von BK-Marcus | 13.01.2018 | eingestellt unter: Flames of War

Flames of War: Avanti

Skandal! Battlefront Miniatures schicken Italiener in die Wüste! Oder so ähnlich… Jedenfalls ist Avanti, das Flames-of-War-Erweiterungsbuch für die italienischen Streitkräfte in Nordafrika, nun vorbestellbar und dazu gibt es jede Menge neuer Modelle!

BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 1

Avanti Forces and Formations

Avanti: Italian Forces in North Africa is our latest book for Flames Of War in our Mid War range.  With the coming release and following the same format of Desert Rats and Afrika Korps they use similar formations with a few unique advantages. We’ll be seeing the Formations in the book  along with some historical background on the 20th Armoured Corps

20th Armoured Corps
Corpo d’Armata Motocorazzato, the 20th Armoured Corps, took a leading part in nearly every battle in the North African Campaign from Gazala to Enfidaville. The core of the formation was the 132nd ‘Ariete’ Armoured Division, the 133rd ‘Littorio’ Armoured Division, and the 101st ‘Trieste’ Motorised Division.

Having fought in and won every major battle since their arrival, Ariete and Trieste were confident of their abilities, despite any weakness in their equipment. The arrival of new weapons, like the Semovente 75 and truck-mounted 90mm self-propelled guns, gave them a much-improved anti-tank capability that quickly showed its value in defeating British attacks against the Cauldron during the Battle of Gazala.

BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 2

The newly-arrived Littorio Division had fought as infantry in the Spanish Civil War, then as an armoured division in Yugoslavia, and quickly learned the tricks of desert fighting under the tutelage of Ariete. By the time it entered combat at Gazala, it was as capable as its more experienced brethren.

BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 3

The Second Battle of El Alamein shattered the Italian-German Army, and the 20th Armoured Corps along with it. After a gallant stand that held up the British pursuit long enough for the German forces to escape, the corps was reduced to a small battlegroup under the command of Ariete. This group then covered the retreat to the El Agheila position.

BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 4

With the destruction of 20th Armoured Corps, a third armoured division, 131st ‘Centauro’ Armoured Division was quickly transferred to Tunisia. There it combined with the Ariete battlegroup to fight the American and British forces, taking part in the victories at Kasserine Pass and holding El Guettar until outflanked by the British at Wadi Akarit.

BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 5

After these gallant battles, the remnants of the Italian armoured force fought on as a battlegroup in the ad hoc German Manteuffel Division until the eventual defeat of Axis forces in North Africa. Fighting bravely and strongly to the very end, the Italian forces expunged the calamity of defeat in 1940.

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If hot-blooded bravery and dogged determination appeal more than steel-hearted technology, or if you like the idea of closing fast with the foe and overcoming them at close quarters more than long-range gunnery duels, then the Italian Army is your first choice. Avanti! Advance! Victory lies in front of you!

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Februar (früh):

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  • Avanti – 20,00 USD
  • Avanti Command Cards – 5,00 USD
  • Lorenzo’s Rams Italian Army Deal – 90,00 USD
  • Italian Paint Set – 23,00 USD
  • Sicily Yellow Spray – 12,00 USD

Februar (spät):

BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 12 BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 13 BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 14 BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 15

  • Rifle Platoon (Bersaglieri) – 13,00 USD
  • Weapons Platoon (Bersaglieri) – 13,00 USD
  • MG and Mortar Platoons (Bersaglieri) – 24,00 USD
  • Assault Engineer Platoon – 18,00 USD
  • 47mm Anti-tank Platoon (Plastic) – 24,00 USD
  • Italian Dice (x20) – 13,00 USD
  • Italian Tokens (x21) – 13,00 USD


März (früh):

BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 16 BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 17 BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 18 BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 19

  • 100mm Howitzer Battery (Plastic) – 37,00 USD
  • 88mm Anti-tank Battery (Plastic) – 22,00 USD
  • CR.42 Falco Assault Section (x2) – 30,00 USD
  • Autocannone 20mm AA Platoon – 47,00 USD


März (spät):

BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 20 BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 21 BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 22 BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 23 BFM Battlefront Miniatures Flames Of War Avanti Preorder February March 2018 24

  • Avanti Unit Cards – 10,00 USD
  • M14/41 or Semovente Platoon (Plastic) – 45,00 USD
  • 90mm on Lancia Anti-tank Battery – 30,00 USD
  • AB41 Armoured Car Platoon – 47,00 USD
  • L6/40 Light Tank Platoon – 30,00 USD


Link: Flames of War


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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  • Si, darauf hab ich gewartet. Bin ja gespannt ob die ganz kleinen Fraktionen wie Ungarn und co auch noch kommen

  • Wieder mal ein schöner Release. Presilich finde ich Battlefront zwar etwas teuer, aber die Modelle sind schick 🙂

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