von BK-Christian | 14.12.2018 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

Chestego: Game System Kickstarter

Bei den Brettspiel-Kickstartern haben wir heute etwas sehr spezielles im Angebot.

IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 1

An app assisted fully customizable board game system. Includes 316 pieces total and a burlap carrying bag.

IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 2

An App assisted fully customizable board game. There really is no limit to what you can do. With games that the whole family will love to play and rules that are easy for anyone to learn.

At its core, Chestego is an App assisted board game with some Chess, Checkers, Stratego and Carcassonne DNA all mixed into one!

The board can be built any way you want! Here is list of just a few of the games you can play:​

  • 10×10 Chestego War game
  • 3×10 Sen blocking game
  • 25-27 piece Wur racing game
  • 10×10 Jumps strategy game
  • 10X10 4 player Jumpz strategy game
  • 10×10 Captive game
  • 100 piece Edge.Line building game
  • 9×9 Nef Vikings war game
  • 4×12 Mid war game
  • 10X10 4 Player Warz game
  • 9×9 Sho war game
  • 7×9 Impogre war game
  • T shaped 3 player Warz3 War game
  • T shaped 3 player Jumpz3 strategy game
  • T shaped 3 player Wars3 Co-op 2V1 War game
  • There will be a board and rules submittal area on this web page where you can share a game mode you created.
  • There will also be an area to vote on game modes you have tried and like or dislike. You will be able to comment on all the game modes.

I am an independent game designer and publisher. The design of this has taken over a year and I am constantly improving and adding to it. I intend to keep improving on it and adding more game modes.

Included in each game kit (316 pieces total):

  • 100 Unique reversible board pieces (50 of each color)
  • 100 Main game pieces (50 of each color)
  • 80 Special pieces (8 towers and 72 clusters in 8 colors and custom 3d models for each color)
  • 32 border pieces for the fully customizable border size.
  • 4 dice

 Here are some of the game modes:

IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 3

With 100 tiles you will build a map of edges, lines and dots with each player trying to claim the most points. The App will keep track of your score.

Objective and Rules:

  • You start the game with the Rift (the pieces with the red crack).
  • You start and end the rift with the dot pieces.
  • Then players play from the remaining tiles one at a time.

​Win Condition:

Once all pieces have been played the game is over and the player with the highest score wins.

Click here for more details


Not your typical Checkers/Draught game for sure. Jumps is kinda like Checkers but with a larger board and some new rules and pieces.

IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 4

Rules and objectives:

  • Players move in a diagonal direction and either forward or reverse depending on piece.
  • Players jump their opponent to remove their pieces.
  • Players jump multiple opponents to upgrade their pieces.
  • Players cannot jump pieces that are larger than themselves

Win condition:

  • 1st person to eliminate all of the opponents pieces.

Click here for more details


The same rules as Jumps but with 4 players. It will be brutal but so much fun :).

IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 5

Rules and objectives:

  • Requires 2 more colors  of pieces to play.
  • Each player starts with 2 Leapers and 6 jumpers.
  • The arrows show the forward direction for the jumpers.

Click here for more details


3 player Jumps. One player fights off 2 while preparing for the clash of all three in the center.

IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 6

Rules and objectives:

  • Same rules as Jumps
  • The center player has 4 Leapers and 7 Jumpers while the other two have 3 Leapers and 5 Jumpers

Win condition:

  • 1st person to eliminate all of the opponents pieces.


A variation of a 4000 + year old game called UR.

IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 7

Two versions shown here. The long and short line versions. The long line is definitely more challenging to get your pieces to safety.​

Rules and objectives:

  • Move your pieces from the starting area and into the battle lane.
  • Battle your way to the other side.
  • If you If you land on a dot space you get an extra turn.
  • You can choose to bring in a new piece with a roll or move the same piece.
  • Only one piece may exist in any space at the same time.
  • You knock out the enemy pieces if you land on their space.
  • If you land on a space with a square you gain an extra turn and you can stay in the square safely without risk of being knocked out

Win Condition:

  • Get all of your pieces to the other side

Click here for more details


Coop version of War. Players take up the Queen’s Army or The King’s Army.

IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 8

Rules and objectives:

  • One player gets the Queen and Princess while the other gets the King and the Assassin.
  • One player on the defensive while the other on the offensive but still with one goal. Kill the King.
  • All the normal War rules apply.

Click here for more details


The royal army stands between the King’s and Queen’s armies. In this 2V1 version of War, two players strategize against 1 foe.

IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 9

Es gibt noch zahlreiche weitere Varianten, die wir hier aber nicht alle aufzählen. Ihr findet sie auf der Kickstarter-Seite.

Und das ist drin:


IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 10 IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 11 IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 12


IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 13 IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 14

So sehen die Pledges aus (40 – 55 Dollar für die Plastikvarianten):


Each reward comes with two colors Plus an additional 8 colors of towers and clusters for Edge.Line and Wur in one 8×12 burlap sack. If there is a color combination you would prefer please message me. 

IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 15 IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 16 IG Icefired Games Chestego Game System 17

Das Projekt ist bereits finanziert.

Quelle: Chestego Game System


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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