von BK-Nils | 28.11.2018 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

Blood Bowl: 2018 Blood Bowl Almanac Vorschau

Auf der Warhammer-Community gibt es eine Vorschau auf den 2018 Blood Bowl Almanac, ein Erweiterungsbuch für Blood Bowl.

2018 Blood Bowl Almanac – What’s in the Book?

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The 2018 Blood Bowl Almanac, this year’s ultimate companion volume to the game of fantasy football, is available to pre-order from Saturday. In celebration of this glorious hardback publication, we’re taking a quick look at what you can expect to find within its Nuffle-blessed pages:

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First and foremost, the 2018 Almanac includes all three issues of Spike! Journal released to date! If you missed out on any of them, here’s a brief overview of the contents of each issue:

Spike! Journal Issue 1

The inaugural issue focussed on Chaos Chosen teams and the formidable Star Players that they can hire. The history of the mighty Doom Lords is divulged in an in-depth article, followed by a trio of Star Player Spotlights on Scyla Anfingrimm, Gobbler Grimlich and the legendary Lord Borak the Despoiler. Among other tidbits of Blood Bowl lore, there’s a Chaos Chosen playbook and rules for using a variety of wizards as inducements – they can even turn an opposing player into a frog!

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Spike! Journal Issue 2

Issue 2 had a distinctly Dark Elf feel on account of the return of the Naggaroth Nightmares to the gridiron. The Dark Elf team and their available pool of Star Players is introduced in full, and the somewhat dastardly history of the Naggaroth Nightwings (who would eventually evolve into the Nightmares) is revealed. Hall of Famers Roxanna Darknail, Asperon Thorn and Hubris Rakarth feature in this issue’s Star Player Spotlights, and the Dark Elf playbook is handy for new and experienced players alike. There are also rules for additional sideline staff, including specialist coaches or more esoteric aides such as a weather mage or Druchii sports sorceress!

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Spike! Journal Issue 3

You may need to wash your hands (and eyeballs*) after reading this section, as it’s all about Nurgle teams. Foremost among these, and subject of a detailed team focus, are Nurgle’s Rotters – after all, the Plague Lord himself is the team’s owner! Guffle Pusmaw, Bilerot Vomitflesh, Bulla Shardhorn and Tolly Glocklinger are all subjects of Star Player Spotlights alongside regular columns such as Chat With the Rat and Coffin Corner (an obituary of fallen players). There is also a Nurgle playbook and rules for a motley assortment of sideline assistants, including Plague Doctors, Cavorting Nurglings and even a Horticulturalist of Nurgle.

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But there’s more than just the Spike! Journals in the book – check out some of the additional content in the 2018 Blood Bowl Almanac that was previously only available in sources such as White Dwarf magazine over the course of the year:

– Rules for legendary Dwarf Brewmaster Josef Bugman as either a coach or a Star Player!

– Star Player rules for Grombrindal – the White Dwarf himself – and his nemesis, the Black Gobbo

– Optional rules for using Elven Union special balls, and the rules for using the Elven Summer Ice Stadium Blood Bowl Pitch

– A Star Player summary table featuring no fewer than 41 Star Players

– An up-to-date FAQ

– A short story describing the strange events that took place when the Crimson Spikes visited the Reikland Reavers

That’s quite a lot to fit into a single book, we’re sure you’ll agree. The 2018 Blood Bowl Almanac will be available to pre-order this weekend, but in the meantime, you can pick up your Doom Lords, Naggaroth Nightmaresand Nurgle’s Rotters teams here.

* For the record, please don’t!

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ist denn da überhaupt was für Blitz Bowl geplant?

    Das kann ich wenigstens in meiner Gruppe an den Mann bringen…macht schnell richtig Gaudi.

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