von BK-Christian | 03.05.2018 | eingestellt unter: Darklands

Darklands: Neuheiten im Mai

Mierce Miniatures haben auch wieder diverse Neuheiten vorgestellt.

MM Mierce Obogg, Oghur Warrior

Obogg, Oghur Warrior – 24,99 Pfund (Resin)

One of the last „warriors converted from banner bearers“ to be released is Obogg, the Oghur warrior that was once Pabogg, the banner bearer. Converted by Andrew May and Dan Warren from the original by Olivier Bouchet and Tom Mahon…

MM Mierce Bowmen Of Scīrbrōc, Ceorl Bowman Unit (10x Warriors W Cmd)

Bowmen of Scīrbrōc, Ceorl Bowman Unit – 64,99 Pfund (Resin), 39,99 Pfund (Metall)

These guys have been a while in coming, but they’re here now… the Ceorl Bowmen, sculpted by Stéphane Camosseto from the artwork by Danny Cruz, are bloody awesome and a cracking addition to the Anglecynn. As always with our infantry, you can get them in four strengths of unit – as a unit of five with command, ten with command, five without command and ten without command.

Individually there’s the champion of the unit – Olric – and four warriors, Mardith, Weyn , Gutch and Erweyn.

MM Mierce Bowman Urien, Teyrn Of Môn On Foot

Bowman Urien, Teyrn of Môn on Foot – 12,99 Pfund (Resin)

Converted by Juan Navarro Pérez from his own original miniature, Bowman Urien is a cracking addition to the Brythoniaid and a superb miniature in his own right. Drawn by Dan Warren, of course.

MM Mierce Cowering Scecchus, Servile Fiend Of Dis

Cowering Scecchus, Servile Fiend of Dis – 34,99 Pfund (Resin)

Another conversion from the talented mitts of Tim Prow, he’s taken Dan Cockersell’s original Scecchus and given him a nice shield and a lovely single-handed axe, which is handy for shieldwall work, or so I hear.

MM Mierce Jute Wihtboga Support Starter Host

Jute Wihtboga Support Starter Host 119,99 Pfund (Resin), 79,99 Pfund (Metall)

With the release of Archer Mildryth in metal, the Jute Wihtboga Support Starter Host can now be released for it contains her as well as a unit of ten Wihtboga and a unit of Tomb Spiders (which are resin only whether you purchase the host in metal or resin). It’s a great start to any Jute army!

MM Mierce Archer Mildryth, Cant Thain

Archer Mildryth, Cant Thain – 12,99 Pfund (Resin), 7,99 Pfund (Metall)

The lovingly well-endowed Mildryth is enjoying a new lease of life with her bow and arrows, all thanks to Danny Cruz‘ artwork and Yannick Hennebo’s sculpting. She’ll go great with some bowmen…

MM Mierce Murderous Abhorrents Of Ys, Great Club Abhorrent Unit

Murderous Abhorrents of Ys, Great Club Abhorrent Unit – 99,99 Pfund (Resin)

These guys have been ‚coming for a while‘ as they say – but they’re finally here! The Murderous Abhorrents of Ys contain five brutal, abhorrent warriors of the Ysians who wield great clubs in combat and who also look bloody weird, because they’ve all got three legs and some very odd mutations. Sculpted by Olivier Bouchet and Andrew May from the artwork by Danny Cruz, these guys are Gorz (the champion), Pokell, Gussug, Ingenga and Zunuz.

MM Mierce Ruinous Abhorrents Of Ys, Two Club Abhorrent Unit

Ruinous Abhorrents of Ys, Two Club Abhorrent Unit – 99,99 Pfund (Resin)

The alternate versions of the Murderous Abhorrents of Ys are the Ruinous Abhorrents of Ys, and they each wield two clubs instead of a great club. Again, sculpted by Olivier Bouchet and Andrew May from the artwork by Danny Cruz, these guys are Grozo (the champion), Kell, Rulguss, Genga and Zunur.

Anglecynn Metals

Anything Anglecynn that wasn’t in metal before now (and is below 60mm in base size) is now available in metal! That means Timoth, Leofwen on foot and on great hart, Ceonwulf, Hrōr, Cearl, Aldhelm, Rēoc’s Pack and, of course, the Ceorl Bowmen.

All of the releases above will be officially released on the 5th of May 2018. We’re ahead of the game this time! Huzzah!

Watch out for the June releases, which should be unveiled soon…

Mierce Miniatures ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.

Quelle: Mierce Miniatures


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Diesen Scecchus könnte ich mir gut neben Tiberion und Co. in einer Skhorne Armee vorstellen o.o“

  • Mierce liegt doch immer noch ein Stück hinter den ganzen KS die sie gemacht haben hinterher oder?

    Gibts da eine Übersicht wo man sehen kann was wo noch fehlt?

  • Neben den da oben sind auch schon eine Menge anderer Figuren fertig, die nur nich drauf warten, herausgebracht zu werden. Die nächsten Monate sind also mit ähnlicher Fülle bestückt.
    Habe mir grad 500gr Schlangenmenschen für meinen Vampirclan geordert. Wundertüten machen es möglich 🙂

      • Es gibt immer mal Miscast Packs oder Grab Bags zu den verschiedenen Völkern, in denen Du dann irgendwelche Teile bekommst. Ist halt ne Wundertüte, aber wenn du ein bisschen Rumbasteln magst, eine volle Bitzbox hast und auch über den ein oder anderen Fehlguss bei den Miscast Packs hinwegsehen kannst (hatte bislang nichts dramatisches, eher in Richtung Luftblasen, leichten Bruch bei extrem feinen Stellen,…) ist das echt cool.

      • Mierce verkauft günstig Packungen von Minis die leichte Gussfehler haben. Was man bekommt ist Zufall.

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