von BK-Herr Kemper | 15.09.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

DGS Games: Thrakansor, Dragon of Fire Kickstarter

Ein kleiner Kickstarter zur Finanzierung eines Feuerdrachen in 32mm.

DGS Thrakansor KS

Das Projekt:

This project creates a resin dragon model for use in the Freeblades Fantasy Miniatures Game in 32mm scale.  This model will be sculpted by the amazingly talented Julie Guthrie.  You can easily find examples of her work by searching online, particularly her work for Reaper Miniatures.  We are extremely fortunate to be collaborating with her on this project.

For more information about the Freeblades game, see our website at www.dgsgames.com Your pledge will take this new creature from concept art, to masterful sculpture and then into production to be delivered to our backers.

Dragons are denizens of the hidden world of Karelon, an alternate reality separated from the World of Faelon by The Between.  There are nine dragons, one for each of the nine energies: fire, water, air, earth, ice, illusion, celestial, void and an energy not yet revealed in our world.  Thrakansor is the Dragon of Fire, and devastates Faelon in the opening stages of the BrightSword War.

To get a sense of scale of the model, here is the concept art with a human silhouette for reference.  That silhouette represents a human-sized Freeblades model 32mm in height.

DGS Thrakansor KS2

The model will come with a 120mm round resin base.

Sometime after all rewards have been delivered, Thrakansor will enter the Freeblades game system with complete rules and be available for use in scenarios that feature a large beast such as Beast Hunt and The Lair.  We intend to publish additional scenarios that specifically make use of this model.  Interested backers can be part of the playtesting of this model’s rules and scenarios.

This is a very simple project.  We are only making one thing – this beautiful dragon model.  There will not be any stretch goals, so the incentive to get us over the funding level rests in your hands.  Tell all your friends who might be interested that they can have a large resin dragon model sculpted by Julie Guthrie for the simple pledge of $60.

We here at DGS Games would like to take this opportunity to thank our long time friend and Freeblades player Bryan Bledsoe for being the driving force behind this project.  Bryan generated sufficient interest in this project for us to take a look at doing it far earlier than intended and it has led us to this point where we are collaborating with one of the world’s most renown miniature sculptors to bring a very important new creature into our pantheon.  A million thanks Bryan, we would not be here without you.

One of the main reasons why this project was not originally on the plate for this year is that we already have a major kickstarter project planned for launch on 1 January 2019 in which we will create two entirely new factions for the Freeblades game.  Please follow us and watch for more information coming soon.

Pledge Level:

Give me a Dragon! – 60,00 USD

At this pledge level, you will receive one Thrakansor dragon model. If you want more than one, pledge in multiples of $60 for each dragon model desired.

Free shipping in the US. For international shipping, see the International Shipping Zones in the campaign description and add the appropriate amount to your pledge.

Dragon Hunters! – 150,00 USD

You get a Thrakansor model and a freeband to combat it! Work with our team to select 18 standard Freeband models (nine heroes and nine followers) to dare battling this terrifying beast.

Free shipping in the US. For international shipping, see the International Shipping Zones in the campaign description and add the appropriate amount to your pledge.

Dragon Game Day! – 350,00 USD

The game’s designer comes to your location in the US and puts on a game day for you and your group at a convention or game store sometime in 2020. This includes teaching the rules, information about Faelon, and a day long game for you and up to seven of your friends taking on Thrakansor himself!

Remember, if you also want a copy of the dragon model, add $60 to this pledge for each dragon desired.

Free shipping in the US. For international shipping, see the International Shipping Zones in the campaign description and add the appropriate amount to your pledge.

I’ll Take Mine Painted! – 600,00 USD

Get a Thrakansor model superbly painted by our studio painter, Aaron Newell.

Free shipping in the US. For international shipping, see the International Shipping Zones in the campaign description and add the appropriate amount to your pledge.


Finanzierung: über 7.000 USD (Ziel: 9.500 USD)

Backer: knapp 70

Ende: 1. Oktober 2018 21:59 CEST


Link: Thrakansor Dragon of Fire KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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