von BK-Herr Kemper | 20.08.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Weltkriege

Dog Tag: Hungarian WW2 Kickstarter

Per Kickstarter solle eine Reihe ungarischer WW2 Minis in 28mm finanziert werden.

Dog Tag Hungarian Ks

Das Projekt:

Many of you will have seen my previous work either with our last Kickstarter or on my Faccebook page or at some events we have attended. Dog Tag miniatures are aiming to bring the more niche miniatures to the tabletop that are not availible from the existing manufactures.

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For our second Kickstarter we hoping to bring a 28mm Hungarian army to the tabletop. We have already had some sculpts commissioned by the very talented Mr John Robertson (he also sculpted the Italians) and the production moulds made. These units are the Flamer Team and the ATR motorbike sculpted by the very talented Richard Humble (which just so happened to inspire this project). All miniatures in this project will be individual sculpts.

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The funding goal (£4000) for this project covers the cost of the sculpts and the production mould cost. If we hit this target there a lot of stretch goals which we found in the unofficial Army List written by the Bolt Action Alliance Team.

The Main reward is being kept as simple as possible a Hungarian Army for £70 consisting of:-

2 man Officer Team,

2 man Flamer team,

1 x Anti Tank Rifle Bike,

1 x bike squad 5 men, 1bike, 1 bike with sidecar,

1 x Squad A 10 man all individual poses, NCO with submachine gun, 1 LMG and 8 rifles (1 of which has a  panzefaust).

1 x Squad b 10 man all individual poses, NCO with submachine gun, 1 LMG,8 and rifles (1 of which has a panzefaust.

For additional units please add the add-on cost below to your pledges.

Officer team £5

Flamer team £5

ATR bike £12

Bike squad £20

Infantry squad A or B £15

Pictures of the Flamer team with optional flame

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Stretch Goals:

Reaching Stretch goals will enable us to unlock new units to add to the range which of course you can add to your pledges

£4600 – Unlocks Panzersheck and Anti Tank Team (4 men) + £5 to pledge.

£5200 – Unlocks Sniper and Light Morter Teams (4 men) + £5 to pledge

£5800 – Unlocks Medium Machine Team (3 men) + £5 to pledge

£6400 – Unlocks Medium Morter and Spotter (4 men) + £5 to pledge

£7000 – Unlocks Officer, FAO and Medic team (4 men) + £5 to pledge

£8000 – Rocket Artillery AKA MAce Thrower (4 men and weapon) + £11 to pledge

£9000 – Tank Crew 3 mounted + 3 dismounted (6 men) + £7 to pledge

£10000 – Pioneer Squad (6 Men) +£7 to pledge

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Pledge Level:

Officer Team – 5,00 GBP

Officer team 2 men, Cast in metal

Flamer team – 5,00 GBP

Flamer team, 2 men. Cast in metal

Anti Tank Rifle Bike – 12,00 GBP

BMW 75 and sidecar with ATR and 3 Hungarian crew. Bike and sidecar cast in Resin with the riders and ATR cast in metal.

10 Man Hungarian Infantry Squad – 15,00 GBP

10 man Hungarian Infantry Squad either squad A or squad B. Cast in Metal

5 Man Hungarian Bike Squad – 20,00 GBP

5 Hungarian bike crew and 1 bike and 1 bike and sidecar. Bikes are cast in Resin, crew cast in metal

2 X 10 man squads options A and B – 28,00 GBP

Squad A and Squad B both 10 man squads, 20 men in total. Cast in metal

Hungarian Army Deal – 70,00 GBP (65,00 GBP early bird)

1 X Officer Team (2 men)
1 X Flamer Team (2men)
1 X ATR Bike (1 bike and sidecar 3 crew)
1 X Bike Squad (1 bike, 1bike with sidecar and 5 crew)
1 X Squad A (10 men)
1 X Squad B (10 men)


Finanzierung: mehr als 3.700 GBP derzeit (Ziel sind 4.000 GBP)

Backer: 60

Ende:  31. August 2018 12:05 CEST

Link: Dog Tag Hungarian WW2 KS


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Das Motorrad ist zu gut. Bei den Infanterie Teams sehe ich ein Problem mit dem Flammenwerfer. Die Flamme wird immer wider herunter fallen und die Figur kippt bestimmt schnell um (auch wenn sie beschwert wird an der Basis). Ist eine Vermutung, aber meine Flammenwerfer von Bolt Action haben schon dieses Problem und die haben eine kurze Flamme im Vergleich zu diesem.

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