von BK-Herr Kemper | 16.01.2018 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

FATC: Homeworld Style Spaceships

Antenocitis hat für kurze Zeit die Homeworld Raumschiffe von FATC im Programm.


Guam BattleCruiser (BC) – 14,75 GBP

156mm long
60mm wide (including bridge)
35mm Deep

6 individual turrets


Montana-class Super Heavy Battleship (SHBB) -20,00 GBP

183mm long
59mm wide
39mm deep

20 individual turrets


San Francisco Class Heavy Cruiser (CA) -10,00 GBP

127mm long
37mm wide (including bridge)
31mm Deep

4 individual turrets


Independence Class Carrier (CV) -13,75 GBP

150mm long
50mm wide
22mm deep

4 individual turrets

Homeworld-style warships

A good few years back Tim from FATC (Fate Amenable To Change) commisioned us to produce him some sets of Homeworld-style spaceships, which he then sold via his own website and later allowed us to sell via ours also (mostly because his production capability is limited to the odd evening casting at home).

Last year he again commisioned us to re-produce those spaceships for him at a larger size and with more detail, and that commission has now grown into a fairly extensive list of spaceships.
As such we are designing a line of “Hiigaran style” ships for him to be followed by another line of “Vaygr style” ships.

The list of the Hiigaran-style ships has been finalised and is shown below, including their hull classifications to give an idea of relative size/type/usage.


Montana Super Heavy Battleship (SHBB)
Iowa Class Battleship (BC)
Enterprise Class Super Carrier (CVB)
Guam CLass Battlecruiser (BC)
Des Moines Blass Battlecruiser (BC)
Independence Class Carrier (CV)
Midway Class Carrier (CV)
New Orleans Class Heavy Cruiser (CA)
San Franciso Class Cruiser (CA)
Baltimore Class Cruiser (CA)
Omaha Class Light Cruiser (CL)
Atlanta Class Cruiser (CLAA)
Chicago Class Missile Cruiser (CLG)
San Diego Class Light Cruiser (CLAA)
Blue Ridge Class Command Cruiser (CC)
Ticonderoga Class HK Cruiser 9CLK)
Chester Class Scout Cruiser (CS)
Bayfield Class Assault SHip (APA)
Casablanca Class Escort Carrier (CVE)
Gearing Class Escort Destroyer (DDE)
Arleigh Burke MIssile Destroyer (DDG)
Spectre Class Minelayer (DM)
Kidd Class Destroyer (DD)
Norfolk Class HK Destroyer (DDK)
Hazard Class Missile Frigate (FFG)
Knox Class Light Frigate (FFL)

Please note that we are only going to have these ships available until Tim has his (FATC) website re-opened and operating.

After that time we will not be selling them directly and you will need to go to his website (or Etsy store) to purchase them.

Quelle: Antenocitis Workshop auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Ich liebe Homeworld. Meiner Ansicht nach eines der schönsten Settings. Das brauche ich definitiv!

    Jetzt noch die Sajuuk und das Age of S’Jet kann beginnen <3

  • Sehr cool. Ich mag zwar Homeworld 1 lieber, aber Teil 2 hätte die schöneren Schiffe. Evtl. greife ich da mal spontan zu…

  • Find die Schiffe richtig toll. Wenn ich jetzt noch wüsste, wie groß sie sind und für welches System die sich lohnen würden, könnt ich beinahe schwach werden. 🙂

    • Die größenangabe steht doch bei den Schiffen dabei.

      Denke schon, das sie für die gängigen Systeme Funktionieren.


      Würde aber hier das Full Thrust System benutzen. 😉

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