von BK-Herr Kemper | 17.03.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Chronicle X: Updates und Previews

Archon Studio veröffentlicht Updates und Previews zum Chronicle X Kickstarter.

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Dear backers,

this week we’re very close to finishing all of the sculpting on the miniatures for Chronicle X. Let’s get this update started then!

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Arbiters are ready to work

Those flying drones have the most unexpected purpose you could imagine – they are peacekeeping tools for the Overmind. Sent to conquered a world when there is no resistance left. Except that which the Chronicle X team presents, the Overmind might be surprised. Their special skill is:

  • Protect the Strong. If a friendly model of Value 3 or higher is within 4 squares and Line of Sight loses a Health point, an Arbiter can suffer that damage in place of the targeted model. Any damage suffered in the excess of the Arbiter’s Health is still removed from the target model.

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Tanya Hollow blast her way into Chronicle X

The girl, the vet, the legend – Tanya experienced war long before the Greys invaded Earth. Not afraid of any of them and armed with agrenade launcher, she became a member of the Chronicle X team instantly. Her special skill is:

  • Grenade Hoarder: Tanya starts every mission with either Hand Grenade, Nerve Gas Grenade or Shock Wave Grenade in her Backpack. The controlling player can chose which grenade type. Additionally, if assigned to the Workshop in between missions, she can purchase 1 discarded grenade item without spending any Scrap components.

Jericho Mardas‘ fanfiction short story

Mark Bradfield’s imagination has written another short story in Chronicle X universe: „With fiends like these“. You can read it here.

Print and Play release date gets shifted

We have decided to release thePrint and Play set of the core game next week. We really want to spend a few more days on polishing the documentation and proofreading it to the limit. Next week we will deliver a complete Core Game Print and Play set along with the AI Rules.

Pledge Manager is almost ready to go online

We have planned to launch the Pledge Manager today, but are still working on credit card payments on our Pledge Manager. We want to give you the ability to pay directly with your credit cards. We plan to launch it finally 26th of March.

Gremulus will fix you for good

We have finished sculpting the most weird-looking plumber in the known Universe, Gremulus – theAlien Engineer. His sole purpose is to make sure your Gray troops can hit enemies much harder when shooting. His special ability is Tracking Pulse. If Gremulus makes a Shoot Attack that causes at least 1 Damage, every friendly model can make Shoot Attacks against the target model, ignoring the Line of Sight for that round.

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Link: Chronicle X Kickstarter

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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    • Ich habe bei deren ersten Kickstarter LOAD mitgemacht und war vom ganzen Ablauf absolut begeistert. Die Kommunikation hat gestimmt, er wurde pünktlich ausgeliefert und das Produkt hat auch überzeugt.

  • Habe gestern den Vanguard of War KS bekommen und bin extrem begeistert.

    Die Qualität der Minis ist echt richtig gut.
    Ein paar Monate verzögert kam es, aber das ist ja ganz normal.

    • Wieso verspätet? Die dt. Version war von vorerein für diesen monat avisiert. Ich hatte das auch übersehen und hab im Dezember drauf gewartet. Aber dann mal genauer nachgelesen und schwups war die Lieferung doch pünktlich

  • Als totaler Xcom Fan hadere ich sehr mit mir, ob ich mitmachen soll. Aber irgendwie habe ich ein ungutes Gefühl bei der Vorgeschichte mit Prodos usw. Auch der avisierte Zeitplan ist doch sehr ambitioniert. Schwere Entscheidung.

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