von BK-Nils | 14.04.2018 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe

Forge World: Mûmak™ War Leader

Von Forge World kommt der mächtige Mûmak™ War Leader für das The Hobbit Strategy Game, bereit seine Feinde auf den Pelennor-Feldern zu vernichten.

Forge World The Hobbit Mûmak™ War Leader 1 Forge World The Hobbit Mûmak™ War Leader 2 Forge World The Hobbit Mûmak™ War Leader 4

Forge World The Hobbit Mûmak™ War Leader 3 Forge World The Hobbit Mûmak™ War Leader 6 Forge World The Hobbit Mûmak™ War Leader 10

Forge World The Hobbit Mûmak™ War Leader 5 Forge World The Hobbit Mûmak™ War Leader 7 Forge World The Hobbit Mûmak™ War Leader 8 Forge World The Hobbit Mûmak™ War Leader 9

Forge World The Hobbit Mûmak™ War Leader 11 Forge World The Hobbit Mûmak™ War Leader 12 Forge World The Hobbit Mûmak™ War Leader 13

Mûmak™ War Leader – 75,00 GBP

The commander of the Mûmak cohort upon the Pelennor, The Mûmak War Leader led the charge of the Mûmakil against the Rohirrim, seeing numerous Riders of Rohan trampled underfoot before meeting his end at the tip of Éomer’s spear.

This kit includes the resin and plastic components you need to assemble a Mûmak War Leader, which comprises a plastic War Mûmak of Harad and a set of resin upgrades which are used to denote its status as a Royal War Mûmak, including 2 War Leader models – 1 riding the howdah, and 1 on foot.

The plastic War Mûmak of Harad is an impressively large model; a war beast which tramples enemies beneath its hooves, breaking through enemy lines while the Haradrim warriors on its back rain deadly arrows down. The model comes with 12 Warriors of Harad (6 with spears and 6 with bows), and a Mûmak Champion.

The resin Mûmak War Leader upgrade set consists of 30 components which replace their equivalent parts on the Mûmak, including 2 replacement tusks, 13 spikes which attach to the tusks, a replacement trunk, and 2 ears. These ears are pierced through with ropes, which the War Leader – who replaces the Mûmak Champion – uses to guide the Royal Mûmak. The War Leader himself comes as 2 separate models – should the Royal Mûmak be slain, the War Leader can carry on on foot, clutching a long-bladed spear which can be treated as either a spear or 2-handed sword. A 25mm round base is included for the War Leader on foot.

Rules for the Mûmak War Leader are available as a PDF download.


Rules for using the Mûmak™ War Leader can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.

The Mumak War Leader

Forge World The Hobbit Mûmak™ Warherd

Mûmak™ Warherd – 195,00 GBP

Pick up 3 Mûmak War Mûmakil of Harad – along with the resin upgrades needed to build 1 as a War Leader – with this bundle. Included:

– 3 plastic War Mûmakil of Harad: impressively large models; who come with 12 Warriors of Harad (6 with spears and 6 with bows) to ride in the howdah, and a Mûmak Champion;
– 1 resin Mûmak War Leader upgrade set – this consists of 30 components which replace their equivalent parts on the Mûmak, including 2 replacement tusks, 13 spikes which attach to the tusks, a replacement trunk, and 2 ears. The War Leader himself comes as 2 separate models, one to be used on foot, clutching a long-bladed spear, with the other to be mounted upon the Mûmak.

Rules for the Mûmak War Leader are available as a PDF download.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • 86 Euro? Was ist denn da los?
    Die wollen wohl, dass ich mir das kaufe?
    So klappt das nämlich 😀

    • Ich glaube dann hast du Pech 😀

      Nick Paige Will the resin parts be available as a seperate kit as I already have an unmade Mumak kit?

      Forge World There’s no plans for this at the moment Nick, though if this changes we’ll let everyone know here on Facebook!

      Ps mir geht es aber ähnlich -.-

      • Auch eine Möglichkeit die Verkaufszahlen eines in die Jahre gekommenen Plastikbausatzes wieder anzukurbeln. Denke das jeder langjährige HDR Fan mindestens einen daheim hat.

        Die Sets werden aber sicher einzeln auf Ebay landen und früher oder später auch einzeln kommen.

  • Also sobald das als Upgrade Set kommt, ist das sowas von gekauft. Aber ich binde mir nicht noch einen dritten Mumak ans bein. Vor allem nicht so lange einer noch nicht bemalt ist und somit noch gut umgebaut werden kann. Bitte FW: Upgrade Kit!!!

  • 86 Ocken? Das ist ja nur einer mehr als diese neuen AoS Elfencharaktere. Vergleicht mal die Bausätze. GW ist das neue Forgeworld preistechnisch. Wer günstig will, greift inzwischen bei Forgeworld zu.

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