von BK-Herr Kemper | 05.04.2018 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Steampunk

Brigade Models: Neuerscheinungen

Brigade Models wird auf der Salut eine Reihe von Neuerscheinungen Im Gepäck haben.

Brigade Salut 2018 News

Kleine Transportraumschiffe – je 1,00 GBP

More Salute previews today – and the first confirmed releases (that is, nailed down with product codes, prices ‘n’ all). This is a series of small merchant starships – probably privately owned vessels, running errands and cargoes (and possibly fugitives) for anyone who stumps up the price of a full load of fuel. Think Traveller Free Traders or, most famously from large and small screen, the Millennium Falcon or the Serenity. There are five designs in all, each around 1″ long, or roughly 75 metres at the 1/3000th scale that we state for our spaceships range.

SFS-5015 – Ixion – £1.00
SFS-5016 – Starlight Envoy – £1.00
SFS-5017 – Random Quasar – £1.00
SFS-5018 – Celestial Rose – £1.00
SFS-5019 – Solar Mariner – £1.00
SFSP-5002 – Merchant Convoy #2 – £22.00 (A new merchant convoy pack contains one each of the previous release of larger merchants (SFS-5010 to -5014) and two each of the new smaller vessels, plus bases.)

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Britische Aeronef

The final phase of our British Aeronef replacement programme is a new fighter carrier model. This is the Furious, a two-deck vessel which carries up to 18 fighters. The model is resin hulled with a separate full-length metal flight deck and other bits. The main hangar deck is visible from the end and sides, so we’re looking forward to seeing lots of aerial mini-dioramas of the interior.

The Furious carries two new types of fighter aircraft – the Fitton SE-32 Scout biplane fighter, and Thornton Aviation’s TA-7 2-seat pusher heavy fighter. Both new models will also be available at Salute.

The fourth new British Aeronef is the Ark Royal, an Airship tender. Based on a commercial merchant hull, this has a massive blimp hangar amidships and a decent light cruiser armament in two forward turrets.

VAN-122 – SE-32 Fitton Scout (x6) – £1.25
VAN-123 – Thornton TA-7 2-seat Fighter (x6) – £1.50
VAN-124 – Furious Class Fighter Carrier – £8.50
VAN-125 – Ark Royal class Airship Tender – £8.00

Advance warning – when the Furious is released, it will replace the older Albion model, so if you want any more Albions – get them while you can !

Brigade Salut 2018 News4

Thunderbolt Division – Viking & Varningr -15mm

Today we’re unveiling a new 15mm model for the Thunderbolt Division, a mercenary unit from the Slammerversethat relies mainly on half-tracked vehicles (and you thought half-tracks were obsolete …). This is the Viking, a smaller recce vehicle also used for towing cargo and weapon trailers. The model has a resin hull with 10 metal parts including the turret, for which there are two options, cannon or missile launcher.

Also available is the Varningr trailer which comes in three variants – a plain cargo trailer, an MRLS version with a 9-barrelled rocket launcher and a calliope trailer with an 8-barrelled anti-missile system.

HS15-1816 – Br64 Viking Recce – £6.00
HS15-1817 – Br68 Viking Missile – £6.00
HS15-1818 – Varningr Cargo Trailer – £3.00
HS15-1818a – Varningr MRLS Trailer – £4.00
HS15-1818b – Varningr Calliope Trailer – £4.50

We haven’t forgotten the larger Dragoon half-tracks – we’re hoping to get those released sometime very soon, once we’ve finished remoulding the metal parts and sorted out a few wrinkles with the casting of the resin hull.

Briagde Model Salut 2018 News 6

Broadsword, Odyssey & Catapult – 15mm

We previewed a number of new wheeled vehicles a few days ago, and I’ve now had a chance to paint some. This first batch of three vehicles form the core of several mercenary units including the Apex Dragoons (in whose colours I’ve painted these), Han Black Banner Brigade, the Hindi Army and more.

The Broadsword is a large 8×8 armoured fighting vehicle, essentially a wheeled tank but with space to carry troops in some versions. The Apex Dragoons use it as a tank destroyer, missile carrier and area-defence vehicle.

The Odyssey and Catapult are two similar vehicles built on the same 6×6 chassis. The Odyssey is a troop-carrying APC while the Catapult is a more general purpose weapon-carrier.

We’re still finalising the turret options for these three vehicles (which is why the Catapult doesn’t have one in the photo – it’s still being moulded !), we may keep it to a relatively small number for Salute and put the full range on the website afterwards.

HS15-2111 – Broadsword Tank Destroyer – £9.00
HS15-2112 – Odyssey 6×6 APC – £7.50
HS15-2113 – Catapult 6×6 AFV – £7.50

Link: Brigade Models

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Die neuen Frachtraumer sind sehr hübsch geworden, wenn auch igendwie vertraut…. *grübel*
    Werde dieses Jahr auf der Crisis aber sicher den Jungs mal einen Besuch abstatten

  • der Raumtransporter zweiter von links sieht genau so aus , wie aus dem PC Spiel Star Wolves gefällt mir

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    „…and don’t fly in anything with a Capissen 38 Mark II engine – they fall right out of the sky…“ – Kaywinnit Lee Frye

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