DGS Games: Eclipse Sisterhood
DGS Games präsentieren die Eclipse Sisterhood für Freeblades.
We’d like to introduce you to some very special ladies. They’re forward-thinkers, revolutionaries, and warriors. They’re the Eclipse, and they are the newest faction for Freeblades. The five warrior women pictured above are all included in the Starter Set, and right now through midnight on February 28th if you purchase an Eclipse Starter Set on our webstore and use the code “eclipse” at checkout, we’ll give you 20% off your entire purchase. 20% off a revolution in a box? Yes, please. http://www.dgsgames.com/product/eclipse-starter-set/
Preis: 36,99 USD
Quelle: DGS Games auf Facebook
„Quelle: 36.99 $“ *hust*
Ansonsten gefallen sie mir gut. Gerade die zweite Dame wäre eine sehr passende Zahori von DSA. Hmm, mal sehen 🙂
Danke! 🙂
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