von BK-Nils | 11.08.2018 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

Forge World: Nachschub für Blood Bowl

Von Forge World kommt Nachschub für Blood Bowl, mit neuen Cheerleadern und Verstärkungen für bestehende Teams.

Forge World Blood Bowl The Waaaghs! 1 Forge World Blood Bowl The Waaaghs! 2 Forge World Blood Bowl The Waaaghs! 3 Forge World Blood Bowl The Waaaghs! 4

The Waaaghs! – 27,00 GBP

The Waaaghs (Wifes AAAnd GHerlfriendS) are the self-appointed cheer squad of the Gouged Eye. Stronger and larger than most of their male counter parts (you try raising Orc kids) the Waaaghs, disappointed with a poor season from the Orc team showed up one day to properly ‘motivate’ them. Now the Waaaghs can be regularly found on the side-lines whenever the Gouged Eye take to the pitch, hurling insults (and sometimes bottles) at the players, starting crude Orcish chants or egging the Orc players on to give the opposition more of a kicking.

This resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble The Waaaaghs!, a 3-model Orc cheerleading squad. Bulkier and far more intimidating than the often waif-like forms of other cheerleading squads, this lot mean business – their pom-poms (such as they are) are more like weapons, and they’re posed more like they’re looking for a fight than engaged in a synchronised dance routine (because they are looking for a fight…)

These models are supplied with 3 32mm Blood Bowl bases, and rules for using cheerleaders in games can be found in The Inaugural Blood Bowl Almanac.

Forge World Blood Bowl The Damned Damsels 1 Forge World Blood Bowl The Damned Damsels 2 Forge World Blood Bowl The Damned Damsels 3 Forge World Blood Bowl The Damned Damsels 4

The Damned Damsels – 22,00 GBP

The Damned Damsels are the dedicated cheer squad of the Doom Lords, summoned from the Chaos Wastes by the dark prayers of the team’s coach. Murderous creatures dedicated to the Ruinous Powers, each Damned Damsel is a daemonic soul bound into the body of a willing victim. This union of warp-born entity and human host means the Damned Damsels radiate Chaos energy and killer dance moves (quite literally), their eyes blazing with etheric fire as they scream out their devotion to the Dark Gods – and if this means the odd fan spontaneously turns into Chaos spawn then all the better!

This resin kit contains all the components necessary to assemble The Damned Damsels, a Chaos Chosen cheerleading squad. These are 4 horned, tailed and furious-looking cheerleaders, who have eschewed the traditional pom-poms for a more spiky approach – each holds a metal ring in each hand, covered in vicious-looking metal points. More like fearleaders, eh? Eh? (you’re fired. – ed)

These models are supplied with 4 32mm Blood Bowl bases, and rules for using cheerleaders in games can be found in The Inaugural Blood Bowl Almanac.

Forge World Blood Bowl The Reaverettes 1 Forge World Blood Bowl The Reaverettes 2 Forge World Blood Bowl The Reaverettes 3

The Reaverettes – 22,00 GBP

The Reaverettes have a long and proud history cheering for the Reikland Reavers. Based in the Old Bowl stadium in Altdorf, they are as synonymous with Blood Bowl as the Reavers themselves. Getting into the Reaverettes is even harder than earning a spot on the Reikland Reavers however, the cheerleaders chosen for not just their agility and vocal abilities but also their intelligence. Rumour has it that given the number of head injuries among the Reavers their cheerleaders also double as their accountants and publicists.

This resin kit contains the components necessary to assemble The Reaverettes, a Human cheerleading squad. 4 models are included, each posed in synch with the other – arms aloft holding pom-poms (actual pom-poms, not the scary metal spiky weaponry of certain other cheerleading squads…), left leg in the air.

These models are supplied with 4 32mm Blood Bowl bases, and rules for using cheerleaders in games can be found in The Inaugural Blood Bowl Almanac.

Forge World Blood Bowl Blood Bowl Human Team Booster 1 Forge World Blood Bowl Blood Bowl Human Team Booster 2 Forge World Blood Bowl Blood Bowl Human Team Booster 3 Forge World Blood Bowl Blood Bowl Human Team Booster 4

Blood Bowl Human Team Booster – 20,00 GBP

Human players are the best all-round Blood Bowl players in the Old World. They may lack the sheer strength of the Orcs, the agility of the High Elves, the toughness of the Dwarfs, the frenzy of the Dark Elves, or the speed of the Skaven, but they do not suffer any of these players’ weaknesses either. It is hardly surprising then that humans account for over 50% of all Blood Bowl players – so long as you include Skeletons, Ghouls and Vampires playing for Undead teams, and mutants playing for Chaos teams!

Expand, enhance, fill out and indeed boost your Human team with this booster pack! It contains 4 resin miniatures – 2 Blitzers, a Thrower and a Catcher – each covered in detail and posed dynamically, with all the heroic jawlines and manly stares you would expect from these glorious sportsmen…

These 4 resin miniatures come as 14 components, and are supplied with 4 32mm Blood Bowl bases. Human team rules can be found in Death Zone Season 1.

Forge World Blood Bowl Reikland Reavers Full Roster

Reikland Reavers Full Roster – 40,00 GBP

Get your hands on an expanded and enhanced Reikland Reavers team with this bundle – it contains a full team along with a Human Booster. Included:

– The Reikland Reavers: this multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble the Reikland Reavers, a Human team for use in games of Blood Bowl. It contains:

– 2 Blitzers
– 2 Throwers
– 2 Catchers
– 6 Linemen

as well as 3 balls, a double-sided score coin and a decal sheet. Supplied with 12 32mm Blood Bowl round bases, featuring holes to slot the ball into when your miniature has possession.

– A Blood Bowl Human Team Booster: expand, enhance, fill out and indeed boost your Human team with this booster pack! It contains 4 resin miniatures – 2 Blitzers, a Thrower and a Catcher – each covered in detail and posed dynamically, with all the heroic jawlines and manly stares you would expect from these glorious sportsmen…

These 4 resin miniatures come as 14 components, and are supplied with 4 32mm Blood Bowl bases. Human team rules can be found in Death Zone Season 1.

Forge World Blood Bowl Eldril Sidewinder 1 Forge World Blood Bowl Eldril Sidewinder 2

Eldril Sidewinder – 18,00 GBP

Eldril Sidewinder has played Blood Bowl as long as most can remember, partly due to the incredibly long life span of his race, but mainly thanks to his sheer skill on the pitch. The secret of his success (and longevity) lies in his belonging to a singular class within Wood Elf and Sea Elf society – the Wardancers. These warriors combine athleticism and deadly skill, and are capable of dashing through a melee, weaving and leaping about their opponents while transfixing them with their grace such that foes are unable to react or even to think clearly. So beguiling are the movements of a skilled Wardancer that some claim it to be some manner of boon from the dark gods, a misconception that Sidewinder is ever keen to refute.

Should you be looking high and low for a Star Player for your Dark Elf, Wood Elf, High Elf or Elven Union Blood Bowl team – you can stop looking because here, in the lithe shape of Eldril Sidewinder, is one! Bemohawked and lightly armoured – clad in a leather harness and shoulder protector, gauntlets, pants and running shoes (with some pretty hefty studs in the soles, no doubt ready to splinter the shins of all who stand before him), Edril is a prime example of the sort of cheekbones and jawline you only get from Elves. His rules are available in Blood Bowl Death Zone Season One.

This resin kit is supplied with a 32mm Blood Bowl base.

Forge World Blood Bowl Blood The All Star Elfheim Eagles

The All-Star Elfheim Eagles – 38,00 GBP

Field an infamous Elven Union team – the Elfheim Eagles – in your games of Blood Bowl, and add an infamous Star Player – Eldril Sidewinder – in a bundle sure to become, well, infamous. Included:

– The Elfheim Eagles: this multi-part plastic kit contains the components needed to assemble The Elfheim Eagles, an Elven Union Blood Bowl team. The team consists of 6 Linemen (4 of which are actually Linewomen), 2 Blitzers, 2 Throwers and 2 Catchers, each of whom are as impressively-cheekboned and beautiful as you might expect from an Elven team. The heads and shoulder pads are interchangeable between the miniatures, meaning your team can look unique.

There are a host of extras in the kit – 2 turn markers, 2 double-sided score coins and 6 balls, 4 of which are encrusted with opulent gemstones. Supplied with 12 32mm Blood Bowl bases and an Elven Union transfer sheet.

– Eldril Sidewinder: bemohawked and lightly armoured – clad in a leather harness and shoulder protector, gauntlets, pants and running shoes (with some pretty hefty studs in the soles, no doubt ready to splinter the shins of all who stand before him), Eldril is a prime example of the sort of cheekbones and jawline you only get from Elves. His rules are available in Blood Bowl Death Zone Season One.

This resin kit is supplied with a 32mm Blood Bowl base.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • verdammt… wenn ich bloß brauchbar malen könnte… für die „The Damned Damsels“ hätte ich eine geile Umbau-Idee…

    Wobei für 20GPB… und dann einem Profi-Painter geben… hhhmmm, mal sehen…

  • Ork Cheerleader -> hui 😀

    der Rest… ok bis „echt jetzt?“

    Das Menschenteam finde ich immer noch kacke. Doppelposen nerven – für 40 Pfund geht das vielleicht. Allerdings gebe ich lieber 80,- € für ein richtig gutes Team aus, als 50,- € für eines, worüber ich mich dann ärgere.

    LG Ralf

  • Die Orkweiber finde ich richtig gut. Ich hoffe, dass neue Orks einen ähnlichen Körperbau (ohne Geschlechtsmerkmale) erhalten werden.

  • Ich finde die Cheerleader nicht schön. Erstes sehen die Menschen so aus, als würde der Coach sie dazu zwingen, zweitens sind die Poms nicht wirklich gut getroffen.

    Gut Doppelpose könnte man mit einer Choreo oder Routine erklären, dann hätte ich sie aber anders positioniert.
    Die Chaoscheerlaeder strahlen hier mehr Spirit aus

  • Ich könnte die menschliche Cheerleaderin mit den beiden Zöpfchen gut gebrauchen. Mit ihr wäre dann eine Harley Quinn für Necromunda schön machbar. 😁

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