von BK-Herr Kemper | 12.11.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Canitaurs & Felitaurs: Kickstarter läuft

Der Cenitaurs & Felitaurs KS soll eine Miniaturenserie mit Hund- & Katzentauren finanzieren.


Das Projekt:

Meet the Canitaurs — new unique race of dog centaurs in the most popular roleplay game. This project made by Punga Miniatures and The Deck of Many based on original arts by Nikita Orlov. Here you will find more than 20 high-quality resin miniatures going with the set of special character cards and a booklet with all the setting information that you need to start playing. Part of the figures was able to order since spring 2018 and many of our customers highly rated the quality and sculpt level of miniatures.

Cani Feli Taurs KS

Pledge-Level & Stretch Goals:

Cani Feli Taurs KS4 Cani Feli Taurs KS2 Cani Feli Taurs KS3Cani Feli Taurs KS5 Cani Feli Taurs KS6 Cani Feli Taurs KS7 Cani Feli Taurs KS8

Each Set includes 4 Canitaurs. We have 4 Sets:

Green Set «The Rogues Gallery»:

  • Shiba Bard
  • Chow-chow Brewmaster
  • Chihuahua Merchant
  • Greyhound Ranger

Red Set «Mercs for Hirey»:

  • Pitbull Gladiator
  • Husky Barbarian
  • Akita Samurai
  • Pug Arbalist

Violet Set «Mystical and Arcane»:

  • Great Dane Wizard
  • Poodle Warlock
  • Dachshund Inquisitor
  • St. Bernard Monk
Blue Set «Royal Defenders»:
  • Corgi Guard
  • Doberman Knight
  • Spaniel Admiral
  • German Shepherd Oprichnik

The composition of each Set cannot be changed. If you want to order Canitaurs from different Tiers not ordering the complete Set, you should add miniatures as add-ons.

Die Miniaturen:

In this project, we have done a lot of work and made more than 20 great miniatures of Canitaurs, so that each player can choose a character for himself.
Each Canitaur has its own pre-generated class, cards with parameters, special skills, and a short background.

You can choose Corgi, a brave and honest guard, or Pitbull, a brutal and strong warrior, a Greyhound, nimble and fast ranger or Chihuahua, an intelligent and little merchant. Choose your heroes!

Cani Feli Taurs KS9 Cani Feli Taurs KS10 Cani Feli Taurs KS11 Cani Feli Taurs KS12 Cani Feli Taurs KS13 Cani Feli Taurs KS14 Cani Feli Taurs KS15 Cani Feli Taurs KS16 Cani Feli Taurs KS17 Cani Feli Taurs KS18 Cani Feli Taurs KS19 Cani Feli Taurs KS20 Cani Feli Taurs KS21 Cani Feli Taurs KS22 Cani Feli Taurs KS23 Cani Feli Taurs KS24 Cani Feli Taurs KS25 Cani Feli Taurs KS26 Cani Feli Taurs KS27 Cani Feli Taurs KS28 Cani Feli Taurs KS29 Cani Feli Taurs KS30 Cani Feli Taurs KS31

Our miniatures are cast by hand using silicone molds and pressure chambers. The material of the miniatures is the high-quality resin. Manual work and expensive materials allow us to make miniatures more detailed and qualitative in comparison with usual miniatures from PVC.

Miniatures are divided on average into 3 parts, all miniatures are sent not assembled, you need to use glue for assembly (except the painted models). But we use to convenience connections, so miniatures are easy to assemble.

Canitaurs like different breeds of dogs have different sizes, from 28 mm to 58 mm. Exact dimensions can be found in the FAQ.

Feeling odd about creatures with six paws? That’s OK, we have a solution for you! Corgi, Pitbull, Chihuahua, and Greyhound are sculpted also in four-paws versions — just detach the backside and get the adorable humanoid dog of your favorite breed.

Das Deck:

The Deck of Many: Canitaurs has everything you need to start playing DnD in the world of the Canitaurs, whether you want to explore their world or introduce them into yours! A booklet contains all the setting information and mechanics you need to create Canitaur player characters! It also contains a set of reference cards that include many new Canitaur and Felitaur NPCs and Monsters, including full stat blocks and beautiful illustrations.

Cani Feli Taurs KS32 Cani Feli Taurs KS33 Cani Feli Taurs KS34

Here’s what you can expect from one of our cards:

  • Tarot Card Sized (70mm x 120mm)
  • 330 GSM
  • White Core Linen Stock Paper
  • UV Coated
  • Water Resistant

Deck includes:

  • Booklet with setting information and mechanics
  • 25+ Reference cards

All sorts of adventures might await you when you travel amongst the Canitaurs – will you go on a high seas adventure? Hunt in the woods with the greyhound rangers? The Deck of Many: Canitaurs has all these options – and more!


Cani Feli Taurs KS35

The Legendary Sword of Sir Good Boy

According to the legend of the Canitaurs. When the kingdom of Canitaurs will be in danger, will come warrior who pulls out from the rock „The legendary sword of the Good Boy“ and he will be called the „Sir Good Boy“. This add-on is obtained free of charge by anyone who has bought any set before the start of the campaign.

Cani Feli Taurs KS36

Painting of miniature

You can buy miniature painted by Ruslan Nigmatullin, talented artist painting miniatures for 3 years, participated in various exhibitions, took prizes. Loves walking with his dog and to revise the Lord of the Rings.

In this case, the miniature will be send assembled.

Cani Feli Taurs KS37

Whale Troll

Big Guy was the most popular miniature in our previous campaign, so we decided to make him as an add-on with the Canitaurs!

Cani Feli Taurs KS38


Cani Feli Taurs KS39

This story touched our hearts so hard so we decided to create another Canitaur for Snowy. Now Snowy is passed away. Many of us have lost our little friends, so her miniature will help to memorialize it. Sculpting of Snowy is now in progress and miniature soon will be shown.

Cani Feli Taurs KS40

Was sind Canitauren?

Somewhere in the great multiverse, you may find a world, quite different from our own. This is a world where animals have become sentient and established great civilizations and amazing cultures. There is a place for religion, economy, art, politics and even war. In this world, we find the Kingdom of Hundalia.

Hundalia is unlike any place you have ever seen. At first, you might notice the cozy small villages, the lush forests or the wide-spread farmlands. Some aspects of this kingdom may seem familiar at first, however, you won’t find many humans amongst the Hunds.

As you traverse the more populated areas, you will meet many canine-like creatures walking upright amongst the streets and fields. These are the Canitaur. Canitaurs are friendly, hard-working and down-to-earth folk. They enjoy little more than spending time with friends and family and meeting new people. If you are friendly and trustworthy to them, you could easily make a friend for life.

Cani Feli Taurs KS41

Hundalians are a proud people. They value loyalty and honesty very highly and this translates to their normal lives as well. A Canitaur would not lie (unless in a life-threatening situation) and takes it as a given that others would not lie to them. Because of this, trust is high amongst the Canitaur and people speak openly and know what to expect from each other.

Custom Minis:

 After the first Canitaurs arts posted, many pet owners have written that they want to see their little friends as Canitaurs heroes. And we understand them! We conducted an honest poll about what breeds are added to Canitaurs, more than 100 people voted, and the most 5 popular options we added to Canitaur world.

At the moment we already have this list of breeds: Corgi, Pitbull, Chihuahua, Doberman, Greyhound, Husky, Chow-chow, Shiba-Inu, Poodle, Spaniel, Pug, Great Dane, Dachshund, German Shepherd, Saint Bernard, Akita-Inu.

Cani Feli Taurs KS42

Unfortunately, we can not create Canitaurs of all breeds. But for who want to create their own Canitaur or Felitaur, we give this opportunity and make the limited reward „The Creator“.

We will create a Canitaur with your choice for the breed/class and character name.

Cani Feli Taurs KS43

Note! The miniature will be made in a SINGLE copy, all rights to the artworks and miniatures belong to backer.

In addition, we will start another survey, in which the most popular breed will be added to the campaign as an addon and is available to all backers.


This project could never exist without artist Nikita Orlov who created the set of Battledoge characters last autumn. The conception of half dogs-half centaurs literally blew up the Internet and got sight by our studio (Punga Miniatures) and then The Deck of Many. We suggested to sculpt Canitaurs (because we love awesome concepts) and Nikita couldn’t refuse. After that, The Deck of Many (who loves awesome concepts too) came up with the idea of turning our doges to DnD race.

Cani Feli Taurs KS44a

Cani Feli Taurs KS44b

Stretch Goals:

 But what about Cats? We have them! Meet the chaotic Felitaurs — not necessarily cruel or evil, but very cunning feline creatures with all kinds of plots of their own. Also we plan to create miniatures of Monsters and Gods.

Once all 4 Felitaur Strech Goals are unlocked, they will be available to order as 5th Set — Emerald.

Cani Feli Taurs KS45 Cani Feli Taurs KS46 Cani Feli Taurs KS47 Cani Feli Taurs KS48 Cani Feli Taurs KS49 Cani Feli Taurs KS50 Cani Feli Taurs KS51 Cani Feli Taurs KS52 Cani Feli Taurs KS53


Finanzierung: 29.000+ EUR von 5.000 EUR

Backer: 260+

Ende: 6. Dezember 2018 21:04 CET

Link: Canitaurs and Felitaurs Miniatures KS

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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      • IIRC kann man die Minis entweder 2- oder 4-beinig bauen, also die Hinterbeine sind separat. Zumindest waren die Preview-Minis so konzipiert. Auf der KS-Seite gibt es auch Bilder von der 2-beinigen Version.

      • Okay, nach eingehender Untersuchung muss ich mich korrigieren:

        “ Feeling odd about creatures with six paws? That’s OK, we have a solution for you! Corgi, Pitbull, Chihuahua, and Greyhound are sculpted also in four-paws versions — just detach the backside and get the adorable humanoid dog of your favorite breed.“

        Also nur 4 von den Minis koennen 2-beinig gebaut werden.

      • Danke für die Info. Schade, dass nur vier von den Minis Zweibeinig zusammengebaut werden können. Auf zwei Beinen gefallen sie mir deutlich besser.

  • Irgendwie geht das Thema so vollkommen an mir vorbei. Ich wüsste gar nix mit den Figuren anzufangen.
    Aber anscheinend gibt es einen Markt für diese Figuren.

  • Nun, die Idee gab es ja schon vor ein paar Monaten. Da hatte man aber normalen Hundemodellen Fantasy Ausrüstung verpasst. Das fand ich putzig – und deswegen habe ich für schmales Geld auch mitgemacht. Diese „Hunde-Zentauren“ hier sind im Vergleich komischerweise aber so gar nicht mein Fall. Da hätte man lieber komplett auf die antropomorphe Schiene a la diverse Disney Filme und Serien setzen sollen.

    Gut designt sind die Minis aber, keine Frage.

  • Habe bei deren vorherigen KS „SAVAGE ORCS TEAM“ mitgemacht. Die Kommunikation/ Updates war eher dürftig. Dafür gab es aber nur eine Verzögerung von etwas über einem Monat bei der Lieferung und was noch wichtiger ist. Es wurde eine hervorragende Gussqualität geliefert.

  • Sehr eigen, aber mit mit so viel Leibe und Detailversessenheit und Professionalität umgesetzt -> grossartig 😀

  • Das ist so ein Projekt bei dem ich denke dafür gibt es Kickstarter. Da wird etwas produziert was sonst nie erschienen wäre!

  • Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse! Jetzt gibt es bereits 8 Modelle mit 4 Beinen, für die Zentauren zu seltsam sind.

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