von BK-Nils | 10.06.2018 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Fantasy

Fantasy Flight Games: Heroes of Terrinoth

Mit Heroes of Terrinoth kommt von Fantasy Flight Games ein kooperatives Kartenspiel angesiedelt in Terrinoth, der Hintergrundwelt von Runewars, Runebound und Descent.

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The spirits have given me a map that only I can read. I already know the way.

Terrinoth needs champions.

An ancient Bloodguard sows discord in the Free Cities, the dead rise from their graves in the Mistlands, and the realm turns its eyes to you in search of a savior. Here, you have the chance to embody one of Terrinoth’s greatest heroes and venture into the depths of treacherous dungeons to confront the dangers that lurk beyond the reaches of the light. You’ll battle terrible monsters, discover untold riches, and earn fame and fortune throughout the realm. The danger is great, but the adventure of a lifetime awaits!

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Heroes of Terrinoth, now available for pre-order at your local retailer or online through our website!

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Warriors of Mennara

Heroes of Terrinoth is a cooperative card game of questing and adventure that invites you and up to three allies to take on the role of unique heroes, choosing from twelve distinct and powerful heroes, split between four archetypes—healer, warrior, mage, and scout. These archetypes are further diversified into different classes that your heroes can pursue as your power grows. Regardless of which class you embrace, you and your friends must combine your powers, leaning on one another’s strengths to survive your journeys and defeat the enemies who stand against you. Over the course of eight thrilling quests, you will face villainous foes, battle deadly creatures, and save the realm!

If you have any hope of surviving the desperate task before you, you will need to forge a mighty party of adventurers. You may call upon a skilled scout to track your enemies’ movements or a warrior to make quick work of a goblin horde. A healer’s unquestionable skill in the mending arts will doubtless come in handy as your battles take their tolls, and a mage’s link to the arcane may prove invaluable when you must think on your feet. On top of their quest specialization, each hero has a unique ability that offers them an edge, and with each new quest your band plays, you will gain experience, learn new abilities, and discover equipment to help you overcome future challenges. And that’s a good thing, because the threats to the realm gather strength with each passing day.

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Embark on New Quests

Once you have gathered your team of heroes, you are ready to set out for new adventures in Mennara. Heroes of Terrinoth provides you with eight quests to choose from, where you may be tasked with saving townsfolk, slaying a powerful beast, or recovering a priceless artifact. Each quest sheet provides you with new objectives, as well as the distinct setup and story-specific rules that ensure no two adventures are the same.

Your adventures begin in “The Goblin Problem.” You’ve traveled a day from Goldhall, across the sweeping fields of Allerfeldt, stopping at a roadside inn as the sun dips below the horizon. As you sit down to supper, a haggard man bursts through the door, clutching at a wound in his side. “Goblins,” he gasps, “Dozens. One of ‘em says he’s a king.” You’ve heard of this self-styled king before—strong, devious, and just cowardly enough to keep himself alive. This may not be the glorious foe you’d imagined, but he may be a worthy adversary to test your skills, and goblin-slaying often proves to be gainful employment as grateful townspeople fill your pockets with gold… not to mention the riches that come with a wealthy goblin’s hoard.

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Every Second Counts

In every round of Heroes of Terrinoth, you and your fellow heroes will be tested to the utmost, as you perform actions, weather enemy attacks, stand fast against the growing peril, and travel to new locations.

As your first choice in each round, you’ll need to select which activation cards will best help you survive and advance your quest. All activation cards fall under four broad categories: Attack, Rest, Aid, or Explore. When you encounter dangers, Attack actions let you battle enemies engaged with you. Following a tough scrape, Rest actions provide you with a chance to heal your damage. Should you find yourself in a more secure position than your friends, Aid actions let you help your allies by storing successes that they can use at a later time. Finally, Explore actions invite you to investigate your surroundings, ultimately progressing to new areas. While every archetype has access to these four categories of activation cards, the specfics will vary. The aid of a healer will look very different than the Aid of a warrior!

Combining both skill and chance, the actions that you perform are modified by dice rolls that determine how successful the action is. After all, the most skilled swordsmen will perform little damage if they trip over a hidden root, and rest will not rejuvenate you if you spend the night tossing and turning. We will take a closer look at actions and the various activation cards available to each class in future previews.

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After you’ve performed your actions, your opponents rally, perhaps readying for an attack, slipping in and out of the darkness, or striking your team of heroes with every foul ounce of power they possess. Often, enemies may advance to engage you or one of your comrades, retreat to the shadows, or inflict damage on any poor soul already engaged with them. But beyond this, your foes keep many tricks up their sleeves, and you never know what other dangerous abilities an opponent may possess. The best course of action may be to put them out of action before you find yourself completely overwhelmed!

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During the Peril Phase, your party advances the peril token one space on the peril track, resolving any treacherous effects that may befall you along the way. You may become surrounded by enemies, or be blessed with a moment of reprieve. Still, you must be careful that your peril token never reaches the end of its track, for in that case, you must resolve the final and deadliest peril each time the track would advance. Even after your greatest suffering, there is no relief!

Finally, your party may choose to move to new locations, perhaps stepping deeper into the catacombs of an abandoned mine or exploring the far heart of a mysterious forest, provided you have fully explored your current location. Traveling offers you a chance to leave behind the enemies who still lurk in the shadows and draw a new location from the location deck. But be wary—each location comes with its own crop of dangers, so you may find that you have jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire! But if you choose your actions carefully and balance your parties‘ talents, you just may stand a chance of surviving the most dangerous areas of Terrinoth and restoring some peace to the troubled realm.

Strike Back Against the Darkness

The sun has begun to set on Mennara and the Land of Steel is under threat from within, but the age of heroes may yet come again. Are you ready to dare the darkest depths of Terrinoth? Gather your team of adventurers and delve into the realm’s dangerous underbelly. The perils you will face are great, but so is the glory that awaits!

Look for Heroes of Terrinoth (TER01) when it hits shelves in Q3 of 2018 and keep your eyes on our website for more information! You can Pre-order your own copy of the game at your local retailer today or on the Fantasy Flight Games website here

Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games



Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Sieht 1:1 aus wie Warhammer Quest. 🙂
    Gefallt mir und si wird es vielleicht auch erweitert. Warhammer Quest war ja sehr gut aber leider ist es ja erschienen kurz bevor FFG die Warhammer/40k Lizenz wegen Runewars verloren hat.

    • Genau mein Gedanke. Eine Neuauflage /Weiterführung von WarhammerQuest in ihrem eigenen Spieluniversum. Ich bin gespannt.

  • Ein Reskin des Warhammer Quest Kartenspiels, das ja damals direkt nach der Grundbox eingestellt wurde. Ein tolles Spiel.

  • Ist das ein eigenständiges/abgeschlossenes Spiel oder ein LCG bzw. CCG? Kenn das WH Quest Spiel nicht und kann mir jetzt gerade schwer was drunter vorstellen.

  • Es ist kein LCG oder CCG, es hat auch keinen Deckbau Mechanismus.

    Das Grundspiel hat 12 Helden (wovon man maximal 4 gleichzeitig spielen kann).

    Aber es werden sicherlich Erweiterungen mit mehr Monstern und Helden kommen. Das ist quasi so sicher wie das Amen in der Kirche. Aber längst nicht so viele wie bei einem LCG.

  • Sieht gut aus…
    Eigentlich wollte ich mit Netrunner in die Welt der Kartenspiele einsteigen, da mir eigentlich ein Sci-Fiction Setting besser gefällt. Aber wenn ich weiteren Support will, muss ich wohl mir dieses Spiel mal angucken. Vlt vergleiche ich hier auch ungewollt Äpfel mit Birnen

  • Jo das sind Äpfel und Birnen. Wenn du etwas ähnliches wie Netrunner möchtest empfehle ich Legend of the 5 Rings oder das Game of Thrones LCG.

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