von BK-Nils | 15.12.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

BlizZone and Blitz&Roll: Kickstarter läuft

Ein leicht zu transportierbares Spielfeld für Fantasy Football Spiele soll mit dem BlizZone and Blitz&Roll Kickstarter finanziert werden.


Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 1

This is a personal project, one in which we have been embarked for quite a long time and has evolved quite a lot! Many hours of dedication and a great deal of enthusiasm have gone into this and, with your support, we are very eager for it to come true!

Want to help make this awesome? Please, spread the word!

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Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 2

The BlitzZone and the Blitz&Roll are completely different concepts for high quality portable fantasy Football gaming fields. They offer a simple, compact and ready to play portable solution to your gaming needs upon opening. At the same time they offer an easy and safe alternative to transporting all that you require to play a perfect Fantasy Football match; be it either the field, the capacity for two complete teams of miniatures, the dugouts, markers and counters, etc.

We also know that many of us fans dream of setting up and customizing our gaming field; but to start from scratch is quite a cumbersome challenge.

To this purpose, the BlitzZone and Blitz&Roll have both been designed to serve as a starting base for your dreamed projects. With each one of them your technical issues are solved; a completely functional and finished piece of work with a design that meets all requirements; from that point on you may paint, transform, model, engrave, … simply put customize it in order to create your personalized gaming field. Yet, we still offer a number of improvements and features throughout the campaign in order for you to be able to help you customize your BlitzZone or Blitz&Roll, with many options to choose from.

Your perfect match. Anywhere. Anytime.

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 3 Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 4

The new BlitzZone has been adjusted to the new Fantasy Football gaming field size and is at the same time customized so that it occupies the least surface necessary in order for you to take your gaming experience anywhere you like! Closed up it is a compact and comfortable carrying case. Its leatherette lined handle provides a comfortable hand held carrying experience and, additionally, a very simple strap system allows for it to be set as a hand free transportable alternative.

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 5

The design has been thought for it to provide an amazing gaming field which is compact and diaphanous, with the handle and straps remaining properly kept away. Beneath the field you find two spacious side trays that open up on the side, holding the dugouts for each team, turn and reroll markers, and at the backside of these side trays you have large foam trays for carrying your dice, counters and miniatures, properly stored and very well protected.

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 6

You can open up your BlitzZone just about on any surface, no matter how small. Just a minimum surface requirement at least 30 cm wide is necessary, and by means of the straps the BlitzZone will account for a stable base, with the rest of the structures remaining safely secure even if they are in mid air!

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 7

The BlitzZone consists of:

  • A digitally printed textile gaming field with the officialy sanctioned size (to choose from all the field designs unlocked and between the classic 29mm grid or the current 34mm grid). The textile surface provides a firm and stable gaming field which protects your miniatures during games and simulates a grass field.
  • Main structure case, manufactured in Medium Density fibreboard material, light and robust, with stainless steel ironworks. It contains each team’s scoreboard, throw in templates, FAME counters and a spinning weather token.
  • Two side side trays which each open up showing the adjustable turn and reroll markers as well as the dugout with the traditional reserves, KO and injured boxes for each team. At the back end of each side tray there is a foam tray that can hold up to 17 x miniatures with 32mm bases as well as 4 extra large slots for big guys, speacial miniatures, dice, counters and templates.

Additionally, exclusive to this campaign:

  • 1 dice set: 3 Keko-dice and a D8.
  • 2 Keko-Balls, exclusive ball tokens modeled by artist ªRU-MOR and manufactured by escenorama.

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 8

1) Home scoreboard, 2) Fame counter, 3) Scatter template, 4) Wheather spinning tokens, 5) Home dugouts, 6) Re-rolls counter, 7) Second half counter, 8) First half counter, 9) Home team tray, 10) Team label, 11) Away team tray, 12) Away dugouts, 13) Miniatures case (For tray: 17x 32mm compartments and 4x Big guys compartments), 14) Textil game field, 15) Away scoreboard.

Dimensions of the BlitzZone:

  • 54,20 cm (A) x 55,00 cm (B) / 21,35 inches (A) x 21,67 inches (B)(closed, Handle incluyed)
  • 77,20 cm (B+D) x 95,00 cm (C) / 30,41 inches (B+D) x 37,43 inches (C)(opened, trays incluyed)

Weight:  5,9 Kg

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 9

Our second customized Fantasy Football Field Carrying Case, lighter and sporting half the size. Just like the BlitzZone, it accounts for a leatherette lined handle and strap system for offering two different carrying options, hand held or backpack. The gaming field is flexible and can be rolled up around a Medium Density fibreboard structure which contains all the counters, markers, dugouts and side trays where the miniatures are stored.

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 10

The Blitz&Roll consists of:

The gaming field is an textile surface mat which can be rolled up. The outer side is leatherette while the inner side is a digitally printed surface with the official sanctioned gaming grid (to choose from all the field designs unlocked and between the classic 29mm grid or the current 34mm grid).

Main structure case, manufactured in Medium Density fibreboard material, light and robust. It contains each team’s scoreboard, turn and reroll markers and templates. All mobile elements are perfectly integrated, including a compartment that accounts for a dice tower.

And of course two side trays with a foam lined compartment where to store your miniatures for safe transport and protection.

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 11

Additionally, exclusive to this campaign:

  • 1 dice set: 3 Keko-dice and a D8.
  • 2 Keko-Balls, exclusive ball tokens modeled by artist ªRU-MOR and manufactured by escenorama.

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 12

1) First half counter, 2) Second half counter, 3) Re-rolls counter, 4) Home/Away dugouts, 5)Team label, 6) Scatter template, 7) Secret dice tower, 8) Home/Away scoreboard, 9) Fame counter, 10) Synthethic L. leather handle, 11) Textil game field, 12) Weather spinning token, 13) Miniatures tray (For tray: 16x 32mm compartments and 2x Big guys compartments), 14)Folding stairs.

Dimensions of the Blitz&Roll:

  • 64,00 cm x 26,00 cm / 25,20 inches x 10,24 inches (closed, Handle included)
  • 53,30 cm x 94,00 cm / 21,06 inches x 37,04 inches (pitch fully extended)

Weight:  3,2 Kg


 Exclusively for this Kickstarter campaign the BlitzZone and Blitz&Roll sets will include a set of Keko-Dice. Designed by Kekonomicon and manufactured by Akaro Dice. The Keko-Dice combine the blocking and D6 features into a single dice normally employed in Fantasy Football games. With keko-Dice you will have two dice fit into one, with an original and easy to use design.

You may choose between two dice models.

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 13


The BlitzZone is designed as a portable gaming field, which accounts for all the necessary features to play games or tournies in a case that offers minimum volume and weight possible, easy to store.

Should you account for your own gaming spot, where transporting your materials is not a priority (such as your gaming club or your own household), we’ve also considered designing a series of scegraphy pieces to complement your BlitzZone. With them you can set up a complete Fantasy Football, creating an inmersive gaming experience and funtional at the same time, allowing to easily and cofortably play without any cumbersome obstacles.

We’ve designed an adapter piece that will allow you to use these additional features with the Blitz&Roll as well, so you don’t have to miss out on anything and take yourFantasy football experience to another level.

This adapter can even help you combine the scenography with almost any other gaming field you may already have in your collection.

You can choose your scenography set from all those which have been unlocked from the add-on section during the campaign. The first one which will be available from the begining of the campaign is “The Maiden’s Clearing”, but as the campaign progresses, new set designs may be unlocked.

Pledge Levels

If you want more than one of a particular model, just multiply the pledge by the desired number and set the total as your pledge amount. Please note that the Early Bird version is limited to one-per-backer.

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 14 Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 15 Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 16

Stretch Goals

As the campaign progresses, we will be unlocking two types of Stretch Goals: “Kekons” –free for all pledge levels– and optional add-ons. So please help us spread the word and stay tuned to see which surprises are awaiting for you!

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 17


Depending on your chosen options, you may have one or more free cool add-ons which will enrich your gaming experience. And of course you can get more! For more add-ons, simply increase your pledge in the “pledge amount“ box by the total of the add-ons you want to add anytime during the campaign.

Painted Sets

One of the added features (BlitzZone o Blitz&Roll) consists in getting a painted version of the selected case by adding the amount to your selected pledge. This is already included in the Dwarf Juggernaut pledge option.

This is only available for the BlitzZone and the Blitz&Roll, it is not available for scenography nor any of the other additional add-ons.

Various colour schemes are available depending on the selected model.

The info regarding color schemes on painted editions will be collected after the campaign via the pledge manager.

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 18

Gaming Field

 “The Maiden’s Clearing” gaming field that is included in the BlitzZone or Blitz&Roll, with a 34mm grid. You may change this model for anyone of the other unlocked gaming fields that have the same price.

You may opt for an additional field by adding to your pledge the corresponding amount of your selected field. You can choose the grid size according to the classic gaming fields, 29mm, or the new grid size of 34mm.

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 19

Scenography Set

 You may replace the Scenography set model A of your “MINOTAUR CHAMPION” Pledge for the Scenography set model B or C, for no additional cost.

Kekonomicon BlizZone And Blitz&Roll (Fantasy Football) Kickstarter 20

Reaching the End!

For more than two years, we’ve been testing and improving our product design and prototypes in order to offer you the best end result possible. At the same time, we’ve been working closely with suppliers to achieve realistic goals and competitive costs. Thanks to your help, after the campaign ends we will be able to follow this timeline:

  • January  . 2019 –  Receive funds / Complete agreements with providers / Production design optimization**
  • February. 2019 –  Receive supply / Production begins / Assembly / Quality tests
  • April       . 2019 –  Shipping begins! Be aware that, due to this being a semi- handcrafted product, our production capacity is of 20 units per month**

(**) based on the exact number of backers, (***) based on backer order

Shipping Info

Please note that customs, taxes –outside the European Economic Community– nor shipping costs are included in the pledge options. In order to make sure that all backer information is up-to-date so we can ensure fair rates, we will collect shipping fees after the campaign ends via the pledge manager.

As a reference, here is a list of quotes for shipping costs, packing included; These costs do not include taxes nor any customs management fees:

  • Zone 1: 12€ (Spain-Península))
  • Zone 2: 15€ (Portugal)
  • Zone 3: 30€ (France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, UK, Luxembourg, Italy, Denmark and Holland)
  • Zone 4: 55€ (Finland and Sweden)
  • Zone 5: 75€ (USA and Canada)

Rest of the world, please ask us.

Should you decide to back pledge nº1 (which accounts for free shipping), in case you decide to further support the Project with different add-ons please consider that some shipping costs will also be added according to the ítems selected. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further questions or require further details concerning this or any other issues related to the Project.

Thanking you in advance for your support!

Our Team

Kekonomicon is a creative, dedicated and enthusiastic young team composed by two architects –Manuel Ruíz Moreno and José Carlos Montes Ríos– driven by their twofold passion for games and design. But a dream like this needs counsel and support. We are lucky for being able to count on many people which have helped us on our project abd to whom we would like to present our deepest gratitude:

ªRU-MOR, illustrator, sculptress, miniaturist, graphic designer and much more! She’s been our mentor and a big supporter since the very first steps of our amazing adventure. She’s not just the one behind part of the artwork, she also suggested a few cool ideas which have been implemented in the final design.

Fernando Tejero, Laboratory Technician at the Industrial Design Department, EPS prototype workshop. We’ve had countless concepts and ideas to test. Without his support, the prototype development would have been plainly impossible. Whenever we visit him, we learn something new.

Clint García Alibrandi, Biologist and a great fan of Fantasy football, as well as a great friend. He has offered us invaluable help with his personal experience and advice, as well as the heavy work of text editing and translation.

Manuel Pariente from Escenorama. A outstanding professional within the sector of gaming scenery and head of a quality company with many years of experience in the design and manufacturing of wargaming elements. No other company would be better for the production of the tokens and miniatures for our campaign.

Daniel López from Akaro Dice. An incredibly talented professional, very passionate of his work; and a reference when it comes to manufacturing customised dice sets. We are proud to count with his collaboration for manufacturing our gaming dice, offering a great quality product.

Antonio Felipe, Susana, Patricia and Fernando. Many friends have supported and encouraged us, but we would like to especially mention these great ones. Always there when you need them, raising spirits.

Our families, who have been always supportive no matter how much time we spent working on such an exciting project.

And of course, a big thank YOU to you all backers for your support and for spreading the word. With your help you will not just make this a reality, but will also help us in more projects to come!!!

Risks and challenges

Even though we have carefully planed every detail to avoid delays, we can never be 100% sure that unforeseen events may occur during the whole process. That being said, we are confident in our estimations as we ourselves are manufacturers and have face-to-face contact with almost all of our providers. The estimated delivery time will begin in April 2019 and will be based on backer order.

Learn about accountability on Kickstarter

Questions about this project? Check out the FAQ

Die Kampagne steht bei 5.779,00 USD von einem Finanzierungsziel von 7.385,00 USD und läuft noch 25 Tage.

Quelle: BlizZone and Blitz&Roll (Fantasy football) auf Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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