von BK-Herr Kemper | 06.07.2018 | eingestellt unter: Pulp, Science-Fiction

Crooked Dice: Neuheiten

Crooked Dice veröffentlicht Polizisten und ein VTOL im Juli.

Crooked Dice Juli

Lawmen with Shotguns – je 4,00 GBP – alle 4 im Set 12,00 GBP

Lawmen! Sworn to catch criminals, patrol factory perimeters, eat donuts and deal with the good ‘ole boys having a bar brawl. These four models are armed with shotguns for stopping criminals in their tracks.

Crooked Dice Juli2 Crooked Dice Juli3 Crooked Dice Juli4

Dragonfly VTOL – 25,00 GBP

Take to the skies with this vertical-take-off and landing craft! Ideal for modern or near future games to scour jungles for fugitives or tactical evacs from hostile encampments.

… außerdem kündigt Crooked Dice eine Preiserhöhung an:

Crooked Dice will be VAT registered from 01 August. On the one hand, that’s good news as it’s a signal the company is growing and things are going well. The downside is that for the first time in ten years there will be some adjustments to figure pricing.

We always tried to supply quality, reasonably priced specialist miniatures and that aim won’t change. And after a review and lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth, I think that on the whole, products are priced about right. However, there are a few historic pricing anomalies that I am going to standardise – and a few of the larger packs will be going up.

The changes are not radical – in fact you’ll notice that some pack prices don’t change at all. There will be a few exceptions, but in general, these will be the new prices:

+ All Accessories (heads, weapon sprues) – £2
+ All single figures – £4
+ All packs of TWO figures – £8
+ All packs of THREE figures – £10
+ All packs of FOUR UNIT figures – £12
+ All packs of FOUR PERSONALITY figures – £15
+ All packs of FIVE UNIT figures – £15
+ All Starter Casts packs (8 figures) – £20

Increases will start to take to take effect over the next couple of weeks. With over 300 products in the catalogue it will take a while to manually change everything!

As a way of softening the blow, any orders from now until the end of July will receive a FREE random figure with any order over £10.

Resin will be reviewed separately as it’s less consistent than the lead.

I hope this won’t put you off supporting Crooked and buying our lovely toys and I’ll thank you in advance for your patience as I work through all the admin.

Quelle: Crooked Dice Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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