von BK-Christian | 18.02.2018 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Doctor Who: Neuheiten

Von Warlord Games kommen neue Modelle für Doctor Who.

WG Dr Who 11th Doctor & Companions 1 WG Dr Who 11th Doctor & Companions 2 WG Dr Who 11th Doctor & Companions 3

Dr Who 11th Doctor & Companions – 19,99 Pfund

Youthful in appearance, but centuries old, the Eleventh Doctor loved life, but had little tolerance for those who did him wrong. A fondness for hats and Jammie Dodgers, he was adventurous and unpredictable. He travelled with Amy and Rory and, later, Clara – the Impossible Girl.

He married Professor River Song and faced and defeated countless enemies including The Silence, Weeping Angels and Daleks. Revisiting the Time War, he discovered that he and his past incarnations had saved his home world, Gallifrey, and the Time Lords from destruction, but his planet was lost somewhere in the endless void of space and time.

This box contains the following unpainted pewter miniatures: the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, Dr River Song and Clara Oswald, along with gaming cards allowing you to use these figures in our Exterminate! miniatures game.

WG The Tomb Of The Cybermen 1 WG The Tomb Of The Cybermen 2 WG The Tomb Of The Cybermen 3

The Tomb of the Cybermen – 19,99 Pfund

The Telos Tomb Cybermen were once like us. Hailing from Mondas, Earth’s twin planet, their scientists discovered ways to prolong and upgrade their race by replacing vital organs with metal and plastic. Each had the strength of eight men, but all humanoid emotions had been removed. They are more robot than man, intent on conquering the galaxy and upgrading as many humans as possible to become like them.

The Cybermen who settled on the planet Telos were frozen in suspended animation in giant, elaborate tombs, awaiting their resurrection.  An archaeological expedition from Earth led by Professor Parry awoke the dormant army, but they did not realise the horrors that awaited them…

The box includes five metal miniatures:

  • One Cyber-Controller and four Cybermen.

WG Voyage Of The Damned 1 WG Voyage Of The Damned 2 WG Voyage Of The Damned 3

Voyage of the Damned – 19,99 Pfund

Travelling alone, the Tenth Doctor crash lands the TARDIS into the side of the Titanic, although this version happens to be a luxury space cruise liner!

Its engines sabotaged, the Titanic is on a collision course with Earth. Posing as a passenger, only the Doctor, joined by waitress Astrid Peth and an eclectic mix of survivors, can save the lives of millions on our home planet.

As deadly Heavenly Host robots controlled by the corrupt Max Capricorn begin to pick off the passengers, mass carnage and great personal sacrifice follow as the band of survivors desperately try to avert a catastrophic disaster.

The box includes five highly detailed pewter miniatures: Tenth Doctor, Astrid Peth, Bannakaffalatta, and two Heavenly Hosts.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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