von BK-Martin | 21.06.2018 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines, Zubehör

Deep-Cut Studio: RPG Spielmatte

Deep-Cut Studio zeigen eine neue Spielmatte, für Rollenspiele in ihrem Shop.

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New game mat release! To all of you who love tabletop RPGs, this is a game mat for you. Water based pens compatible PVC material, 1 inch grid when tactics and strategy calls, just the right dimensions to fit a standard dungeon or other map. Keep a track of characters and mobs and their stats, never lose important details and then wipe them off with a simple wet tissue. It’s a must have accessory that will find its use in any RPG party.

Game mat for RPG games. Features:

– Made from high durability PVC (vinyl)
– Compatible with water based pens and markers
– Non textured gaming surface with high quality printed image
– Resistant to scratch and tear as well as dirt stains
– 3×3 feet in size
– 1 inch grid markings
– You can choose any image from the library or upload your own and make a game mat out of it with an optional grid or hex layout. Please visit the Print-O-Mat menu for customized orders.

Preis: 25.90 EUR

Quelle: Deep-Cut Studio

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