von BK-Herr Kemper | 07.08.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Dwarven Forge: Caverns Deep Kickstarter

Ein Kickstarter für modulares Höhlen-Gelände von Dwarven Forge scheint recht erfolgreich zu sein. 

Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS2 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS3 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS4 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS5 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS6


Das Projekt:

Our goals for this Kickstarter campaign:

  • Design the most immersive, organic and fantastical subterranean terrain you’ve ever seen.
  • Set a new, higher standard for sculpting and painting with depth, detail and beauty — every bit by hand — that makes Caverns Deep! our finest terrain yet.
  • Produce the richest assortment of features we’ve offered — crystal, ice, water, ruins, gorges, bridges, elevation, and much, much more.
  •  Lastly, offer up to 15 amazing encounters (along with dozens of add-on sets) — the more you pledge, the more we unlock — that offer unparalleled modularity and provide their own compelling adventures right out of the box.

DESIGN. Our creative team spent nearly a year developing this ultimate Cavern collection. We started with research, foam mock-ups and advice from our tooling experts, and designed organic forms and enveloping curves that go far beyond the shapes you could build with any previous terrain.

SCULPTING AND PAINTING. A key part of making Caverns Deep! special was deepening the cave-like overhangs and textures to build astonishingly dramatic and perfectly colored formations. Our artists painstakingly sculpted every single crevice, stalagmite, ledge, swell and pool by hand – and our painters meticulously applied just the right mix of color to capture all the depth and detail. In our opinion, it’s the best sculpting and painting we’ve ever done.


Caverns Deep! includes an extensive variety of terrain, features and enhancements. We have crumbling Ruins, a pestilent Mushroom Grotto, perilous Ice Catacombs, reptilian infested Water, and if we can unlock them, illuminated Crystal Caverns, the treacherousUnderdoom, and Dreadhollow Forest, a brand new Wilderness terrain system.

Many pieces come with working (even some multicolor) LEDs.  Most Caverns Deep! pieces also come with standard Anchor Magnets inset underneath, so your builds stay firmly in place on our colorful (metal embedded) Terrain Trays.

There’s dramatic elevation, traps, minis, bridges, even a modular dock and boat. And, at long last, a “Dwarven Forge”!

Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS7 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS8 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS9


All the sets you see come fully hand painted, right out of the box.  Or, if you prefer, order your sets unpainted (and try our custom designed Pokorny paints, available on our website).

Encounter Areas:

At the heart of Caverns Deep are its 15 exciting Encounters. Every Encounter is a self-contained adventure with its own unique theme and pieces – and it’s ready to play right out of the box!

Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS10

The Module.  Also included in your pledge is a full Caverns Deep! Module that journeys through every single Encounter – with photos, illustrations and complete stats, via PDF download. Since the domain of Caverns Deep! is the actual setting for its storyline, the pieces and builds are depicted within and integral to the narrative. So the module and terrain work symbiotically to immerse your group in your game like never before!

Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS11 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS12 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS13 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS14


One of the essential features of all Dwarven Forge terrain is its modularity. Caverns Deep! is no exception. You can build the Encounters we’ve pictured — or you can build something completely new every time. You can also combine your Caverns Deep! pieces with any of our other terrain. The only limit is your imagination!

Main Pledge Level:


You’ll see photos of the Encounters followed by photos of the pledge levels further below. But first, let’s just lay out the basics of making a pledge:

1) To pledge, the first thing you’ll want to do is select a Main Pledge level. These are the pledges shown down the right-hand column of the page.

2) Once you select your Main Pledge, you can add any other set(s) you see on this Kickstarter, as long as it has a price listed on our Google Sheet or our Pledge Calculator (that means it’s unlocked). These include anything from small add-on sets, to full Encounters — or even another Main Pledge level.

3) To pledge, click on the pledge level you want, then enter the total cost (including shipping/taxes) of your Main Pledge + any additional set(s) you want, and press „continue,“ then „pledge“.  You can modify your pledge as many times as you want until the campaign ends on August 14th.

How do we know which sets you’ve chosen?

I.  When the campaign is over, Kickstarter will charge you for your pledge.  Kickstarter takes their commission and then they send the remaining funds to us.  They tell us: A) your e-mail (the one you use with KS); B) your main pledge level; and, C) your pledge total.  It’s then up to us to collect all remaining information.  We do that with our online pledge manager.

II. About 4-6 weeks after the campaign closes, you will receive an e-mail invitation to this pledge manager.  It will be pre-loaded with your main pledge and your total pledge amount.  You’ll then just type in your name and shipping details, and reconfirm your set choices from our online menu, which will be a much enhanced version of the pledge calculator.  Once you’re done, you can download a copy of your order, or even upgrade your selections (subject to availability).  (If you didn’t include shipping/import fees with your pledge, the pledge manager will also collect them.)

III. This will be our 6th pledge manager, so please don’t worry — this part is easy and fun.  Any questions at that time, we are absolutely available to help!


Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS15a Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS15b


We offer 4 different types of Main Pledges:

I. Starter Pledges

These will give you a great start on building your cavern. These include Cavern Starterand Cavern Entrance.

II. Build Your Own

Select Build Your Own Cavern to order your own choice of set(s) à la carte.  You can use our Pledge Calculator or our Google Spreadsheet to add up the total of the sets you want.

III. Adventure Essentials

The Caverns Deep pieces are detailed, feature-filled and more costly to produce than most of our previous pieces.  With that in mind, Nate assembled Adventure Essentials 1-3, 1-6, 1-9 and 1-11 from subsets of the first 11 Encounters to provide a maximum variety and utility for the least cost.

The goal: cherry pick all the key Adventure pieces that define each Encounter, and provide a Universal set of Core pieces so you can build each Encounter you pledge for — just not all of them at the same time. These pledge levels reflect our recommendation for maximizing the versatility and efficiency of your pledge.

Adventure Essentials 1-3 contains:

  • 3 Adventure packs with all the Adventure pieces from Encounters 1-3.
  • Universal Core Set 1-3.
  • 4 Add-on packs that are part of Encounters 1-3

You can build Encounters 1-3, but not all at the same time.

Adventure Essentials 1-6 contains:

  • 6 Adventure packs with all the Adventure pieces from Encounters 1-6.
  • Universal Core Set 1-3 and 4-6.
  • 8 Add-on packs that are part of Encounters 1-6.

You can build Encounters 1-6, but not all at the same time.

Adventure Essentials 1-9 contains:

  • 9 Adventure packs with all the Adventure pieces from Encounters 1-9.
  • Universal Core Set 1-3; 4-6; 7-9.
  • 18 Add-on packs (this includes 2X of 2 sets) that are part of Encounters 1-9.

You can build Encounters 1-9, but not all at the same time.

Adventure Essentials 1-11 contains:

  • 11 Adventure packs with all the Adventure pieces from Encounters 1-11.
  • Universal Core Set 1-3; 4-6; 7-9; 10-11.
  • 25 Add-on packs (this includes 2X of 3 sets) that are part of Encounters 1-11.

You can build Encounters 1-11, but not all at the same time.


These are bundles that include every single piece shown from various Encounters. Right now, the only pledge in this category is Uncharted Underground. It includes all the pieces included in Encounter 12/Ice Cavern, Encounter 13/Crystal Cavern and Encounter 14/The Underdoom. (This pledge does not include Encounters 1-11.)

One final note on the main pledges: Except for Build Your Own Cavern, each Main Pledge offers a discount off the à la carte price for its components. (The percentage of the discount actually goes up as the pledges get larger.)

Beispiele für Encounter & Pledges:

Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS16 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS17 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS18 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS19 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS20 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS21Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS32 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS35 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS37 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS39 Dwarven Forge Caverns Deep KS41


Caverns Deep ist bereits komplett finanziert:

Ziel: 100.000 USD

Stand: mehr als 1,5 Mio USD

Backer: 1.590

Ende der Kampagne: 15. August 2018 03:00 CEST

Link: Caverns Deep KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Sieht echt toll aus. Dann auch noch mit LED Beleuchtung. Ist aber preislich schon eine Hausnummer.

  • Design-technisch und Umsetzung absolut der Hammer. Vor allem die Modularität durch Magnete und die Einbindung von LED-Elementen ist echt klasse. Kann man echt nur staunen.

    Allerdings halt dann auch beim Preis 😉
    Sprengt leider für mich persönlich jeglichen Rahmen. Dafür bin ich selbst zu sehr Geländebastler, als dass ich so viel Geld für Fremdprodukte in die Hand nehmen würde. Auch wenn ich zu 99% sowas (noch) nicht selbst hinbekommen würde 😉

  • Wunderschön, wie bislang alle ihre Sachen.
    Aber echt krass, wieviel Geld da einzelne Backer reinstecken. Mir wär selbst das kleinste Set zu kostspielig.
    Wahrscheinlich geht die Hälfte der Bestellungen auf Ryan Devoto 🙂

  • Hammer Design und die Modularität scheint spitze zu sein. Bei dem Preis steige ich dann aber leider trotzdem nicht ein.

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