von BK-Nils | 04.11.2018 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Necromunda

Forge World: Blood Bowl und Necromunda

Forge World schicken die Elfen Starspieler, The Swift Twins und die Cheerleader der Elfheim Eaglettes in die Blood Bowl Stadien der Alten Welt und in den Tiefen der Primus Makropole wandert das Goliath Sumpkroc umher.

Forge World Blood Bowl The Swift Twins 1 Forge World Blood Bowl The Swift Twins 2 Forge World Blood Bowl The Swift Twins 3 Forge World Blood Bowl The Swift Twins 4

The Swift Twins – 30,00 Euro

When it comes to Blood Bowl, the Swift twins have got it all: the looks, the charisma, the incredible outfits and, of course, the pure skill. There must have been something in the water where they grew up! Lucien (‘The Silver Bullet’, according to his official merchandise) was the first to rise to fame, as team captain and star Blitzer of the Galadrieth Gladiators. Under his leadership they won Blood Bowl X and Lucien himself amassed a serious haul of awards and plaudits. His brother Valen later followed in his footsteps, captaining the Elfheim Eagles and setting them up as one of the most promising new teams in the league. In recent years, tired of competing to top the leaderboards, the twins have begun hiring out their services as a pair.

This multipart resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble The Swift Twins. These models are a pair of Star Players for High Elf, Dark Elf and Elven Union Blood Bowl teams – they refuse to work alone, only as a pair. This means they’re quite expensive, but worth the gold – you won’t find a finer Thrower and Blitzer. The rules for using the Swift Twins can be found in The Inaugural Blood Bowl Almanac.

This kit comes as 12 components, and is supplied with 2 32mm Blood Bowl bases.

Forge World Blood Bowl Elfheim Eaglettes Elf Cheerleading Squad 1 Forge World Blood Bowl Elfheim Eaglettes Elf Cheerleading Squad 2 Forge World Blood Bowl Elfheim Eaglettes Elf Cheerleading Squad 3 Forge World Blood Bowl Elfheim Eaglettes Elf Cheerleading Squad 4

Elfheim Eaglettes – Elf Cheerleading Squad – 28,00 Euro

If you think the Elfheim Eagles have some moves then you haven’t seen their cheerleaders the Elfheim Eaglettes in action. Recruited from some of the most talented wardancers and blademaidens to grace the forests and islands of the collected Elven nations, they give a whole new meaning to the term ‘dance off’. So impressive are the acrobatic antics of the Elfheim Eaglettes that even Jim and Bob once famously spent an entire game commenting on the cheerleader’s routine, only afterwards realising that the Elfheim Eagles had won the game 9-0!

This multipart resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble the Elfheim Eaglettes. a 4-model Elf cheerleading squad. Slender and lithe, much like the team they support, they each have the standard pom-poms you expect from a cheerleader.

These models are supplied with 4 32mm Blood Bowl bases, and rules for using cheerleaders in games can be found in The Inaugural Blood Bowl Almanac.

Forge World Necromunda Underhive Goliath Sumpkroc 1 Forge World Necromunda Underhive Goliath Sumpkroc 2 Forge World Necromunda Underhive Goliath Sumpkroc 3 Forge World Necromunda Underhive Goliath Sumpkroc 4

Goliath Sumpkroc – 19,00 Euro

Hive legend has it that many thousands of years ago, during a different age of Necromunda, a now long-extinct type of reptile became the fashion accessory of choice for uphive nobility. Today, the Sumpkrocs that House Goliath keep are somewhat different to the original creature, with centuries of genetic cloning causing a few changes and they no longer wholly resemble the creature first imported…

Add an Exotic beast to your Goliath gangs in games of Necromunda – a strange and wonderful beast loyal to its owner, with its own unique stats and skills – with this multipart resin kit. Goliath Sumpkroc is a bountifully fanged Sumpkroc, a hardy beast of muscle and tooth. He comes as 6 components, and is supplied with a 40mm Necromunda base.

Rules for fielding Sumpkrocs as Exotic Beasts can be found in Gang War 3.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Hochelfen die sich von Dunkelelfen Teams anheuern lassen? Ich glaube ich habe echt einiges verpasst seit ich mit WH FB aufgehört habe… naja für die Vermarktung schnitzt man es sich halt passend, damit die potenzielle Kundschaft größer ist.

    Aber nett sehen sie schon aus. Zum Glück habe ich ja eine Hochelfen Truppe, da muss ich also keine Gewissensbisse haben 😉

    • Da gibt kein Zwischen, und wenn ist es ungesund zwischen einem Heer Elfen und Dunkelelfen zu stehen 😉
      Wie vermutet, hat sich viel geändert und war wohl auch besser so da nicht mehr am Ball zu bleiben. Hätte mir eh nicht mehr gefallen.

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