion 4 Forge World The Horus Heresy Rogal Dorn, Primarch Of The Imperial Fists Legion 5

Forge World The Horus Heresy Rogal Dorn, Primarch Of The Imperial Fists Legion 6 Forge World The Horus Heresy Rogal Dorn, Primarch Of The Imperial Fists Legion 7 Forge World The Horus Heresy Rogal Dorn, Primarch Of The Imperial Fists Legion 8 Forge World The Horus Heresy Rogal Dorn, Primarch Of The Imperial Fists Legion 9

Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists Legion – 75,00

Coming soon – This product will be available to order from 16th February 2018.

A being of thunderous zeal and stone made manifest, is how many described the Primarch of the VIIth Legion. The zeal was the fire of a son who believed in his father’s dream for the Imperium without reservation and without question. To Rogal Dorn there was no higher purpose to the existence of the Legiones Astartes than the unification of Mankind, and the illumination of the Imperium’s ideals. This idealism drove Dorn and his Legion ever onwards, never compromising, never stinting in any aspect of duty. The stone in his soul was his ability to bear whatever his father needed of him, an unyielding nature, which made him both a master of defence in war, and an indomitable fighter on the attack.

This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble Rogal Dorn. This is a model of exceptional detail, befitting Dorn’s status – his auric armour is absolutely covered in beautiful sculpted details which add texture, from the large Imperial eagles, to the Imperial Fists crests, to the filigree and jewels. His bare head, with his expression set into a manly scowl, is framed by an eagle crest, and a large cloak billows behind him. His chainsword, Storm’s Teeth, is clutched in both hands, resting point-down on the concrete of the base. The Voice of Terra is stowed safely in a holster on his hip. There are 2 frag grenades, which you can choose to add to the model at your discretion.

Rogal Dorn is supplied as 24 parts, and comes with 2 bases – the first is a 40mm gaming base, which slots snugly into a 105x70mm oval diorama base. The diorama base features a series of concrete steps, with the body of a deceased Space Marine (and parts of another) lying at Dorn’s triumphant feet.

Rules for Rogal Dorn are can be found in The Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Legions.

Forge World The Horus Heresy Constantin Valdor, Captain General Of The Legio Custodes 1 Forge World The Horus Heresy Rogal Dorn, Primarch Of The Imperial Fists Legion 11

Forge World The Horus Heresy Rogal Dorn, Primarch Of The Imperial Fists Legion 12 Forge World The Horus Heresy Rogal Dorn, Primarch Of The Imperial Fists Legion 13 Forge World The Horus Heresy Rogal Dorn, Primarch Of The Imperial Fists Legion 14

Constantin Valdor, Captain-General of the Legio Custodes – 60,00 GBP

Coming soon – This product will be available to order from 30th March 2018.

Constantin Valdor sits at the right hand of the Emperor as perhaps His most trusted companion and guardian, a watchman of inviolable purpose and all but unmatched fighting skill. Such in fact is Valdor’s martial power and superhuman physical and mental abilities that there are those, even within the Imperial Court, who have in whispers called him ‘Primarch’ in all but name. This is no doubt a disingenuous claim, as for all his power Valdor was made and trained to serve a different and far more focused purpose, that of Lord Commander of the Custodian Guard, and to Valdor the petty concerns of conquest and glory, dominion and victory are as nothing when compared to his own sworn duty.

This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble Constantin Valdor. This is an exceptionally detailed model, which painters will delight in tackling – there’s barely any flat surface at all on his ornate power armour, with skulls, eagles and lightning bolts modelled finely on every panel. Chains, furs and strips of cloth feature heavily, with even the greaves featuring sculpted buckles and faces. Over the left shoulder is mounted the head of some great horned creature, while a heavily augmented bird sits on the left. Constantin’s head is bare, with cabling running from his jaw and temples, connecting him to his power armour. He wields the Apollonian spear, which incorporates a bolter and a power blade capable of reducing anything it touches to its component molecules. The model’s base is made up of 3 components – a 40mm round base featuring rocks, ruins and remains upon which Constantin is posed, a 60mm scenic round base providing a backdrop, and a further outcrop which is used to lock the model into the latter.

Constantin Valdor, Captain-General of the Legio Custodes comes as 17 components. Rules can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Seven: Inferno.

Forge World The Horus Heresy Legio Custodes Shield Captain 1 Forge World The Horus Heresy Legio Custodes Shield Captain 2 Forge World The Horus Heresy Legio Custodes Shield Captain 3

Legio Custodes Shield Captain – 30,00 GBP

Coming soon – This product will be available to order from 2nd March 2018.

Within the Legio Custodes, there exists a range of ranks and seniority of commands, far from transparent to outsiders, to which the more general application of ‘Shield Captain’ is applied, though within the Legio such ranks range from Prefect to Lictor, Proconsul to Tribune, following the ancient patterns of Terra’s lost history. Elevated both through the trust held among their peers for their judgement and skill, but first and foremost advanced by the direct approval and in some cases intervention of the Emperor Himself, these are warriors not only of consummate and superhuman ability, but also rare insight, acumen and knowledge. Afforded the rarest and finest of the Imperium’s arms, each of these legendary fighters commanded the Legio Custodes against all manner of threats against the Emperor, His works and His domains.

This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Legio Custodes Shield Captain. A model of exceptional detail, befitting his status as a senior commander of the Legio Custodes, every surface of his ornate power armour is broken up by rivets, plates and Imperial symbols, with the pauldrons and top plates being noticeably heftier than the already-impressive armour of his subordinates. Of particular note is the spiked and bejewelled halo above his unhelmeted head, which nicely frames the stoic scowl of leadership on display. He wears a large, flowing cloak, adding dynamic curves to the utilitarian lines of the model’s silhouette, and in his right hand wields an enormous guardian spear – from haft to point this is a truly impressive weapon. Included is a piece of rock for the base, which the Shield Captain is to be modelled standing atop.

The Legio Custodes Shield Captain comes as 9 components, and is supplied with a 40mm round base. Rules can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Seven: Inferno.

Forge World The Horus Heresy Legio Custodes Pyrithite Spears Forge World The Horus Heresy Legio Custodes Pyrithite Spears 2

Legio Custodes Pyrithite Spears – 15,00 GBP

Coming soon – This product will be available to order from 2nd March 2018.

The signature weapon of the Legio Custodes and in many ways their symbol of office is the Guardian spear. Elegant and deadly, it is a potent and unique design incorporating a power blade and a highly advanced integrated bolter weapon, and in the hands of a Custodian Guard it can strike and parry at blinding speed despite its size. More rarely, these weapons mount not bolters but advanced specialised sub-weapons such as compact meltas or even Adrathic disintegration beamers, issued against the deadliest of expected foes – this variant is the Pyrithite Spear, featuring a melta beam.

This kit contains 5 resin pyrithite spears, which can be used to upgrade a set of 5 plastic Adeptus Custodes Custodian Guard.

Rules for using these weapons can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Seven: Inferno.

Forge World The Horus Heresy Legio Custodes Adrasite Spears Forge World The Horus Heresy Legio Custodes Adrasite Spears 2

Legio Custodes Adrasite Spears – 15,00 GBP

Coming soon – This product will be available to order from 2nd March 2018.

The signature weapon of the Legio Custodes and in many ways their symbol of office is the Guardian spear. Elegant and deadly, it is a potent and unique design incorporating a power blade and a highly advanced integrated bolter weapon, and in the hands of a Custodian Guard it can strike and parry at blinding speed despite its size. More rarely, these weapons mount not bolters but advanced specialised sub-weapons such as compact meltas or even Adrathic disintegration beamers, issued against the deadliest of expected foes – this variant is the Adrasite Spear, featuring an Adrathic Destructor.

This kit contains 5 resin adrasite spears, which can be used to upgrade a set of 5 plastic Adeptus Custodes Custodian Guard.

Rules for using these weapons can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Seven: Inferno.

Forge World The Horus Heresy Space Wolves Legion Varagyr Terminators 1 Forge World The Horus Heresy Space Wolves Legion Varagyr Terminators 2

Space Wolves Legion Varagyr Terminators – 60,00 GBP

Coming soon – This product will be available to order from 23rd February 2018.

The Varagyr are the chosen warriors of Leman Russ, hand picked from his own Great Company to form his personal guard and close companions in war and council. To have attained such a rank and position, each has distinguished himself in battle many times over, and each has forged his own saga worth the telling.

More so than any other of his sons they are the wolves of his pack, marked by the great beast pelt which adorns their armour, and to adopt this honour means more than simply to walk in the Wolf King’s shadow and lay down their lives for him if needs be, it means something much more. It means that at least for a time they have foregone the chance to lead their brothers in battle, to watch while others strike, to stand fast and not to seek out the glory of battle save when their lord commands. When such coldly withheld fury is unleashed however, it falls like a thunderbolt against the foe.

This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble 5 Space Wolves Legion Varagyr Terminators. Appropriate to their role as hand-picked guardians of Leman Russ, they wear heavy Terminator armour designed more for function than beauty – what decoration there is comes from the furs, pelts and fangs draped over their shoulders and tied to their waists. Their faces are partially obscured by splendid beards and wild hair, with large topknots billowing out behind them, and each miniature is armed with an axe and combi-bolter.

The Space Wolves Legion Varagyr Terminators come as 30 components, and are supplied with 5 40mm round bases. Their rules can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Seven – Inferno.

Forge World The Horus Heresy Space Wolves Legion Grey Slayers Upgrade Pack 1 1 Forge World The Horus Heresy Space Wolves Legion Grey Slayers Upgrade Pack 1 2

Space Wolves Legion Grey Slayers Upgrade Pack 1 – 23,00 GBP

Coming soon – This product will be available to order from 23rd February 2018.

Under the leadership of Leman Russ, the Space Wolves Legion began to change, to become a hybrid of Fenris’ unforgiving way of battle and the patterns of Imperial military doctrine that had gone before. This new Space Wolves Legion was truly a refection of neither of those parents, but something new entirely, and the increasing use of so-called Grey Slayer units was perhaps one of the most visible outward signs of this transformation. The Grey Slayers were, in effect, compact individual warbands of Space Marines, all but autonomous in their own right in the field: fluid, sure-footed and largely exempt from the reliance on direct commands from above. They were expected to deal with myriad challenges on their own if needs be, and above all to close with the enemy on their own terms; to seek and destroy.

Upgrade a set of 5 MKIII Space Marines to Space Wolves Legion Grey Slayers with this set of resin components. It contains:

– 5 shoulder pads;
– 5 shields;
– 5 axes;
– 5 right arms;
– 5 left arms;
– 1 banner;
– 1 Sergeant torso;
– 8 heads.

Forge World The Horus Heresy Space Wolves Legion Grey Slayers Upgrade Pack 2 1 Forge World The Horus Heresy Space Wolves Legion Grey Slayers Upgrade Pack 2 2

Space Wolves Legion Grey Slayers Upgrade Pack 2 – 23,00 GBP

Coming soon – This product will be available to order from 23rd February 2018.

Under the leadership of Leman Russ, the Space Wolves Legion began to change, to become a hybrid of Fenris’ unforgiving way of battle and the patterns of Imperial military doctrine that had gone before. This new Space Wolves Legion was truly a refection of neither of those parents, but something new entirely, and the increasing use of so-called Grey Slayer units was perhaps one of the most visible outward signs of this transformation. The Grey Slayers were, in effect, compact individual warbands of Space Marines, all but autonomous in their own right in the field: fluid, sure-footed and largely exempt from the reliance on direct commands from above. They were expected to deal with myriad challenges on their own if needs be, and above all to close with the enemy on their own terms; to seek and destroy.

Upgrade a set of 5 MKIII Space Marines to Space Wolves Legion Grey Slayers with this set of resin components. It contains:

– 5 shoulder pads;
– 5 axes;
– 5 bolt pistols;
– 5 right arms;
– 5 left arms;
– 1 banner;
– 1 Sergeant torso;
– 8 heads.

Forge World The Horus Heresy House Vyronii Transfer Sheet 1 Forge World The Horus Heresy House Vyronii Transfer Sheet 2

House Vyronii Transfer Sheet – 16,00 GBP

Coming soon – This product will be available to order from 9th February 2018.

Hailing from the Knight World of Damaetus III/II, House Vyronii was allied to the Imperium in the bitter war against the Traitors of Warmaster Horus. One of the most ancient of Knight Houses in the Segmentum Obscurus, the Vyronii shed so much of their noble blood during the Age of Strife that their numbers and resources were perilously depleted by the closing of the Great Crusade and the outbreak of galactic civil war. Determined not to become mute spectators to their own destiny, the nobles of House Vyronii swore they would stand firm against the arch-Traitor, or else perish.

This is an A4 sheet of transfers, perfect for adding detail to your Mechanicum army. It’s packed with the markings and insignia of House Vyronii, with house symbols, icons, crests, name plates, banners and personal heraldry for Knights included.

Forge World Necromunda Necromunda Hired Guns 1

Forge World Necromunda Necromunda Hired Guns 2 Forge World Necromunda Necromunda Hired Guns 3 Forge World Necromunda Necromunda Hired Guns 4 Forge World Necromunda Necromunda Hired Guns 5

Necromunda Hired Guns – 20,00 GBP

Coming soon – This product will be available to order from 9th February 2018.

Bounty Hunters are amongst the toughest and most dangerous of all Necromunda underhivers. They will hire their services to a gang leader, though, if there are no decent bounties to be had or if their interests are aligned, but such allegiances tend to be temporary.

Hive Scum, or Scummers, are masterless or itinerant hivers who will fight for anyone who offers them coin. Scum are too wild and independent to submit to the leadership of anyone for very long, and they hire out their services as they feel like it. Despite their carefree lifestyle and happy-go-lucky attitude, Scummers are good fighters, so their services are always in demand.

This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to build 2 Hive Scum and a Bounty Hunter, for use in games of Necromunda: Underhive.

Yolanda Skorn, the Bounty Hunter, carries a stilettos knife and holstered stub gun, which she is modelled reaching for with her cybernetic hand. Her face is mostly covered with a ragged veil, which hides the exile scars she received from House Escher. Her miniature is covered in the details you’d expect from a Bounty Hunter, with spikes and leather making up the bulk of her armour, and radio equipment attached to the goggles pushed up over her head.

Grub Targeson and Mad Dog Mono, the 2 Hive Scum, are much larger and more grizzled prospects – Grub, with his wide, hunched shoulders and impressive beard, clutches a combat shotgun and combat knife, while Mad Dog holds a stub gun and glaive. Grub is covered in chunky armour plating, while Mad Dog favours a more minimal approach, with a standout feature being his selection of equipment pouches on his toolbelt.

These models come as 8 components, and are supplied with 3 sculpted Necromunda 25mm Round bases. Rules for using these characters are included, while generic rules for Bounty Hunters and Hive Scum are found in Gang War 2.

Forge World The Hobbit The Nazgûl Of Dol Guldur 2 1

Forge World The Hobbit The Nazgûl Of Dol Guldur 2 2 Forge World The Hobbit The Nazgûl Of Dol Guldur 2 3 Forge World The Hobbit The Nazgûl Of Dol Guldur 2 4 Forge World The Hobbit The Nazgûl Of Dol Guldur 2 5

The Nazgûl of Dol Guldur 2 – 32,00 GBP

Appearing at Dol Guldur in a very different form to that of the Black Riders, at this point in their existence the Nazgûl are much swifter with a blade than the robed figures that appear many years later. Summoned into being by the Necromancer of Dol Guldur, the Nazgûl engage the White Council in a grim ballet of whirling blades and darting movement. Able to constantly return to battle once banished, the servants of the Dark Lord are a deadly foe unlike any the White Council has ever faced before.

This multi-part resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble The Nazgûl of Dol Guldur 2, 3 Middle-earth™ miniatures. Each is remarkably sinister, with heavy robes, armour, spiked helmets and cowls obscuring their true forms, with grim weaponry in their gauntleted hands – The Slayer of Men wields an enormous, brutal barbed spear, Khamûl the Easterling clutches a mace and the Lingering Shadow holds not 1 but 2 swords. These miniatures are the perfect Hero units for an Evil army!

The miniatures come as 9 components and are supplied with 3 25mm round bases. Rules can be found in The Hobbit: Motion Picture TrilogyThere and Back Again.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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    • Wurde stark nach hinten geschoben. Einmal weil sie alles in Plastik machen wollen und zum anderen weil Nekromunda so erfolgreich das diese Priorität haben in der Produktion.
      GW hatte oder hat Produktionsprobleme in ihrer Fabrik. Bis das gelöst ist zieht sich alles. Bzw. der Backlog muss abgearbeitet werden.

    • Gerüchtehalber soll das Spiel im Herbst erscheinen. Grundbox in Plastik mit Walord, Reaver und Warhound Titans. Ergänzend wird Forgeworld Nachschub in Form neuer Titane und Umbaukits für einzelne Häuser Waffenupgrades etc liefern. Also ganz so wie mit Blood Bowl und Necromunda.

  • Das is echt unfassbar… irgendwer in deren Design-Abteilung hat wirklich garkeine Ahnung von Anatomie.
    Und das is natürlich etwas, das man sich nicht leisten kann, wenn man in irgendeiner künstlerischen Form tätig ist.

    Dass die Weltraum-Dosen nicht menschlich proportioniert sind, wissen wir ja. Aber symmetrisch werden sie ja wohl sein. Und dann haut das mit den Armlängen bei dem „Shield Captain“ mal so garnicht hin.

    Das Nächste wären dann die Ringgeister, die mit den Proportionen eines Tyrion Lannister um die Ecke kommen.

    Wer designt den Quatsch? Und wer in der Qualitätskontrolle übersieht sowas???
    Und dann soll man dafür auch noch FW-Preise zahlen…

    • Warte mal ab bis du die Sachen selbst in echt gesehen hast. Fotos täuschen oft.

      Ich war mit Freunden vor 2 Wochen in der Warhammer World und habe mich da mit vielen Forgworldminis angefreundet die mir auf Fotos überhaupt nicht gefallen hatten.

  • Also die Necromunda-Sachenfinde ich weiterhin ziemlich cool. Dass da so viel kommt, ist sehr schön, aber auch das Design gefällt. Erinnert mich tatsächlich sogar mehr an den Necromunda-Vorläufer Confrontation – und das ist nicht schlecht!

  • Die Hired Guns für Necromunda gefallen mir ganz gut. Sie sind sehr charaktervoll. Der Bucklige sieht heruntergekommen und doch irgendwie furchteinflössend aus. Eine Interessante Kombination.

    Die Ringeister sind schrecklich. Da haben mir die alten Modelle viel besser gefallen. Und ich glaube nicht, dass es bei denen nur an den Fotos liegt.

  • Hm Dorn für 75 ist ganz schön Happig auch wenn man nur einen davon kauft.

    Und wirklich gefallen tut der mir auch nicht, schade dabei spiele ich IF in der HH. Naja Primarchen hab ich noch nie eingesetzt kosted einfach zu viele Punkte, aber schönes Dorn Modell wäre schon toll gewesen.

  • Ja die Ringgeister wird man nur schwer an den Mann bekommen. Alte HdR-Hasen haben bereits 9 oder mehr davon (plus 24 verschiedene Frodos) und Neue greifen wohl bei dem PLV woanders zu.

    Valdor war noch auf meiner „Maybe“-Liste. Jetzt nicht mehr. Ich hatte mit einer Umsetzung des alten Artworks gerechnet: https://eternalhunt.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/legio-custodes-artwork-3.jpg?w=450.
    Aber dieser statische, absolut überladene Goldjunge kommt mir nicht ins Haus.

    • Wobei ich zugeben muss, die meisten der Frodos bemalt zu haben. Nur die Gandalfe liegen fast alle noch im Malstapel… 😉

  • oh ja.Guter bis sehr guter Release
    Ich habe zwar mit IF nichts am Hut aber der gute Herr Dorn wird den Weg zu mir finden.mMm einer der schönsten Primarchen bisher.
    Alles andere ist nichts schlecht aber kein must have für mich

  • Sind die FW-Sachen eigentlich „Standard“ oder „Primaris“ Größe?

    Sind die Primaris Marines größer als die FW-Termiantoren?

    • Da die Sachen größtenteils für die Horus Heresy modelliert wurden, haben sie „Standardgröße“.

  • Hat jemand den armen Space Marine, der auf der Treppe liegt, 10cm tief in die Steinstufen reingetrampelt?
    Selbst ein liegender Marine müsste nämlich sonst mehr „Volumen“ haben…

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