von BK-Herr Kemper | 09.12.2018 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Steampunk

Briagde Models: Updates

Brigade Models zeigt Neuheiten und Updates.

Brigade Soviet Carrier

Soviet Supercarrier – 12,00 GBP

The Neo-Soviet Ulyanovsk supercarrier made its debut at Crisis last weekend, and today makes it onto the website. At 115mm long, this is a huge model, the largest spaceship we’ve produced so far. The hull is resin, with four metal engines, three heavy gun turrets and a metal bridge to top it all off. It carries as many as fourteen fighter groups, along with the three battleship-class mass accelerator turrets and a myriad of secondary weapons. It has hefty shielding along with armour plating, so is a very tough nut to crack – you can find the Starmada-X playsheet here.

Brigade Hangar 1 Brigade Hangar 2

Hangar Waagnite – 10,00 GBP

We have another addition today – it should have been on the website last week, but I left the painted model at the workshop so couldn’t take the photos !

Anyway, this is the previously-mentioned Antwerp dockside warehouse know as Hangar 29 Waagnatie, or more relevantly the venue for Crisis. It would make a very imposing and useful model for any dockyard layout, not just a Belgian one. It’s a whopping 240mm long with thirteen arched roof bays.

Brigade SilverbackSB 1 Brigade SilverbackSB 2 Brigade SilverbackSB 3 Brigade SilverbackSB 4 Brigade SilverbackSB 5

Hammer’s Slammers – Silverback – Preview

Now to see who reads all the way down this far … thanks ! Here’s a preview of a new Hammer’s Slammers tank destroyer, the Silverback. Readers of Miniature Wargames will have seen this already in the review section, but it’ll be new to the rest of you. I have masters for the 15mm and 6mm (hi David !) versions and production moulds for the 15mm hull have already been made, I’m just waiting on Phil to make the master mould for the metal parts. It’ll be one of our first releases of 2019 and might even squeeze in the back end of this year. It’s a bit of a monster, equal in size to a Slammer’s M2 blower tank and carrying the largest gun (25cm powergun) of any vehicle in the Crucible.

Brigade Exeter Brigade Arethusa BrigadeEscorts BrigadeOrion

Aeronef Previews

First off, the latest sale update … we’ve shipped all but three orders from November, so I’m currently about four days behind – which isn’t too bad, it means I’m at least keeping up and not slipping any further. I’m hoping that we can repeat last year’s achievement of clearing everything before the Christmas holiday starts.

In between stints at the workshop I’ve been doing a little bit of design work. One of our goals for next year is to start replacing all of the cruisers and escorts for the major powers now that we’ve finished the capital ships (well nearly – the USA will get their new models first thing in January). We’ll start with the British, with the aim of having those ready for release at Salute in April. There are seven models to be replaced, and we’re also hoping to squeeze in a couple of new designs as well.

As you can see, I’ve based these new ones on the existing designs but with the addition of separate turrets on the larger vessels (which then gives us the option of offering an AA version of the Arethusa by swapping out the gun turrets for AA ones). And they’ll generally just be slightly better overall with more details and little touches like windows that are inset rather than proud of the surface.

Link: Brigade Models


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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