von BK-Herr Kemper | 29.07.2018 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Fantastic Plastic Models: The Expanse

Bei Fantastic Plastic werden bald neue Schiffe aus dem „Expanse“-Universum erscheinen – hier gibt es erste Previews.

Fantastic Plastic Morrigan Fantastic Plastic Morrigan3 Fantastic Plastic Morrigan4 Fantastic Plastic Morrigan5

Morrigan-Class Patrol Cruiser – 1:144 Resin

We just added a new kit to our production queue: The Morrigan-Class Patrol Destroyer from „The Expanse.“ Like our Rocinante, the Morrigan will be in 1:144, which will make it about 8.5 inches long. No price point as yet. (It’s really early.) To get on the waiting list, just email us at FantasticPlast@aol.com.


The Morrigan class is a small, light-weight ship designed by the MCRN Navy to serve as a torpedo or light destroyer/escort. Small enough to be carried in number aboard Donneger-class battleships, Morrigan-class ships are often equipped with stealth technology

Thirty-one meters long, these ships are armed with two Nariman Dynamics 40mm Point Defense Cannons (PDCs) and two torpedo bays. They lack a ventral PDC, which gives them a vulnerable „blind spot.“

Morrigans normally carry a crew of eight, but can function with a skeleton crew of just three if required.

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Razorback – 1:144 – Resin

Here’s the parts breakdown for our upcoming 1:144 „Razorback“ from SyFy’s „The Expanse.“ The ship is in-scale with our 1:144 Rocinante. And, yes, we’re also including a service gangway with the kit so you can connect the two ships, just like they did in the show! No firm cost yet, but I’m figuring it will be around $75.00. Taking reservations now at FantasticPlast@aol.com.

Quelle: Fantastic Plastic Models FB

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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