von BK-Herr Kemper | 09.07.2018 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Brigade Models: 6mm Structures

Für die Freunde des 6mm Maßstabes – Buried & Underground Structures.

Brigade Buried S

Buried Structures – 6mm – Resin

The desert is a harsh environment, with the combination of sun, sand and wind making life difficult for anyone trying to eke out an existence among the dunes. Some colonists have tried to protect themselves from the climate by digging themselves into the terrain and building their houses, workshops underground. In some cases they’ve built above ground and then buried the structures under a layer of plascrete and sand, leaving just the doors and windows exposed, with a few vents and exhausts.

Today we’ve added three underground structures to the website – a couple of small houses and a larger complex with garage doors and a large exhaust fan. There’s also a pack available containing one large structure and three each of the smaller ones. They’re listed under a new category of buildings, Underground Structures.

They are all one-piece resin castings which will make a rather different addition to your 6mm desert Sci-fi layout. We’ll have stock of these at the Joy of Six in a couple of weeks.

BP300-701 – Buried Structures Pack – £15.00
B300-701 – Large Buried Structure – £4.50
B300-702 – Small Buried House #1 – £2.00
B300-703 – Small Buried House #2 – £2.00

Brigade Buried S2 Brigade Buried S3 Brigade Buried S4 Brigade Buried S5 Brigade Buried S6

Sunken Structures – 6mm – Resin

For want of a better name, we’ve called these ones Sunken Structures. They’re based around a courtyard sunk into the ground around 25 feet or so, with doors and tunnels leading off from the open central area. Windows and vents pierce the side walls and exhaust towers protrude above the surface. Access from ground level can be by simple stairs cut into the rock or elevators running up the side of the pits. Some are accessed through small entrance buildings on the surface above. One of the structures is an octagonal pit with a large workshop door off to one side, intended as a below-ground landing bay.

The models are one-piece resin castings. They’re all cast as simple square or rectangular pieces, and all are 25mm deep – the idea is for them to be modelled into a terrain baseboard or hill/mesa using 25mm thick insulation foam (inexpensive white polystyrene can be had from Wickes in the UK for just £7 for an 8’x4′ sheet). I’ll write an article on this in the near future, I promise.

We’ll have stocks of these at the Joy of Six next week. We’re getting close to the deadline for advance orders for the show, especially if you would like me to bring anything that’s not either 6mm or Small Scale Scenery.

BP300-702 – Sunken Structures Pack – £17.50

B300-704 – Sunken Structure #1 – £4.00
B300-705 – Sunken Structure #2 – £5.00
B300-706 – Sunken Structure #3- £5.00
B300-707 – Sunken Landing Pad- £5.00

Link: Brigade Models


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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