von BK-Nils | 07.07.2018 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Cthulhu: Death may die noch mehr Previews

Auf Facebook gibt es weitere Previews für den kommenden Kickstarter, Cthulhu: Death may die, von Coolminiornot und Guillotine Games zu sehen.

CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Hastur 1 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Hastur 2 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Hastur 3

Hastur has at times been depicted as benevolent, but in Cthulhu: Death May Die, it embraces its more common evil and destructive side. Hastur is one of the Elder Gods that will be summoned by Cultists to bring about the end of the world…unless it can be stopped.

Cthulhu: Death May Die is coming to Kickstarter on July 10 at 3PM EST.

CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Rasputin 1 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Rasputin 2 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Rasputin 3

Rasputin didn’t plan on living forever. It was a ‚gift‘ bestowed on him by a cult, intent on torturing and killing him again and again. However, Rasputin escaped, and now uses his powers of regeneration for the greater good.

Rasputin will try to avoid death one more time when Cthulhu: Death May Die comes to Kickstarter on July 10 at 3PM EST. Miniature sculpted by RN Estudio.

CMON Cthulhu Death May Die The Deep Ones 1 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die The Deep Ones 2 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die The Deep Ones 3

The Deep Ones are a race of ocean-dwelling creatures. They are greyish-green in appearance, shiny and slippery. Although being mostly at home deep below the surface of the sea, they can live for extended periods on land.

Cthulhu: Death May Die is coming to Kickstarter on July 10 at 3 PM EST. Miniature sculpted by Yannick Hennebo.

CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Sister Beth 1 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Sister Beth 2 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Sister Beth 3

Sister Beth finds that her faith provides a certain insulation to her psyche from the horror of the occult and Elder Gods. She is secure in the knowledge that she is working on the side of ultimate salvation.

Sister Beth’s faith will be tested when Cthulhu: Death May Die comes to Kickstarter on July 10 at 3PM EST. Sculpted by RN Estudio.

CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Ghouls 1 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Ghouls 2 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Ghouls 3

Ghouls may seem like little more than minions to the Elder Gods, but they are formidable foes for the Investigators, not to be taken lightly.

The Ghoul was sculpted by Remy Tremblay. Cthulhu: Death May Die is coming to Kickstarter on July 10 at 3PM EST.

CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Lea 1 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Lea 2 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Lea 3

Despite her diminutive stature, Lea, or the Kid, as she’s referred to by the other Investigators, needs no parent or guardian. Her one-child campaign against the cults of the world give nothing away about her mysterious origins.

Lea begins her fight when Cthulhu: Death May Die comes to Kickstarter on July 10 at 3 PM EST. Miniature sculpted by RN Estudio.

CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Morgan 1 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Morgan 2 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Morgan 3

Morgan didn’t know what he was getting into when he agreed to lead a cult expedition into the heart of the jungle. He led them to the ruins they sought, and when they started their ritual, it all became clear. Since then, he’s been fighting to put an end to cult activity.

He’ll continue that battle when Cthulhu: Death May Die comes to Kickstarter on July 10 at 3PM EST. Miniature sculpted by RN Estudio.

CMON Cthulhu Death May Die The Investigators 1 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die The Investigators 2

The Investigators are a strange team, but they will need to come together if they hope to face the horrors of an Elder God. Look for our article on the Investigators later this week.

Cthulhu: Death May Die is coming to Kickstarter on July 10 at 3 PM EST. Miniatures sculpted by RN Estudio.

CMON Cthulhu Death May Die The Investigators 2 1 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die The Investigators 2 2

The Investigators are a strange team, but they will need to come together if they hope to face the horrors of an Elder God. Look for our article on the Investigators later this week.

Cthulhu: Death May Die is coming to Kickstarter on July 10 at 3 PM EST. Miniatures sculpted by RN Estudio.

CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Star Spawn 1 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Star Spawn 2 CMON Cthulhu Death May Die Star Spawn 3

The Elder God Cthulhu has many followers, but none more loyal or deadly than the Star Spawn. They serve Cthulhu with an unwavering reverence that might be mistaken for love, if they were only capable of that emotion.

Cthulhu: Death May Die is coming to Kickstarter on July 10 at 3 PM EST. Miniature sculpted by Aragorn Marks.

Something big is coming to Earth from another dimension, just in time for the Cthulhu: Death May Die Kickstarter on July 10 at 3 PM EST. Check out the video for all the details. The optional buy Cthulhu sculpted by Remy Tremblay.

Quelle: CMON auf Facebook


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Was ist denn da schief gelaufen? Im Vergleich zu den guten Artworks sind vor allem bei den Menschen einige Proportionen seltsam. Da wirken einige viel zu gedrungen oder ihnen fehlt plötzlich der Hals. Ganz schlimm find ich das bei dem Mädchen.

    Die Deep Ones sehen auf dem Artwork auch viel bedrohlicher und befremdlicher aus, als dann bei der Mini selbst.

  • Fast alle weiblichen Minis haben X-Beine. Gefällt mir alles sehr gut, aber so blöde Posen bei der Hälfte der Minis ist für mich dann der Ausschlussgrund.

    • Noch dazu finde ich die ausdruckslosen bis hin zu süffisant grinsenden Gesichter ziemlich unpassend gegenüber dem Schrecken der sie alle umgeben sollte…

      Die X-Beine sind mir erst jetzt aufgefallen.

  • Die Menschen gefallen mir gar nicht, die Monster sind okay bis herausragend.

    Im Ernst, ich glaube ich hab weder als Artwork geschweige denn als Miniatur so einen genialen König in Gelb gesehen 🙂

    • Dem kann ich nur zustimmen. Bei den Menschen gefallen mir nicht mal die Artworks, die von den Minis auch noch schlecht umgesetzt werden. Brotha Indy und Rasputin finde ich von der Idee her ok. Aber warum sind die Frauen dann wieder so generisch und was macht Flammenmagie im Lovecraft Universum? Fragen über Fragen…

      • Rasputin? Du meinst bestimmt Alan Moore. 😉

        Der Stil erinnert mich an „The Others“, aber mit einem ganz eigenen Charme. Gefällt mir, nur auf viele Riesenmonster kann ich gut verzichten.

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