von BK-Christian | 26.06.2018 | eingestellt unter: Conquest

Conquest: Preview und Website

Para Bellum haben ein neues Preview zu Conquest vorgestellt.

PB Para Bellum Conquest Bogenschützen 1 PB Para Bellum Conquest Bogenschützen 2

Happily presenting Militia with short bows.
(with quivers)

PB Para Bellum Conquest Bogenschützen 3

Außerdem gibt es seit einer Weile endlich auch eine offizielle Website für Conquest und Para Bellum, wo man beispielsweise die Regeln herunterladen kann:

PB Para Bellum Preview Conquest 1

The World

More than six centuries have passed since the Fall changed Eä. Humanity struggles to rebuild after that cataclysm and the Long Winter that followed. With the Hollow Throne empty, the Hundred Kingdoms remain embroiled in internecine warfare, as the Nobility covets the remnants of the Empire, while the Church grinds its teeth at the weakened Orders. The City States of the south struggle to recover from the collapse of their paradigms at the hands of demagogues and tyrants. To the north, the Nords have finally left behind the horrors of the Fimbulwinter and the rule of the Jotnar, and have started expanding from their shattered realms. They turn their covetous eyes to the rich lands of the south, lusting for revenge for their murdered gods.

With mankind far from the glory and might of its Old Dominion, the enigmatic Spires exert their power for the first time in eons. Shedding millennia of custom and practice, the merchant princes seek the wealth of the lesser races, in an effort to break the stranglehold of power the Directorate and the Sovereign House exert. As the vicious games of these elders spill into the mortal realm, misery and warfare spread like a disease from their domains.

While the clamor of war spreads, the wisest amongst those living fear the rising of the Dweghom. Deep in their Holds, they hear the clamor of battle approaching and feel the pulse quicken in their veins. They are the eldest disciples of War. The last time their Hosts marched to battle, the eternal reign of Dragons came to an end in a conflict so violent the land itself withdrew.

Far to the east, darkness is gathering. The fearless Tribes hurl themselves against the Claustrine Gates as their lands shrink. Their warbands are unable to contend with the ancient evil that stirs in what was once the heartland of the Old Dominion…

PB Para Bellum Preview Conquest 2

Hier kann man die Regeln direkt herunterladen

The Game

Conquest – the Last Argument of Kings is a mass battle wargame produced by Para Bellum Wargames. The rules of the game have been written by one of the industry’s lead game designers, Alessio Cavatore and his studio Riverhorse. The rules are quick and easy to learn for a new player but are still able to offer a new and complex strategy to master. Conquest does away with player turns and army deployment. Instead, it focuses its play around the command stack mechanic, where each player determines at the beginning of the round what order his troops are going to be activated in. Coupled with a unique escalation reinforcement mechanic where light, medium and heavy troops each have their roles, the fog of war is a very real thing. Through this game the ability of a seasoned general’s foresight in order to trap his opponent’s forces and foresee his moves is heavily relied upon.

The game launches with the Core Box Set that contains two factions that battle in the Conquest universe. These two factions, however, will continue to expand, as well as new factions will be added, offering the players the option to create whole new armies that may be suited better to their taste and playing styles.

The Factions

The Hundred Kingdoms
Sheltered by the selfless sacrifices of the last Legion, the refugees that managed to escape the cataclysm of the Fall would survive the Long Winter that followed and, in time, prosper to found one of the largest and most diverse bastions of human civilization on Eä. Today, the Hundred Kingdoms extend from the shel…

The Spires
Scattered throughout the land as if by the hand of a mad god, the Spires dominate the landscape they stand upon. Rising thousands of feet into the air, they are the source of countless suppositions, tales and myths. The learned know that the Spires house entire populations, the last remnants of a civilization that o…

The Dweghom
The Dweghom are the firstborn children of War and their long history is steeped in warfare and loss. Originally crafted by the dragons as a race of peerless craftsmen, their Ancestors were forged to be the ultimate servitors; hardy, industrious, loyal and dedicated to the creation of beauty. Their lifespans were vas…

The Nords
Whereas the Hundred Kingdoms and the City States might claim to be the main bastions of human civilization, one should not assume that this means they are the sole bastions of human might. Far to the north, beyond the monster infested Northern Seas, lies Manheim, home of the Nords. These people have led a savage and…

Quelle: Para Bellum


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Das Spiel dauert länger in der Entwicklung als gedacht, aber das sieht schon alles sehr durchdacht aus. Und gerade beim Lesen des ganzen Fluffs merkt man schon, das der Hersteller nicht einfach nur beliebige Miniaturen verkaufen will, sondern ein komplett in sich geschlossenes System. Und das ganz ohne KS.
    Heutzutage ein sehr mutiger Schritt, den ich relativ sicher mit einer Anschaffung der Grundbox belohnen möchte.

    • Ich habe gerade mal die Regeln überflogen und das sieht schon sehr durchdacht aus. Bei einer Starterbox bin ich auf jeden Fall auch dabei. Außerdem sehen die Miniaturen auch super aus.

  • Ich denk, da werde ich auch mitmachen. Hab das System auch in Essen probespielen können und war positiv überrascht.

  • Geht mir genauso. Ich habe mir die Interviews mit den Entwicklern zum Hintergrund und den Fraktionen angesehen und war auch total überrascht, wieviel Energie und Hirnschmalz da hineingeflossen ist. Dazu finde ich die Regeln nicht schlecht, besonders das gestaffelte Eintreffen der verschiedenen Einheitentypen.

  • werde mir auch eine Box holen, meine Hoffnung bleibt auf einem Revival von Rank&File.

    hatte jemand die Figuren in der Hand und kann etwas zu der Größe sagen? Dachte mal gelesen zu haben dass sie etwas größer sind als alte WHF 28 mm. Fällt das wirklich so stark auf? Gerade im Bezug auf Gelände würde mich der neue Maßstab etwas verunsichern.

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