von BK-Herr Kemper | 25.02.2018 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Crooked Dice: Neuheiten

Ein Schwung Neuheiten von Crooked Dice.

Watch the skies! There’s a definite feel of alien invasion in this next batch of releases. Luckily there are two new Heroes to protect us from the invaders!

There are two packs of Aliens previously only available in a Starter Set – but sold in packs of three and individually. Available separately are three alien minion head sprues to tailor your otherworldly forces. Plus there’s a monstrous Alien Handmaiden to bolster your forces.

Meanwhile there’s some terrain to help defend you in the form of a Satellite Dish, Humvee and Heavy Gun.

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Heroes 4 – je 4,00 GBP/8,00 GBP als Set

Two new heroes! This dashing pair love fast cars and righting wrongs – tight trousers and perfect hair are not optional. These models can be used as Stars in 7TV 2nd edition:

  • Action Hero
  • Unearthly Traveller

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Alien Handmaiden – 10,00 GBP

From beyond the stars, or beyond the veil comes this monstrous servant of some otherworldly power. Perhaps a spearhead of an invasion force or a rampaging cosmic horror, this model can be represented with the Marauding Monster villainous Co-Star profile in 7TV 2nd edition.


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Alien Troopers – 9,00 GBP

At the head of an otherworldly visitation is often a wise leader or brutal warlord. They may be galactic explorers or have designs on Earth’s women, cows or simply on hollowing out the planet and fitting it with motors. These three models can use the Alien Warrior profiles in 7TV 2nd edition.

These models are supplied with their heads on the tab. They have been designed to be compatible with the Alien MinionHeads 2, Alien Minion Heads 3 and Alien Minion Heads 4 head sprues – sold separately.

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Alien Command – 9,00 GBP

At the head of an otherworldly visitation is often a wise leader or brutal warlord. They may be galactic explorers or have designs on Earth’s women, cows or simply on hollowing out the planet and fitting it with motors.

These three models can use the following profiles in 7TV 2nd edition:

  • Alien War Leader
  • Alien War Priest
  • Alien Heavy

These models are supplied with their heads on the tab. They have been designed to be compatible with the Alien Minion Heads 2, Alien Minion Heads 3 and Alien Minion Heads 4 head sprues – sold separately.

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Alien Minion Heads II,III & IV (4 pro Pack) – je Pack 2,00 GBP

Be they inquisitive greys, martial brutes or emotionally challenged war machines, aliens come in many and varied forms. They may be galactic explorers or have designs on Earth’s women, cows or simply on hollowing out the planet and fitting it with motors. So this is the first of a variety of head packs to tailor your aliens.

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Satellite Dish – 14,00 GBP

Watch the skies with this large satellite dish – ideal for talking to your spy satellites or catching the mid-week big game.

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Humvee – 10,00 GBP

This armoured military vehicle is ideal for desert travel or cruising around Beverly Hills. Cast in resin and supplied unpainted. Requires assembly. Stowage suppled separately.

Link: Crooked Dice

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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