von BK-Thorsten | 05.10.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Corvus Corax Miniatures: Onwards Kickstarter

Corvus Corax Miniatures haben einen Kickstarter für zwei charaktervolle post-apokalyptische Kriegerbanden am Laufen.

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The Funding Goal is for 50,000 SEK (Swedish Crown) which equals aprox. $5,700, €4,800 or £4,300 (exchange rates may vary, please check your current ones).

The goal of this project is to attempt to raise funds for the production of totally 12 miniatures; six for the Clansmen of Caer Loch and six for the Sons of Yetl Black. The miniatures will be cast in high quality, non-toxic, resin. The scale of the miniatures are 35 mm (measuring to the eyes in a standing, straight pose, although some characters can be slightly larger because they are supposed to be large characters).

The miniatures have already been sculpted and pre-production resin casts have been completed and approved for final production if the funding is reached. A successful project here will help me be able to pay for the resin casting, and it will help me to kickstart the miniature range and expand it even further!

Um die Jungs und Mädels hier geht es:

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Und das sind die Pledgelevel:

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Die beiden Banden kosten jeweils 450 SEK, ca. 43 Euro.

Ein Stretchgoal ist für 55.000 SEK geplant, der Inhalt aber noch geheim.

Optionale Add-Ons für je 80 SEK:

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Ein paar Infos zu den Modellierern und Größenvergleiche:

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Infos zum Versand:

None of the pledge levels include the shipping cost. Shipping will be paid after the project has ended through Paypal to ensure that each backer will only pay the actual cost of their individual pledge.

To keep the shipping cost to a minimum the package will only include the miniature without any base. The miniature will be protected by bubble-wrap, a simple kraft box, and a padded envelope.

Typically, the estimated shipping cost break down as following (however, note that this is a rough estimation, and that the shipping cost will be based on the weight of each package, which might differ depending on which miniatures and how many you choose to select). The following is only ESTIMATED and does not mean that it is final.

  • 1-4 miniatures: €5
  • 5-12 miniatures: €10
  • 13+ miniatures: €15

This does NOT include tracking. If you want to include tracking (recommended letter) that will cost an extra €10 in addition to the shipping cost (for example, the estimated shipping cost for 12 miniatures with tracking would end up at €20). The insurance for recommended letter is at max value of 2,000 SEK.

Der Kickstarter läuft noch bis zum 21. Oktober.

Quelle: Onwards Kickstarter


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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